Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 646 Yin Yang!

"Can you use the bottom card?" The sword was unbolded.

Outside the battlefield, it is an excitement.

The killing continues until now, this palace, there is still a card?

"Hook sticks!"

There is no explanation of the palace, and the pace is across, and it is another stick to face the sword.

This stick came out and looked slowly.

The sword is not a double brow, the lower consciousness is going to fight, but when the heart is collided with the palace, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is immediately perceived. The strange force came upon. The power feels very gentle, but when it is really collided, it is very heavy, and the sword in the hands of the sword is slightly sinking.

"What is this power?" The sword has no double-colored.

And the palace is once again shot again, the same foot, it looks quickly, the speed is so fast, and the force is really collided, and this force has become gentle and gets strange.


The palace is connected to the hand, and the stick is heavy, and it is soft and soft.

When you are swaying, it is slow, but the stick method is very sleek, and there is no sword to find any flaws.

Exquisite! eccentric! It is still easy.

The sword is unparalleled to be smashed by the rosewashing law from this palace, and the festival is pressed for a while.

In the Tiantiange, those strong people from all parties to see the scenes on the battlefield below, and they also showed a surprised color.

"That is ... Yin Yang's way?"

"Yes, it is the wineway, when the strong is weak, the time is slow, the strength is strong, and the combination is slow, this is indeed yin and yang, and the stick method of the yin and yang is still Extremely, although it is not more than his sense of the Thunder, it is also the first to understand. "

"This palace, not only for the truth of Thunder, but also realized the win and yang way? This is the most difficult to understand, but the most important thing is, yin and yang combined, coordinated The ability is extremely capable, and he can use the thunderstorm to exert the thunder, which is completely increased to a new level. "

There are thousands of people in Tao.

Among them, the way is absolutely one of the most difficult to understand, and it is also the most strange way.

The palace will play a glue of the yin and yang, and then cooperate with the Thunder. The two roads are connected. The offensive should be negligent, and the sword has no double pressure, and the defeat is started.

"Good guy, obviously two different ways, actually transforming this perfect." The sword was unparalleled and frowned, but it could be burst with a rich variety.

"You feel two ways, I also feel two kinds!"

"You feel the way of yin and yang, the conversion of the two roads is almost perfect, this is not more than, but I can't be more than, the two?"

The sword has no double heart roar, and the next moment I saw him figure.


The second movement appeared immediately to the side of the sword.

This figure, wearing a black robe holding a sword, killing the rain, and the appearance, but there is no parallel with the sword.


I saw that I suddenly had another 'sword unparalleled', even if it was a palace.

Outside the battlefield, the geniuses of many ways to watch are also shocked.

"Two, two swords are unparalleled?"

"One becoming two?"

"This, what is this?"

These geniuses were shocked.

I saw the battlefield, there were two exact same swords, but one of them was killing, the other is to give people a vast feeling.

Two swords are unparalleled, naturally the sword is unparalleled world.

His World Review, Handheld Sword, and the power of the world.

Kill the soul, handheld three killer swords, and kill the earth.

"Kill!" "Kill!"

The world's book is also a burst of drinking, followed by the two stones and one right, killing directly toward the Palace.

"World Jail!"

The sword is unparalleled in the world of the world, and the world is jailing.

"Star off!"

The killing of this is waving three killer swords, rushing to the sky, then uncompassed, then instantly eruption.

Two big respects, if it is integrated, only one way is used in the same time, and the transformation is displayed, and it will not be a perfect perfection like the palace. The sword is unparalleled. Two hits one, the power of the two ways of feelings can be completely played.

"The seniors of Xiao Emperor said that I would like to try not to fill the perfect roots with the strongest sword soul, and I didn't say that I didn't let me expose two major respects." The sword is not worried. "

At the moment of the two major people in the sword, there are many people from all parties, and there are many shocking directly to stand up.


"Framed the secret!"

"Good guys, this boy from the ages, he actually bordered secret surgery, and it has been made."

"The little guy in a Lingxia actually refines the secret surgery, incredible, it is really incredible!"

These paradise are full of horror.

Although it is the three power representative of the three giants, it is also an incredible.

"It actually made a secret solution? This is secret, even me, I can't make it." The black haired old man in Yunhai Xiancai can't help.

"What is precious, even if it is in the ancient borders, the secret surgery is also very good. On the whole day, we have the three giants, there is an old door, which has a secret, in addition to this. In addition, the other eight top bands in the sky are never had such secrets. This sword is unparalleled, a little guy from the ancient world, I have got a secret surgery? "I don't destroy the emperor's middle age. Hold your hands, and you have a brilliance.

Due to the secret, the value is very high!

Even if it is one of the three giants, it is especially important, while the other eight top paradise is more unparalleled to the differential skills.

And this secret is also very high, there are many restrictions, even if the power of eternal bodies, it is possible to refine, and there is no one, like them, the three major giants of the three giants, all Cannot refine into the secret.

Only one person is only one person, it is ... Xuan Yi!

However, these people don't know that swords are not a double, which is not what they think, cultivate their secrets.

He is cultivated a kind of anti-auction of the anti-aura of many times than the secret surgery!

Daily creation, giving him a perfect root, but also made him two major respects.

One World Report, a killing, his two major bodies are this respect, and the so-called secret surgery is completely different.

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