Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 648 Expensive!

The sword is unparalleled, and the killing of this respect is attacked. The World Restaurant has been directly around the palace, and the momentum waves the sword, and I have to go to the palace.

You can see this sword, but the palace does not look at the sword unparalleled world.


It's another big ring, but the sword is unparalleled.

"This power!" The sword was unparalleled to the horror power from the heart, under which his body was bombarded by his body.

Then, the palace was shaped to the Thunder to chase, and the ruined stone stick can happen, as if the Lessen Thunder is directly oppressed.


A road stick shadow was unparalleled, and the power of the power is extremely poor. In the ground, the ground immediately appeared a huge pothole.


The gravel in the pit cave is bursting, followed by the sword unparalleled World Reward again, at the same time, his killings have also been returned to the three killing swords. Together, stare at the front of the palace.

Just that scene, said slow, but it has been completed between electric flames.

In the time of this electro-light, the sword is unparalleled, the killing of the sword is shocked by the weapon, and the World Chambrance is bombarded directly to the ground.

And all of this is derived from the terrorist force that the palace has exploded in the very short time.

This combat is awesome!

"Second weight!"

"The Secret Olympics of the Thunder, he has fully understood it!"

"I realized the second redo."

Even if it is a strong person in the Dynasty, the strong people in the Parents.

They all felt the terrorist power from the Palace in the moment, and the use of the Thunder's way, which was affected, the palace has already made the second heavy mystery of the Thunder.

This is simplicity.

Task, the sentiment, the more, and it is more difficult to understand.

In this day, I have to take the first twenty genius, but it is only a complete understanding of the first heavy metapho, but most of them just started, it is barely to be entitled.

Like a sword, there is a unparalleled sense of the world, it is completely realized that the first heavy mystery, and the second heavy mystery, just started, only a few parts were realized.

Others, even if there is no trace of the Qianqiu, although there is a very high understanding of the second redo, it will not exceed the general, and the distance will completely understand the second heavy time.

And the palace, but the second heavy time of the Thunder is completely realistic!


"Big monster!"

"A Ling Xiaoyu, but completely realized the Secret Olympics of the Thunder? How is this possible?"

Everyone is getting off.

"I surrender."

The sword on the battlefield is unparalleled, directly opening, and his two major members have also been integrated together.

When I heard the sword, I was unparalleled, but I was unlikely.

The palace of the Taoism of the Thunder's second full comprehension is the same, the big big monster. The sword is unparalleled to force him. It is already a miracle, it is difficult to continue to take the bottom card to compete with the palace. ?

How can it be?

These genius have those strong people from all parties to shake their heads.

"I am in Wu's peak for a month, there is a huge improvement in the sense of the world, but it is just to introduce the second heavy time. But he actually realizes the second heavy time, this is simply ..." Sword is unparalleled It is also shocked for the strength of the Palace.

However, although it is shocking, if the sword is unparalleled, if it is really going to fight, it will not have a chance.

"His strength has reached a new level, and if I don't care about the absolute power of the strongest sword, the perfect foundation given, the advantage of the flesh is exposed, maybe I can still be with him. The positive battle, even the possibility of winning is very big. "The sword was unparalleled.

His sword spirit is only used to use 80%.

His perfect foundation given the flesh power, the strength of the spirit, did not show it, and the power to finally showed only the ordinary Lingxiao level, failed to with the palace, but if he used his own unusual The spiritual force broke out with the strength of the flesh, and his war can once again increase several grades.

However, the sword is unparalleled.

After all, whether it is a perfect roots or the strongest sword soul, it is not the same, Xiao Emperor is also ignorant, let him not expose.

What's more, he is fiercely with the Palace to this step, and he has fully proved his strength and talent. It is not necessary to die.


With the unparalleled active admission of the sword, this is the strongest battle against the world, it is finally ended.

This battle, the winner is the palace.

This result, although it is unexpected in the expectations of many strong people, but the process is twisted.

Whether it is a palace or a sword, he is far from the strength of the people in this battle, the same, the same, far beyond this year, and even the genius of Tian Daomei .

The palace, comprehending the way of thunder, the way of yin and yang, creating a second-order secret technology, and in the sense of the Thunder, I have already comprehended the second heavy time, and the absolute big monster, don't say it is a day, Even the whole eugenic, like his monster, there are absolutely few.

And the sword is unparalleled ... The strength of the sword is unparalleled, it is more shocking.

After all, he is from the ancient world, from a place world.

From the beginning of the Tianzhimei, there is no one to look at him, but the result is on this battle, but the strength of his show makes the valuage geniuses that are enough to take it into the top 20, are ashamed.

At the same time, I feel the way of the world, killing, and all the first heavy metaphysics, the swordsman is more horrible, and the power of the sword soul is definitely the first day of the Tianzhu. One.

Like the palace, he also created second-order secrets, and he also had a secret skills!

Terror, in this day, there is only the palace to be slightly microcampled. As for the previous one, it can be used as a higher autumn, and there is no trace of the palace ... Now everyone looks to the Qianqiu no trace. The eyes have been different.

Because they know, this day of the celestial event, the strength, the palace is absolutely first, but the row is in the second, it should be a sword!

As for the third, it will turn to the Qianqiu no trace.

On the one-day battle before the Qianqiu, although the strength of the show is very good, no matter whether it is unparalleled with the sword or the palace, it is too far away.

Not a grade at all.

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