Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 641 broke out, the world

There are many days of the battlefield's appearance war, as well as the strong people from all parties, see that Ouyang Xuan broke out the third sword of the thirteen swords, all believe that the sword is unparalleled, who once thought In this third sword, the sword is unparalleled but not injured.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, and the long sword waves, but it has been hop in the hearts of everyone.

"That is……"

"The world of the world is the world, and it is very high!"

The swords on the battlefield are unparalleled, the long sword goes out, and the time is like a magical world directly toward Ouyang Xuan.

This sword is a first-class top secret technology of swords and self-created, which is the name of the world, name is 'Star'.

The same is a first-order top secret, but the feelings of the sword are unparalleled to the world. It is much higher than the killing. This sword is launched, and the power is much better than that 'the' star.


Ouyang Xuan snorted, but also not afraid, waving the huge widescreen sword in his hand, and then waved again.

It is still the third sword of the thirteen swords.


The two positive contacts, the void of the battlefield in a time broke out.

"The world is prison."

The sword is unparalleled, and the big hands are swayed. It immediately has a vast world of power, and it has formed a huge world jail in front.

This world is prison, just like the previous Xiao Emperor used to hone his world's preservative, but the power must be different.

Under the huge world of prison, under the control of the sword, the Ouyang Xuan is completely packaged, and then the sword is unparalleled directly.

" " " "

A sword swayed and watched, the way the world, the experience of killing, passed through the sword.

More importantly, the world has formed a giant hand in jail, and it is also crazy to attack the Ouyang Xuan.


Ouyang Xuan has changed, and the world is prison. It is a sword unparalleled. Here is a sword. He is in prison in the world. He is in an absolute disadvantage. Two completely different quality swordsmanship showed that he would do not hit the rest of the part.

In the Tiantiange, a shock.

"It can be used to show such a huge world prison. This kid should have fully realized the first heavy metapho of the world. As for the second redo, he also understands the lot, otherwise it is impossible to be so perfect. Control a huge world jail. "

"Good boy, before a few rounds of genius, including the third round of the battle, he has never exposed any signs of the way of realizing the world, all of us think he is just a high killing, but no Thought, his feelings of the world are even more! "

"The sentiment on the killing of the killings, in this day of the grand event, he has barely discharged into the top 20, and now he finds that his feelings of the world, higher than the killing, this strength ... "

"top ten!"

"There is absolutely ahead of the war, even the top five!"

"At the same time, understand the way of killing, the world of the world, and the feelings are very high, the sword is extremely good, the battle is really eligible for the top five!"

"The most important thing is that this kid is from the ancient world!"

Many people in the Pavilion are not from silence.

The Tianma will hold once every three thousand years, and has been held many times, and in the history of Tianzhang, every time the day of the day begins, the top ten or even the first twenty is almost all the local talents from the ancient world.

As for the elderly ... The Tempse of the Tianshi, the genius from the ancient world, can rush into the first twenty, and want to rush into the top ten, it is a luxury.

So many Tian Tian Sheng will hold, there is only one Tian Tian Festival, there is a genius from the ancient world, eventually rushing into the top ten.

Today, the sword from the Avenue is unparalleled, but they are identified by them.

The top five, but a higher name.

And the genius level of Tianzhimei is much higher than that of the past few years, it is possible to rush into the top five in this Tianzhu event. In the past, it can impact the top three, even hit the first!

"The world of the world?"

The ancient gangshui saw a scene that happened on the battlefield, but the eyebrows were slightly frowned, "Not right, this little guy still retains some means."

Perhaps the strong people of other Zongmen believe that the swords of this moment are unparalleled. It should be full, but the Xuan Yi will never think of this.

"It can make my swords have a shammed, and his swords are universal, but they have never been truly showing." Xuan Yi is dark.

In the morning, he saw that the sword was unparalleled, and he has been looking forward to the sword unparalleled to complete some means on the sword.

As with this Ouyang Xuan, the Xuanyi originally thought that the sword was unparalleled, but he didn't expect the sword to be high.

On the battlefield, that huge world prison still exists, and in the world's prison, there is no double and the Ouyang Xuan is still fierce.


"How can it be?"

Ouyang Xuan is at this moment, he has exhausted, and it has been exhausted. It can now face the sword unparalleled attack, but all the way is crushed, and the rolling season has nothing to have no counterattack.

"His sense of the way of the world, how can it be so high?" Ouyang Xuan did not expect this at all.

He did not know, before the beginning of the Tian Tian Festival, the sword had completely realized the world's first heavy time, but he did not show it, and before, Wufeng, a month, and his killing is very big. The progress of the world is not more slow than you kill.

One month, I'm a new high-end feeling of the world. The second heavy mystery of the world has been introduced, and there is already a deep drilling, and it has naturally improved huge strength.

Now he is fully committed, the way of the world, the way of killing is completely played, and is this Ouyang Xuan be able to resist?

Only for moments, Ouyang Xuan, which was crushed all the way, finally couldn't support, and was defeated by the sword.

This battle, the sword is unparalleled!

On the campus, when the sword is slowly coming out of the battlefield, he found that all genius around me is almost concentrated on him.

These eyes have a dignified, and most of them, even with a silk joy.

When he defeated Chu Yang, the strength of the presented is just a matter of paying these geniuses, but now he defeated the strength of Ouyang Xuan, it has to be taboo.

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