Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 631 genius war, the second round!

"It turned out to be a big man in this man."

"Moreover, Xuan is a big man to apologize to me?"

Looking at this incomparably, we feel uncomfortable and gentle, the white robe is a bit dizzy.

At this time, some strong people in other rooms around the surroundings also perceive this purple man's arrival.

"Mr. Xuan Yi, did not expect this day of the birthplace, it is to come personally?" The vaginal of the evil spirits was quite humble.

"Xuan Yi, your ancient gap, the eternal existence is not all dead, so that this is the first person to come from personally?" Say this is the black haired old man in Yunhai Xiancai, this black old man Although the speech is not good, you can still hear him from this purple man, and have a deep jealous.

"Mr. Xuanyi personally came, this day, the grand event is born." Do not destroy the emperor's middle-aged and cool.

On the triple, they are still better, while others from the top of the top, those who are medium or weak, can be a fear of this purple man is' mysterious one.

"Haha ~~ I will come to casually, if it is able to bring a few little guys for my ancient gates, it is good." Zifa men's Xuan Yi smiled casually.

After paying a few words, Xuan Yi looked at the White Robe in front of him. "Let's give me the two information."

"Yes." White Robe received two information to Xuanyi.

Xuanyi took the first to see the nine hundred genius of the ancient circulation, but Xuan Yi just plays with an eye, then put this information aside, then pick up a hundred genius of the ancient world, but It took carefully.

"This little guy from the world is, there are several good things." Xuan is a little laugh.

This is to make the white robe can't help but mistake.

Task, the three giants in the sky, there are other eight top sectors, which is not a mass of the ancient world, so that this hundred genius in the ancient world, the three giants, the top eight top paradise is not very concerned, This is a big man from the ancient gang, and the genius of the ancient world is dry, but more than one hundred geniuses in the ancient world?

"Peak, fire and baby, iceberg, sword is unparalleled ... These little guys can be, but they don't worry, first look at the performance of them in the second round." Xuan muttered, then next to it Sitting at the seat at random.

Soon, ten days have passed.

The second round of genius, will be launched!

On the campus, whether it is from the ancient circles or a lot of geniuses from the ancient world, one by one.

Many people are more hot.

Most of these eyes are not invited by Zongmen, or have not been valued by ourselves.

Everyone knows that the genius war is divided into four rounds, only the first round of fundamental explanation can't.

And many people in the first round of genius, have not worked all.

"Ten days have arrived!"

"Next, it is the second round of geniic war!"

On the void, the middle-aged man who hosted the Tianzhu event was magnificent, and the echoing of the whole campus was ringing.

"The second round is different from the first round, the second round genius war, your opponent is not other geniuses, but ... the battle!"

After the middle-aged man said, he waved, and immediately appeared five high platforms in front of this campus. This high platform area is very large, enough to make the two Lingxiao strong struggle to shot a war, and these five high Taiwan, It is wrapped in a disabled.

And on the five high platforms, there are two meters high.

The battle!

Five high Taiwan, it is the five battlefields, every battlefield, there is a war, a total of five warfare.

"Listen." Middle-aged man's voice continued to sound, "This second round of genius is very simple, there are five battlefields here, you can enter one of the battlefields, with the battlefield, as long as you can fight here I haven't killed half an hour in hand, and I have passed. "

Hearing this, many geniuses on the campus are always.

Just just need to stick to the half anxiety in the war, the second round is better than the first round of steps.

But the difficulty is definitely larger than the first round.

"Now, according to the name I have read, five people, a batch of batch." Middle-aged man said around.

"Long Xin!"

"Blood is extremely good!"


"North Cangwang!"

"Zhuge Qing!"

"You are five, the first batch."

I immediately walked forward to five people who called the name in the middle-aged man.

Among these five people, there were four from the ancient circles, and there is a North Cangwang, but it is from the ancient world.

The five people quickly entered their respective battlefields.

As the first batch of five geniuses, some are somewhat, after all, they don't know how the strength of the battle is.

"Start." Middle-aged man is cold.

With a cold drink, the five battlemen in the battlefield immediately shot.

The five battle, the body is concurrent, and they have a long gun in their hands, and the speed is also amazing.

The five-star battle appeared in front of their respective opponents, followed by directly.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Five offensive, all pierced the air.


Many talents on the campus can be seen very clearly from the ban on the ban on the battlefield. Seeing the moment of the five battle, many people are a shrinkage, obviously these five warfare Strengthen themselves.

"These five preliminations."

The sword is not slightly smilling, he can see that these five warfare, not only their own strength, speed is better than the ordinary Lingxiao, and the most important thing is that they are also very high. Comprehension.

"Five warfares, all are the destruction of comprehension, and the first heavy mystery of destruction, the secret technology, the secret technology is also a top secret technology!" The sword is unparalleled.

Task, this time, although it is numerous, although there are many people, it can be realized on a road, but it is not much, but there are only twenty people, as for the first-order top secret technology. The same is few days.

And these five warfare, not only completely comprehended the first heavy metapho, not only to the top secret technology, but they have a great advantage as a war, the strength of the flesh, and the speed of the battle in Tianzhu. In the genius, I am afraid it is enough to be in the top twenty!

The first twenty, but the peak is one level.

To stick to a quarter of a trick in such a terrible war?

On the campus, many people 's faces have been awkward.

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