Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 640, Yunxun Thirteen Sword

On the battlefield, the two people gained their respective opponents.

"Ouyang Xuan." The sword is unparalleled is full of killing, but the heart is extremely calm, there is no wave of waves.

Irritance, but cold.

This is the heart of the sword unparalleled from the ancient world.

"This Ouyang Xuan, and at the same time, I realized the dripping, the way of the wind, and the water of the drip has completely realized the first heavy metapho. I have a month of prognosis. The Chuxiang is above. "The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have just looked with the dialogue of the Chuyang. Your strength is very strong." Ouyang Xuan said. Now, no one can force me to make it full, I hope you can do this. "

This is not exclaimed by many geniuses outside the battlefield.

The strength of this Ouyang Xuan brand is already horrible, but he did not worry about it at home?

And the sword is not very cold.

Ouyang Xuan did not have all the best, why did he have to go through?

"The sword is unparalleled, I know, you are good at the swords, just, I am also good at the sword." Ouyang Xuan's face hangs a light smile, collect the folding fan in his hand, one waved, took out a handle of green swords, A shared sword is also slamming from this Ouyang Xuan.

At the same time that the Ouyang Xuan's sword is observed, the sword has also burst into a sword of the world.

Two swords, as if formed, collided in the void, and all the battlefields were solidified.

This is a mortuary between two swords.

At the moment of these two rushing swords, it was originally moving with two people who stared at their respective opponents.


The two men have simultaneously flundered out, the speed is fast, and there is a draft in the battlefield.

Tightly, the two swords light lit at the same time.

"Star off!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is killed.


Ouyang Xuan is a sword thorns, the moment of tingling is awkward ~~~ seems to have a huge vast ocean in the sword.

The two contact, but did not explode the dramatic roaring in the imagination, and some are just a sound emitted by energy squeezing.

The sword didn't have a double, and he felt his endless ocean swept, and the body shape was in the endless waves. The use of Ouyang Xuan's way of dripping is clearly perfect.


The sword is unparalleled. I saw the killing of the sky, forming a killing gas stream, these killing airflows as if the killing sword of a handle is crazy to be surrounded by the surrounding, the surrounding rope is directly impacted Come.

Sword is light.

The sword is unparalleled, the sword, the swordsmanship, the fierce, fierce, killing the sky!

And the priests of Ouyang Xuan, the time is rapid, and it is as soft as the sea.

Two trivial swordsmanship, killing in crazy collision.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

A secondary impact.

Although the sword is unparalleled, although it is unparalleled, it cannot be completely broken in the front of the waves.

Although Ouyang Xuan's swordsman is wonderful, it is very perfect to use the way of dripping and the wind, but it can't completely cover the temper of the sword.

"Ouyang Xuan, do you have this thing?" The sword is unparalleled, the sword is suddenly swept, after contacting the Ouyang Xuan's sword, the sword is carried out, and the swords of the swords are formed. , Head toward Ouyang Xuan.

An Ouyang Xuan has a deep blue ripple in front of it, and the shadow of this covered sword is blocked.

"Very good." Ouyang Xuan looked at the sword in front of him, and his eyes were excited. "From Tianzhu Sheng, you are the first to let me go all out.

The voice falls, which directly collects the blue-green long sword in his hands to the Qiankun Ring, and replaced it, it is a huge wider heavy sword.

"Heavy Sword?" The sword didn't have a double look.

There are not only surprised many geniors in the battlefield.

Ouyang Xuan has just shot directly.

"The sword is unparalleled, pick me a few swords!"

Ouyang Xuan issued a low drink, the figure has appeared in front of the sword, and then the huge wide sword of the handle is in his hand, and the sword is not a double, which is in the moment of the huge sword. ~~ It seems that there is no longer, it seems to be unparalleled with the sword.

"this is?"

Seeing the swordsmanship from Ouyang Xuan, many strong people in Chaotiange could not be shocked.

"It is a thirteen sword!"

"There is a trick created by the eternal bodies, which is completely directed to the trick of dripping." This little guy actually learned? "

"This stream is thirteen swords, it is extremely precious. How did he get in this Ouyang Xuan District?"

"The thirteen swords of the clouds are strong than a sword. I don't know if you have the feelings of dripping the water."

Under the eyes of these strong people, the first sword of Ouyang Xuan was shot, the sword was also full of power, and the results were shocked, followed by this Ouyang Xuan to show the second sword, the second sword The first sword is obvious to be stronger a bit, this time is a sword unparalleled, and it goes out.

Subsequently, this Ouyang Xuan also showed the third sword.

That huge wide sword is swimming, the power is instantly skyrocketing!

"Can you show the third sword?"

"Although it is not the secrets you create, it is very impossible to show the third sword at the Lingxiao level."

"With this trick, this Ouyang Xuan is absolutely in the first twenty in this day."

"The sword is unparalleled, it is lost!"

Battlefield, !

A loud noise, then the people saw the sword unparalleled figure was smashed on the ground, and the strongly incomparable ground had a pothole.

It can be considered that the sword is unparalleled.


It has been broken in the pit hole, and a shadow is rushing up. It is a sword. The sword is unparalleled.

"Well?" Ouyang Xuan, who was huge and thick and heavy sword, frowned to watch the sword.

Just that sword is so strong, I can't get the sword without double giving shock injuries?

"Ouyang Xuan, you, is also the first person in this day, the first person who makes me to show all the best." The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are hot. "

"Is it finally used to use all the best?" The mysterious one in Chaotiange could not help but shrink.

The next moment of sword is unparalleled.

The moment of the long sword waved, a strong power of a rich world, an instant outbreak.


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