Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 647, two, one!

Secrets, once the present is falling, it will follow the death of death, but the sword is unparalleled, no matter which one of the death, you can rely on another complete recovery.

And the two major respects can have their own thinking, you can go to the self-cultivation, you can kill the treasures, this can be comparable to the secret surgery, too much.

"This sword is unparalleled, far exceeds the level of the Gulin genius, but he is not only the sword repair is extremely, but also has a secret blood ... If I have not guess, he must have received very much. The chamber of this chamber should be a clothes left by a top strong person in the ancient circles, or the cave. "The evil spirits of the evil spirits.


The words of this evil girl immediately caused a partner in Tiantiange.

The ancient world is indeed a strong person likes his clothes or inheriting, staying in the face of the world.

If you don't get a very good chance, you will be unique from one person, the talent is high, in the cultivation environment in the ancient world, you want to have this strength in Lingxiao, almost impossible, and that Secrets, is also a means that can have the means.

"Unfortunately, I promised that Mr. Xuan, I won't ask six geniuses in this ancient world. Otherwise ... I really want to give me the quota of my unique magic disciples." The evil girl praised.

"It is a bit unfortunately." The middle-aged middle-aged middle age of the emperor is also nodded.

As for the black haired old man in Yunhai Xiancai, it is still not as good, "Hey, maybe it is a good chair, the talent is good, can be said, he is still from the ancient world. A small from the world Guy, even if you really have a few talents, the future achievements are limited, after all, the people in the ancient world, do not know how to build their own foundations, their roots are weak, and the foundation is directly related to a person's potential "

In the case of these strong people, the mystery is very clear, he has never had a whit, his eyes have been solidified in the sword.

"Divide a secret? Good." Xuan Yi is bright, "this kid, giving me a surprise more and more."

On the battlefield, terrible roar continues to ring.

The two major bodies of the swords at the same time, with an enemy two, even if the palace is very high in the vision, plus the wonderful way of the sentiment, but it can be unparalleled with the sword, but it is still extremely tasty. .

At this time, the sword flashed in a bib of the sword.

In his ,,,,,

It was originally only used to use the power of seven-centered sword soul.

"Eighthles, it is already the limit, I can't use it again, otherwise my strongest sword soul is difficult to hide." The sword has no double mind.

The two major respects have used 80% of the Sword Soul, and the swordsman "of the swords" unparalleled swords will soar again.

"This kid, his sword spiritual power is improved!"

"How many big cards he hide?"

"A Ling Wei, the power of swordsmanship is so powerful?"

The strong people from all parties from all parties in Chaotiange have obviously see the improvement of the sword without double sword surgery.

"Sure enough." Xuan and one were not accidentally surprised, but there is still a doubt, "now, is there?"

The campus has already fallen into a dead, all people look at the two people on the battlefield.

When the sword is unparalleled, the Sword Soul will increase the strength to 80%, the strength of the show is obviously much stronger than before, and I saw a sword, the sword, the power of the sword, and the palace was forced. Section is defeated.

"The Palace, is it turned out?"

"The palace is used to use their own bottom card, and the result is still suppressed."

"This sword is unparalleled, too strong!"

These geniuses shocked the strength of the sword unpaid.

Even if it is the thousand autumn, there is no trace, but also frowns, staring at the battlefield.

"These two guys ... is really strong, but the first, definitely me in this day." "There is no trace in the Qiuqiu."

That unfunction, the more embarrassing green girl is also lighter, "these two people, any one, I am not an opponent, they are two, too strong."


A big sound came from that battlefield, I saw this battlefield at this moment, the sword was unparalleled with the body shape of the palace.

The two big one of the swords, standing left and right, standing on the void, the breath, and the palace is somewhat wolf.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The palace tightly tightly duzzered the stone stick, standing there, staring at the sword, but it was a thick light.

"I have never thought about it. At this day, some people can force me to this step, but also a person from the ancient world!"

"You, it's really strong!"

"If it is a month ago, I met you, it is likely to be lost in your hands, however, this month ... In the Month of Wufeng, it is the greatest month, so, this battle, You must lose! "

The sound of the palace with unparalleled confidence, echoing throughout the campus.

The sword has no double eyes.

The campus is full of people, including the strong people of all parties in the Chao Tianda, have also passed the Gong Dynasty.

They are very curious, they are now in this way, what is the end of this palace?

And the palace did not say more, but his body has been brushed again.

" I have a thunderstorm, and the next moment, the palace is in front of the sword, the murderous kills, and the speed is fast, it is like transient.

"This speed!" The sword is unparalleled.

He kill this palace for so long, the speed of the palace before, although it is extremely terrible, but it is still within the scope of the sword, but now, this palace is in an instant, it is better than before. Double!

Sign with a fair, so fast, the sword is unparalleled, can't help but feel the creepy.

After the palace has an emergency, the diverted stone stick in his hand has also been shot.

It contains a stick of endless thunder, and its speed is equally horrible, and carries with a strong power, bringing unprecedented pressure to the sword.

Seeing this stick, the sword has no double-color drama, there is no room for avoiding any escape, can only force the three killer swords in his hand, want to force the stick to resist this stick.

Focal results ... !

A stick, the huge power directly shocked the three killer swords in the sword without double killing, and the remaining power is forced to have a sword unparalleled kill.


The broken wind came, but the sword is unparalleled, the world has already appeared behind the palace.

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