Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 632, Qianqiu, no trace


Five battlefields, a five-game fierce battle, a dramatic roaring continuously.

And these five fierce battles are just the end of the film, from the Yangtze River, there is only a dragonfly from the ancient circles, and the battle is only supported by a moment. She was defeated and sent a battlefield. Outside.

As for the other three, the support time is a little longer, but it can be finally supported less than half a clock, and the three are also defeated.

That is to say, the first batch of five geniuses, all failed!

This is the same as a small day of the campus, it has exposed a stunned smile.

"It's too strong, the five battle is too strong, don't say half an minutes, I haven't worry about three breathing in his hands."

"This second round genius, I am not brought about."

"I want to pass this second round, but I have to put it as much as possible in the hands of those war, the longer it, the longer it is, the chance to value by those paramenors."

Most people have understood the second round genius war, they can't pass.

However, they also want to make themselves better as much as possible.

"Second batch ..." The middle-aged man once again called five names.

The five people called by the middle-aged man immediately began to enter the battlefield and began fighting with the five battle.

Time passed, a group of geniuses entered the battlefield, although most of them ended with failure, but also have some strengths and strong genius, in the hands of the war, adhered to the time, through this second round.

However, through the second round of genius war, it is also the genius from the ancient circles. As for this side of the ancient world ... The second round of genius war is now, and there are nearly three-thirds before going to the battle. However, it is not a person who passes an adoption.

Like the blood and phoenix, she goes with the battle to fight, but I know that the battle of the war is comparable to the peak. When the peak, I killed her, now in the face of this battle, she also struggled with the same The ability, only insisted on a moment, was defeated.



"Kang Yuan!"

"Blood Monkey!"

"Xuanyuan has no way."

"A ring!"

It is also a batch of five genius to go forward.

Many of the people in the ages of the ancient worlds could not help but look up, and they saw the battlefield.

The reason is nothing, because this time, there is a 'peak!

The peak is a hundred genius in the ages of the ancient world, recognized the first person!

One of the battlefields, the peaks quickly made a hand with a fight, and this battle was very intense.

Like this five-star battle, the peak is also the way of understanding, and the first heavy metaphysque that has been destroyed, and even the second heavy mystery, it also understands a lot, the sense of the meditation is better than these five battle. The stupid is higher.

As for the secret skills, the knife method of the peak is sharp, it is very horizontal, the same is a first-order top secret technology, but the power is better than the gun method of this five-star battle, whether it is the road or the secret skills, peaks occupy absolute Advantage, although the strength is slightly weak, but the peak is still quite horizontal, the opponent is completely suppressed.

Half slow time, the peak is compressed, and the battle is half an hour.

Strong strength, making many geniuses present from the ancient circles.

And the peak naturally passed the second round of genius war.

In the Chao Tiange, many of the strong people have seen the performance of the peak in this second round.

"The little guy in this is the peak, although from the ancient world, but in the talent of the destruction, it is true, go, tell him, Wan Xingzong is willing to give him a name of a periphery."

"Give him a peripheral disciple!"

Many top sects immediately sent people to invite, but it was just a quota of peripheral disciples.

As for the three giants, it is still disdainful to the peak.

On the campus, the second round of genius war is still going on.

At this time, from the ancient border camp, a bloody and robes were blushing, and the eyes were slowly embarrassed with a faint blood.

This bloody and ram men have been on the game, immediately attracted the attention of countless genius on the campus, even the three giants in the Tiandi, the strong people of the nine top pointers, all of them.

"It's him!"

"This guy!"

"This day of the day, the truly standing in the top of several geniuses, there is absolutely strong impact, the top five peerless genius, Qianqiu no trace!"

Among the meastemen of the ancient circles, many people crumpled, and looked at the eyes of this bloody robe, with a strong jealous.

Although the Tianzhime will only have long before the beginning, just experience the first round of genius war, there may be some super genius's strength is already showing.

As a peak, fire and baby, iceberg, swords are unparalleled, and there are a leader in the many strong people in the August.

In the euka, nine hundred genius, there are also some super geniuses with great famous, strong strength.

This is one of them, and it is one of the tops.

The first round of genius war, this Qianqiu no trace shot a few times, every time, it is a thunder, it is easy to kill the opponent, even some strong geniuses, there is no trick in this Qianqiu no trace. .

His strength is so strong, no one knows.

But everyone knows, he is terrible!

"With this Qianqiu no trace, it does not need to support it in the war. He should be able to defeat the battle!"

"Well, defeating the war is affirmative, but I don't know how long he does it takes to defeat the battle!"

"I bet, will not exceed ten breathing."

Many gains in the ancient world are talking about.

In the top first floor of the top first, the three top strong people who represent the three giants are also interested in the dynasty.

They are looking forward to this Qianqiu no trace, in this second round of genius performance.

There is no trace by everyone, ignoring the eyes around everyone, slowly entering one of the battlefields.


With the middle-aged man who hosted the meeting, the battlefield in the battlefield was moving.

At that moment, the day of the war, there is no trace of the Queen.

He just slowly reached a palm, it seems like a wind and clouds.


A lunar random star is in an instant speed.

Subsequently, this Qiuqiu waved again, this waved but contained more horrible temperament, directly coming to the battle of the battle.


This is strong enough to compare the peak, and immediately burst the smash.


PS: six more!

When you die, you're going to count, the two are more double, and it is back to make it back!

Start tomorrow, it will return to normal update, but everyone else is in a hurry, there will be in the future.

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