Guild Wars, still continue, but the sword is unparalleled, but the battlefield is stood in parallel with the peak, watching the battlefield in the battlefield quietly.

"Unfortunately, with your strength, if you don't touch the palace in advance, you can fully impact the second thing in this day." Feng looked at the sword and parallel.

"If you don't touch the Qianqiu no trace, you can also impact to the top five?" The sword is unparalleled.

He follows the peak, the luck is a bit, and one has encountered the palace, one has encountered a thousand autumn.

"No matter what to say, this is the battle, we have ended." The sword is unparalleled.

It is over.

Whether he is still a peak, stopped in the top 20, can't continue to fight again.

Soon, the third chapter ended, the victory of winning, the top ten of the Tianzhu event, can have got the top ten 10,000 god alchemy, and next, this ten people are Continue to hit the top three.

After a long time, this is a complete end of the battle under a fierce battle.

According to the strength, the strongest three people are also born.

The strongest, no doubt, nature is the palace.

The strength of the palace is too strong. At the entire Tianzhu event, only the sword is unparalleled, it can force the palace to show all the combat efforts. As for others, even if he is all qualified, he is being Beat one by one.

As for the second place ... The original owner thought that this second place would be no trace, but the second place fell into the name before, but in the last round of fierce battle Amazing strength, positive defeat the young girl who has no trace, the girl name is called mirror fairy.

The mirror fairy is in the second, and the Qianqiu is not marc. It is the third place.

And everyone knows, if not because the sword is unparalleled, it has encountered the palace chart in advance, this thousand autumn is not trace, and the elements are eligible for the third.

"This mirror fairy, the strength is good."

The sword is unparalleled to see the mirror fairy and the energetics of the Qianqiu, and the strength of the mirror fairy shows him is very strange.

"Her strength is very strong, the sense of feelings of dripping water, but you respect, two, one, absolutely can be crushed with her." Peak.

"Maybe." The sword smiled without a pair.

When this competition is completely over, there are also strong people from all parties to Tiandu, and immediately start to act.

The top three palace, mirror fairy, the Qianqiu no trace no accident, all received the favor of the three giants, in addition to this, the top ten genius, have received the invitation of the top. .

However, in this competition, there is no double-hearted peak, but there is still no one to ask, don't say the top paradise, even if the medium sect is invited to invite them.

"No shouldn't it?" The sword was unparalleled.

Although he is from the ancient world, he can rely on his performance in the battle, and those topped can not be ignorant.

Just on the occasion of the sword without a pair of doubts, it was a message to him before, but there was a message again.

"The sword is unparalleled, this seat gives you an ancient door disciple quota, go to an old door."

Xuan Yi's news is very simple, and there is no bend around, and Xuan Yi is just a quota of an inner disciple, but there is no promise of other benefits, such as let the Eternal bodies personally point to this type of conditions. put forward.

"The ancient door disciple?" The sword is unparalleled.

And the peaks next to him also have fire and infants, and also received the news of Xuan Yi, and the two have revealed the color of surprises.

"How?" The sword has seen the past with the fire.

"Interior disciple." Peak directly.

"I am also." Fire and baby excited.

The mysterious one, gave them three, and the quota of an interior disciple.

The interior disciples of the ancient doctors, this is not bad more than the three giants.

"What are you doing?" The sword is unparalleled and the iceberg, Xuan Ying, Wuhuang three people look.

These people have experienced the battle of the battle, although they were eliminated in the first platform, but did not leave the campus.

Iceberg, Xuan Yuxi, Wuhuang three people face each other, : "We don't get on you, all of them are just peripheral disciples."

"The peripheral disciple is not bad." The fire broiled.

"Well." Iceberg, Xuan Ying, Wuhuang three people nod, from their expression, they are already very satisfied.

Ancient gates, although it is just a top parade, but in a certain extent, it has to be some of the three giants, the old-fashioned disciple of ancient doctors, that is no longer better than other top-bezers of the eight top. .

"I can't wait to go to the ancient door," Wuhuang is holding hands.

"Don't worry, this day, the day has not ended yet, and there is the final fourth round of genius war." The peak opening road.

I heard this, the sword is not a double look.

At first, the middle-aged man who hosted the Tianzhu event said that the genius war of this day, a total of four rounds.

Now, only the first three rounds.

The third round, has chosen the genius of this Tianzhu Shengshi, including the strongest three people, according to the truth, the grand event, in fact, it should be an end, but the day of this day, but still There is a fourth round.

"The fourth round genius war, what will it be?" The sword was unparalleled.

At the same time, if you are curious, there is more than him, but all the genius of the third round of the battle, all the genius of the third round of the battle, there is no one to leave, they are also curious, the remaining last round genius war, and What will I fight?

It seems to have seen the doubts in these genius in the genius. The middle-aged man who hosted the conference was around, and immediately opened, "Next, it is the fourth round of genius! It is also the most important part of this day. However, all one hundred and twenty-four geniuses who have experienced the battle can participate. "

"The most important part?" Many talents are all.

"The fourth round of genius war, different from the top three rounds of genius", the first three rounds of genius war, the test is completely your own strength, the stronger strength, the result is natural, however, the strength is strong However, it can only explain part of the reason, and it is not really explaining a person's talent, potential! "

"The fourth round genius war, targeting, the final test of you talent, potential!"

"The way of inspection, only one, time!" Middle-aged man sounded.

"Time?" There are many geniuses present.


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