Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 645, Sword, Sword, Unparalleled VS Palace


Roading, shocking.

The big battlefield immediately fell into a huge energy storm.

Outside the battlefield, it was a shock.

Second-order secrets, with first-order secrets, seems to be only one level, but the gap between the middle is like the heavens and the earth.

At this day, many geniuses have created a first-order top secret technology, like a twenty-four genius who broke into this third round, all of them created a first-order top secret technology. However, the first-order top secret technology they created, but the power is strong, but it can be raised to the end, but no one has a second-order secret skill.

It's because ... a first-order secret technology is too second-order secret, the gap is too big, and it is much more difficult to create difficulty.

I want to create a second-order secret, not only need to achieve a very high level, but most of the most important thing is that he has enough understanding on the weapon.

Like a genius, he is good at using a gun, and he has to have a very high research on the gunway, and it is possible to create second-order secret skills.

At this day, these two points have met the requirements of the requirements, and they can be numbered.

The palace is the strongest, the talent, very good, and even the three giants are extremely optimistic, and he has created second-order secrets.

Can the sword are unparalleled?

Are he from the ancient world?

A genius from the ancient world, but also created a second-order secret skill?

When the second-order secret technology is applied to the Palace, the sword is unparalleled, and the second-order secret skill is also displayed?

Hey ~~~ Endless storm floods the entire battlefield.

Only a moment, two stories have been defeated from this energy storm, and the stations will be stood.

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the words are in the sky, and the palace is slightly condensed, and it is more downsful than before.

The state of the two is maintained at the top, it is obvious that this collision, the two of them have fightd a feature!

"Yes, come again!" The palace was cold, holding a ruined stone stick, incorporated into lightning domineering, directly illusion.

"Who is afraid of who."

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword in the sea is crazy, producing a sharp sword soul, with the sword without pace, his whole person immediately in order to make a sword that can tear the heavens in order .


The swordsman will be out, and the whole battlefield is full of shock swords over a time.


The palace is cold, and the buzz in the hand is unrecognizable. Every stick carries the power of the Thunder, the horrible thunder's strength is crazy, and the thunder of it is easy to scatter. Ordinary Lingxiao bombards slag.

The two are directly killed on the battlefield, and from one hand, this killing has fallen into the stage of white heat.

It has created a roaring pass by the two, and the geniuses who can't help but be frightened.

"It's too strong, these two people are too strong!"

"It's a horrible strength, I will be easily defeated and even killed."

"That Harmony, he is too high in the Thunder, far exceeding us, even if it is no trace, in the emotions, you can't get on him."

"If the palace is a thunder, then this sword is unparalleled. He is an unusual horror of his own sword. He should be the highest in our people."

Many geniuses have admired.

In the Tiandoge, those from all parties, the battlefield on the battlefield, and the same is quite surprised.

"This sword is unparalleled, and a strong sword is repaired!"

"The Palace showed this strength, even showed second-order secret skills, all in the reason, but this sword was unparalleled ... before we saw that his sword was extremely high, but he did not expect it to be high to this. , The understanding of the own weapons, the sky is so many days, no one can go to him. His sword soul is too strong, compared with the palace, although it is also used to use 'soul' The power, but his soul, obviously not more than this sword unparalleled sword soul. "

"Sure enough, this sword is unparalleled again, we know our understanding."

Even if it is these strong people who have a wide range of people, they see the strength of the sword unparalleled, and they are secretly amazed.

Before the sword is unparalleled, the sword is also extremely strong, but there is no such horror that is now showing.

Obviously, the feelings of the opposite are a lot more than that of the palace, but this gap, he just makes up for his own Keath, which makes it difficult to make a good time.


With a pale spot in the Xuan Yi, the old door, the death of the sword is unparalleled, but he is still frustrating. "He is now revealed, and it is already very good, a lingering, and the soul of sword. Strong to this step, it is incredible, but ... this step is really his limit? "

The strong people from all parties to Tiange have the strength of the sword unparalleled sword soul.

His sword soul is far from all the talents of this day.

However, Xuanyi is still skeptical. He believes that the sword is unparalleled now, it is not necessarily his limit ...

On the battlefield, the fierce battle continues.

"I have already spread my strongest first, and the power of the sword is more useful, but the result is still can't occupy the wind." The sword did not double the dignity, the opponent in front of him, indeed gave him great pressure.

His strongest trick, is the second-order secret that he has just been showing. This random is the 'Jianxin World', which is his last month in Wu Dao Feng, after a great improvement of the world, With the repair on his sword, this is created.

This trick, the power is extremely strong.

At the same time, his strength of his sword has also played a 70%.

To know, he has the strongest sword soul, the power of the sword soul is extremely strong, even if it is just 70%, it is far from these genius, like this, the "stick soul of the" stick " 'The force, it is far more than his sword soul.

However, in this way, he is still unable to occupy the upper wind on the way to the palace.

This palace is really strong in the feelings of the Thunder.


The palace is also a very horizontal, a colony directly, no endless thunder, the stone stick is actually turned into a Raytar's sword without a double bit bite.

The sword is unlikely, and the heart sword is directly in front of the front. The vast sword soul is poured out, and the thunder's head is completely torn.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The voice of the palace suddenly sounded, "Your strength is really strong, it seems that I want to defeat you, I have to use some topic."

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