Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 651 Refining Years


There is no trace in the Queen Autumn.

With his ability, in fact, he can break through the world, just because the Tianzhime will be close, so he deliberately presses his realm, and dragging for hundreds of years, I want to be in this day. Simbled, so he can join the three giants, and even there have a lot of conditions.

What he didn't expect is that this Tian Dahui will take so much genius.

First, the palace is unparalleled with swords. The power is far from being a big cut, and later that mirror fairy took it again and defeated him.

It's hard to pass the relationship between the sword unparalleled with the palace, he got the third place, who knows this fourth round of genius, and he will test their cultivation years.

This test, he was revealed.

"I thought he was a rare genius, but he was just more than other geniuses. Such a person, it was unable to be the interior disciple of Yunhai Xiancai, go, tell him before Give him a quota of the inner-door disciples, giving him a quota of a peripheral disciple. "The black haired old man in Yunhai Xianchong immediately told.

The same alignment of the emperor, and the evil spirits, the evil spirits, the girls, have also moved.

"Next moment, peak!"

When the middle-aged man read the name of the peak, many geniuses on the campus have seen the peak.

The peak is the first to test the jury.

Soon the result came out.

"Peak, cultivating years more than one thousand or nine hundred years, staying in Lingxiao, around 1800 years."

I heard this result, and the peaks couldn't help but smirk, and those geniuses on the campus were too bad.

They have the longest in the genius of the ancient world. Now it is only eight hundred and ten years, but the peak is more than a thousand more than a hundred years, this does not ratio.

"Xuan Yi, this is the genius you value, live for a thousand or nine hundred years, but also this level, it is really waste." The black haired old man in Yunhai Xiancai Shen Sheng.

"I can't think so." Xuan is a light smile, "You don't know the environment of the ancient world, there is too much restriction, this peak can reach this step in one thousand and nine hundred years, it is very can't afford it. And you also heard it, this peak cultivated for a thousand or nine hundred years, but it stayed in the Lingxiai hierarchy for a thousand eight hundred years, that is, he is in the ancient world, only one For a hundred years, the breakthrough has reached Lingxiao, which is very good. "

"Hey, the waste is waste, but also sophistry?" The dark man dismissed.

Xuan Yi shrugged, too lazy to talk to this black hair.

On the campus, a famous genius was inspected, from six genius in the ancient world, the peak is the first to test, then it is the fire and baby, the iceberg, Xuan Yuxi, the four people.

Among these four people, the icebergs, Xuan Yingsia, and the Wuhuang cultivated years have exceeded two thousand years, of which the Wuhuang cultivated years have reached two hundred hundred years.

In the fire and infancy, he is the longest one of the six people. It has been in the middle of the year for 3,700. When this number is reported from the Qiu Okou, the campus does not swear.

"Next, palace!"

When middle-aged men read this name, the entire campus is quietly quiet.

During the Tiandi, it also became quiet.

Numerous Drathow is condensed on the palace.

Miyut Chao, this Tian Tianshu, recognized first day, is also a real monster, no one wants to know how many years this monster cultivates.

If it is not marched with the Qianqiu, this palace also cultivated more than eight hundred years, and his talent will inevitably discount.

But if it is the same as those normal geniuses, I only cultivate for three or four hundred years, that is the real peerless genius.

"The Palace!" The sword is unparalleled and staring at the palace.

This day, the day of the day, although the genius is numerous, it can be really qualified as his opponent, can let him dignify, only this palace is one person.

Natural swords are unparalleled to this palace.

Under the gaze of everyone, the palace went forward, and the same blood was given to the old, not long, this Qiu is announced, and this Qiu is announced, the sound is obviously A shock.

"The palace, the cultivation of the cultivation is not more than one hundred and twenty years, and the Lingxiao hierarchy is left for about 50 years!"

This result is out, and the entire campus immediately caught a turmoil.

"Actually only one hundred and twenty years?"

The second mirror fairy in this day of Tianzhu will witten, her cultivation is less than two hundred and ten years, it is already short-lived, and it can be compared with the Palace, which is obviously more than one grade.

In the Tiandangge, those strong people from all parties are also unparalleled.

"Enchanting, real enchanting!"

"I thought I'm so strength, as long as his cultivated years will not exceed four hundred years, it belongs to monsters. I have never thought that his cultivation is only one hundred and twenty years! Such short!"

"For a short one hundred and twenty years, it has reached this place, it is incredible!"

A shot, a shock.

at this time……


A majesty voice was suddenly sounded throughout the campus. This voice was obviously sicking from the Tiandongge, but also the top of Heaven, which represents one of the three giants in one of the rooms spread.

"This Yunhai Xian Palace nine old, stone thousand cold!"

The sound continues, "Your talent is very high, this seat personally invited you, becoming the disciple of Yunhai Xiancai, I have a lot of cultivation resources in Yunhai Xianyong, all open to you, even this seat will apply, let the palace Principal, you can guide you once, as long as you work hard, this seat can be guaranteed, you will make you eternal! "

"You, can you want?"

Hearing this, many geniuses on the entire campus were shocked.

They never thought that the nine elders of the Yunhai Xianchaicong did not invite invitation to the Palace to open to the Palace, and the conditions also attracted.

Let the palace master point to the palace once?

The palace owner of Yunhai Xiancai? That is the super power of the road level.

His guidelines are enough to make many eternal bodies.

In addition, this stone is still guaranteed, making the palace to achieve eternal in the years!

Eternal, that is, the top power, at this day, the field is enough to walk.

Such attractive conditions, making many geniors in the field, unfortunately, this condition is against the palace, no shackles.

On the occasion of the palace, the middle-aged evil spirits from the unsteady of the Imperial Dynasty were also opened.


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