Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 642 of the strongest twenty people

"This guy, so strong!"

"Killing the way, the world of the world is extremely high, these two kinds of beautiful play ... I can't stop, I am not his opponent!"

"It's too strong, in this Tian Daolong, it is possible to overcome him. It is estimated that there is only a thousand autumn without trace to the palace."

Many talents are staring at the sword.

When it is now, no one dares to lightly look at the sword.

Even if you know that the sword is unparalleled from the ancient world, you can still look at him.

His strength has been convinced.

When the sword is unparalleled to the campus, go back to the gatuned place to gather in the Avenue.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are so deep enough." The peak is a strange look, staring at the sword.

"Take each other." The sword is unparalleled, but it is quite well in the eyes of the peak.

He has played in the first round of genius, and he told the peak, and he saw it, this peak is not simple.

Like the present, although this peak shows a good strength, even if it is considered to be completely impacted to the first twenty, the sword is unparalleled, but the strength of this peak does not know how simple it is now.

"I am now really expected, I can meet you in this battle, I am fighting with you." The peak open mouth.

"I also look forward to it, but the opponent of this battle is not what we have said." The sword has no double.

"That day, the day of the day, you and I will fight a good battle." Fengyao.

"Yes." The sword nodded.

The battle is still going on, but it is not a long time.

The opponent of the peak is the same as the top genius that is identified to the top 20, which is equivalent to the strength of the peak.

Everyone thinks this battle, should be a dragon struggle to fight, but the peak is quite easy, and the opponent beat.

It is indeed relaxed, the strength of the two is obviously a grade.

Knife. "

The sword is only just staring at the peak with the genius fierce battle. When this battle is over, the sword is unparalleled.

On this battle, the peaks show the knife, very terrible, although it is only a first-order top secret technology, but the knife can be exquisite, but far on the other side, two people hand, the peak occupies absolute superior , Then press it all the way.

This is the unexpected expectation of many people, obviously they have underestimated the strength of the peak before.

And the same way to this step, the fire and baby from the ancient world is not so good. His opponent encountered this time, the war is recognized enough to take the top ten, the result is naturally the fire and baby.

Since then, enter this third round of the genius from the ancient world. After two confrontings, only the sword is unparalleled and the peak will continue, the other four are eliminated.

The second game of the competition will soon divide the victory.

Sixty-two geniuses can continue to go down, there are thirty-one people.

But thirty-one, obviously unable to continue to distribute the opponent, so the middle-aged man who hosted the conference allows the sword to be unparalleled for thirty-one.

"Listening, next, I will decide the strongest 20 people in the special way and continue the next platform." Middle-aged man is magnificent.

"Special way?" Thirty-one genius is doubtful.


The middle-aged man is sinking, followed by a horrible breath out of his body, directly in the thirty-one genius of the scene.

This middle-aged man's breath is extremely powerful, and it suddenly broke out. Thirty-one genius in the scene was prepared, but when the breath was really oppressed, there were still two geniuses that were oppressed directly. Down.

Other geniuses, although there is no immediate kneeling, it can increase red, which is obviously supported at this effort.

"Does the breath?"

The sword is quietly standing there, and the calmness is idle.

In the peak next to him, the face is cold, there is no change, it is clear that this atmosphere is not impact on him.

In the Tiantiange, the strong people of many people are interested in seeing the scene below.

They know that there is a breath, and this is more important than the strength, in addition to strength.

People who are very strong and strong, the easier it is to resist this atmosphere, like the strong people who have grown from life and death, even if the strength gap is extremely large, but the other party is aligned, but it is difficult to let.

Now this is the heart of the test.

"Sure enough, the two little guys are the most relaxed in this level." Xuan Yi smiled at the scene below.

I saw the campus. The breath of the middle-aged man was more and more stronger. The genius was naturally more and more difficult, many people have reached the limit, even if it is a thousand autumn, no trace, the palace, two People, the face is a bit ugly.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is still very indifferent, as if this breath is not used by him.

Both of them are from the ancient world, and they are all struggled in a step in the age of the ancient world, and they have experienced endless life and death. It has already been as rock.

And the genius of the ancient world, their cultivation conditions are too superior, although the talents are high, but many have not been hard, and they are definitely a lot of difference.

boom! boom! bump!

A famous genius was in the ground, only one moment, there was ten geniuses, and the remaining twenty-one, in addition to the sword unparalleled, peaks, etc., others were supported, Finally, as the eleventh genius falls, the stock has reached the atmosphere of the top, and finally dissipated.

This breath is relieved, and these hard-supported people are finally tone.

"Two people who have not fallen, can continue to participate in the next ring battle, to compete for the top ten, the top three rankings, as for others, all eliminated." Middle-aged man was cold.

When I heard this, the eleven geniuses fell down on the breath, although I was unwilling, but I didn't help.

After this level, the original thirty-one genius, only 20 people, these twentys, continue to extract the opponents with their own battle before.

Soon, the order of the third game of the battle has been determined, and it is directly announced.

"The bell, the battle in the autumn!"

"Li Xiaoyun, Chongha!"

"Feng Tianyi, the battle!"

"Peak, the battle is no trace!"

"The sword is unparalleled, the battle palace is!"


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