Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 650 Talent War, the fourth round!

The middle-aged man began to explain, the sound is magnificent, echoing the eighth.

"What is a genius?"

"Others need to spend ten years to achieve the purpose, he can achieve a year, this is the genius!"

"If you break through God from Ling Wei, you will have to have an eternal existence. The average person can take thousands of years, thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, but can be truly top genius, but can be in the millennium, even in a hundred years It can be achieved! "

"Time, you can explain a lot!"

"So, this fourth round of genius war inspection, it is that you grow up from birth to now, it is your cultivation years, and your time staying in Lingxiao!"

When I heard this middle-aged man, these talents present were first wrong, but it was still in it.

Indeed, a person's cultivation years can be seen in his talent potential.

For the ordinary military personnel in the August 1, some of the priests took a few hundred years from being born, but some people were cultivated to the sacred world, but only for decades, the same two compared It is definitely that the latter is only used for decades, and the talent is much higher.

The fourth round of genius war inspected the age of genius, and the time to stay in Lingxiao, that is indeed, it can fully explain this genius talent.

"The fourth round genius war is actually tested our cultivation years?"

The fire and baby frowned, low departments: "I admit that how long is a person practicing, what is the level of war, can make sense to his talent, but we are all from the ancient world!"

"In the cultivation environment in the elderly, we broke through the Lingxiao, the sentiment, which is more difficult than the ancient circles. We want to reach the same level. We use the time, must also be more than these There are many geniuses in the world. "

"The fourth round of genius war, it is too unfair to our thousands of people."

"It is some unfair." The peak nodded.

The five geniuses from the Augustia, including the peak, some complaints about the rules of the fourth round of genius war, after all, the cultivation environment in the ancient circles is too bad, the time required is definitely more than the ancient world Genius will grow much longer.

Like them five, from a born, now, they have experienced extremely long cultivation years, especially fire and baby.

More than cultural years? Compare time?

They are of course dissatisfied.

However, the sword from the Augustu world is unparalleled. At this moment, the expression is extremely quirky.

"More than the year of cultivation,?" The sword didn't have a silence, he was born to now, the cultivation of the years seems to be ...

In the Tiandangge, the strong people from all parties, at this moment, there is a bit of mercy in the sword, and the six from the eugenic world.

"These little guys, they have to lose their face!"

"There is no way, the gap between the Wancha border is really too far, the length of these thousands of years is not enough than the length of the cultivation of the years."

"In the world of the ancient times, I want to break through the thousands of difficulties, it takes a long time, let alone, I have to have a very high sense of confidence, these six little guys, I am sure, Each of them lived in the millennium, like the genius called the sword, and his strength is so strong, and the lives are definitely longer, live for three thousand years, even four thousand years. "

"Compared with them, these local talents from the ancient circles must be too much. Most of them are not long, and it is estimated that more than eight hundred years is not a few, more than one thousand years, I am afraid that I have no one. "

"I am now the most curious thing is that the palace, mirror fairy, thousands of autumn and no traces and the sword have no double four people's cultivation years, the top three naturally don't have to say more, as for the sword, there is a unparalleled, I really want to see how long he is alive. Will not exceed four thousand years! "

"The top is more than four thousand years. After all, the life of General Lingxia can live for more than four thousand years, even if it takes some genius treasures that enhance life, it is absolutely five thousand years."

These strong people from all parties are talking, while they are waiting to see the jokes of their swords.

At the beginning of the campus, in the middle of the middle-aged man, a short old man appeared on the campus, and the old man's breath is very unique.

"This is Qiu Lao, he will take a special method to test your cultivation years and your time staying at the Lingxiai level. Now, according to the name I'm thinking, I will test it." Middle-aged man looked around. At a glance around, I'm thinking about the first name, "Gu Ling!"

We immediately walked forward from the Guron.

"Give me a drop of your blood." The Qiu old open mouth.

This ancient Lank is in accordance with the instructions of Qiu Lao, and the blood will be handed over to Qiu Lao, and the Qiu will put the blood into a special container, and there is a result.

"The cultivation of the year is no more than 350 years, in the level of Lingxiao, staying for nearly two hundred years!" This Qiu is announced.

"Three hundred or fifty years? Is it good!" The strong people in the Chao Tiande are amazed.

"Next." The middle-aged man continued to shout.

A famous genius is going to inspect your cultivation years.

These geniuses from the ancient circles, because there is a relationship of absolute cultivation, mostly short, generally between three hundreds to five hundred years, and a few are for six hundred years, as for more than 800 years, fundamental Not a few.

After all, I left the third round of genius war, all true geniuses, such genius, eight hundred years of time, in the ancient borders, they have long been able to break through the gods, unlike the ancient world, the most limit Ling Xiaoyu, even the realm is reached, and there is no chance to break through the gods.

"Next, there is no trace!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes have seen in the Qianqianqiu.

After all, this is one of the best top genius in this Day, this Qianqiu, no trace of cultivation, is also more concerned.

After a moment, the Qiu announced the result.

"There is no trace in the Queen, and the cultivation of the years is between seventy-eighties and seventy-ninety-ninety years.

This result is out, there are many people, including someone who is more optimistic about the Qianqiange in the Qianqiange, all frowning.

More than 780 years, this is already extremely long in many geniuses in the ancient world, and he still stayed at the Lingxiao hierarchy for six hundred years, although he showed strong strength, but one Lenovo to his cultivation years, his talent immediately discounts.

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