Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 644 The strongest genius, the palace!


Seeing the peak was sent out of the battlefield, the sword was unparalleled, and he couldn't help but shook his head.

The peak has been exhausted, and the strength he presents is indeed strong enough, especially his knife, unusual strength.

Can there be some gaps in the feelings of the gap, and eventually can't live without trace.

After the peak and the thousands of autumn, there was no trample battle, then he was him.

Many days in the campus, including the strong people from all parties in the pavilion, all in the swords, and the palace has passed.

The sword is unparalleled. From his strength, the strength of his previously revealed, it should be the first person from the Avenue of Tianzhong.

The palace, other genius may only feel that he is eligible to win the first, but it is not absolutely, but the strong people from all parties to all know that the strength of the palace is not marched than the Qianqiu, it is the ancient circles. One party's strongest, even the strongest genius of this day.

These two people have received attention from the beginning.

Today, it is finally the opposition of the two.

"The sword is unparalleled with the palace, this battle is interesting."

"One is the first of the ancient world, one is the first, it is rare to meet."

"No matter what to say, winning is definitely a palace, just don't know where the sword is unparalleled."

"Well, the strength of the palace is coming to other genius, it is necessary to have too much, even if it is more than him, it is necessary to get some, this strength, this Tianzhu is unmanned, this sword Although the unparalleled is good, but it is too far from the palace. "

"I don't want it." The strong man from one party, a Confucian middle-aged opening, said.

"This sword is unparalleled from the beginning to the beginning, it has been hidden, and its means is endless. It is like a bottomless, like the second round of genius, when he fought with the war, he was almost defeated. As a result, he supported the time of the half anxiety with his swords! "

"The third round of the Taiwan war, when he was fighting with the Chu Yang, all of us thought that there was no suspense in that battle, he will be able to shoot, can be the result? He uses him to enlighten the Peak a month progress, Easily defeated Chuyang. "

"There is also a battle with Ouyang Xuan. When Ouyang Xuan Show the Thirteen swords, when we think he was derived, he immediately used the world to use the world, defeating Ouyang Xuan!"

"Three times, every time he exceeded our expectations, and once again refreshed our understanding, this three times, even if it is me, it is completely not to see him."

"If there is any other genius, I am sure that it is a palace victory, but this sword is unparalleled ... Oh, I really don't dare."

When I heard this Confucian middle-aged, many strong people in Chaotiange nodded.

Indeed, this Confucian middle-aged is the fact that swords have been refreshed three consecutive times, and it will not appear again in the fourth time.

"Hey, the sword is only a little guy from the ancient world. It can reach this step, it has been broken, is he still want to beat the palace? Ridiculous!" The dark hair from the Yunhai Xiancai is disdainful At a glance, his eyes were completely concentrated on the palace. In his opinion, the Palace was absolutely the first person of the Tianzhimei, as for others, even if it was a thousand autumn.

Sword is unparalleled?

A little guy from the ancient world is also equipped with the palace?

Under the gaze of everyone, the sword is unparalleled with the palace has appeared within the battlefield.


The sword is unparalled with the opponent in front of him, and there is a war in the body. "You are very strong, you have to be strong than anyone I have encountered in this day of this day, and I can see, you from one Starting to now, I haven't worked hard. "

"I really want to see, your real strength, how strong it is!"

"That have to see if you can resist, the weak, no qualification, let me go all out." The palace is indifferent.

"Try it." The sword didn't doublely extend his tongue.

He has not encountered a super genius like a palace.

This battle, he, very expect!

"Your strength is more stronger than the few people I have encountered before, so I will treat it seriously from the beginning."

The palace is cold, and the hand has a handle of the stone stick, which looks broken, and the breath can be abnormally strong.

In the past few rounds of genius, this palace was waving the handle to break the stone stick and easily defeated an opponent.

Almost no one can take a follower three sticks.

"Despite the shot."

The sword has also appeared in the hands of the sword, as if it is aware of the sword, the sword, the sword, and the swords are crazy.

"it has started."

The palace is no longer nonsense, and its pace has span.


The floor under the palace is immediately cracking. It is important to know that this school is extremely hard. Many geniuses are all broken, but now this palace is just stepped out, letting this ground have cracks.

At the moment of its pace, the horrible breath on the palace has already reached the extreme, then the ruined stone jar is separated by distant distance, and the sword is unparalleled.

It is clear from a distant distance, but the ruined stone roses are waved, immediately starting with an amazing speed, and the time is like an Optimus pillar connected to the world, and the sword is unparalleled.

This Optimus pillar rolled up on the sky, as if destroyed the earth.

The palace of the hand-held stone jar, became the main scratch-like, immersiveness of the world.

"Good terror!"

"This stick ..."

"Second Order, Second Order Secret!"

Just just a hand, let many days of talents, including the strong people from all parties in the pavilion.

The horrible stick, the power of this stick broke out, it is obvious that it is a second-order secret.

Second-order secrets, this is the first time in this day.

When I saw this ruined stone roller, the sword was bright and the light flashed. The world of the world next to the next moment was out, and the heart of the sword in his hand slammed.


A sword was cut out.

Time, open the world!

The strong power, the many days outside the battlefield, as well as the strong sight of the Zongmen in the Prestige, is immediately attracted.

"This sword!"

Everyone has grown their eyes, because they found that this sword of the sword is unparalleled, and it has also reached the second-order secret skills!

Second-order secret technology.

One is a lid of the world, but one is a sword!

In the eyes of countless horror, the front collides together.


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