Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 652 Sword Wushuang Cultivation Time

"The Palace, as long as you are willing to join me, I will not die, I will do my best to cultivate you, let you reach eternal in the world, it is not a problem, if it is enough, it can be achieved in three thousand years!"

"I have no guarantee that can guarantee that you will reach Eternal in the end of the year, in addition, my family is the intention of the disciples, with your talent, completely opportunities."

I don't destroy the imperial chantie and the unpolated demon, and the tempting conditions were thrown to the palace.

"You are two!" The stone of the Yunhai Xianchong took a trace of anger.

"Whoever, you will be invited to this small guy. Do we have two people?" The middle-aged cold channel of the Dynasty.

"Very good, then I have to look at it, two, how to fight with me Yunhai Fairy Palace." The stone is cold, but there is a full gas.

Many days on the campus have already been seen.

Even those who have a strong in the Chao Zon also marvel, after all, even if they didn't see these three giants, they came to compete for a genius.

And finally, the end of the Yunhai Xianyong has a deeper, and the conditions thrown are also more ruthless, and even if the palace has no room for rejection, so, the first day of the Tianzhu event, the big monster palace, It has become a disciple of Yunhai Xiancai.

In this regard, there is no way to don't have a little unsatisfactory, although I don't destroy the imperial chantie and the unligated demon.

The inspection of the cultivation of years is still going on.

A famous genius went forward, but did not have long, finally turned to the sword.

"Next, sword is unparalleled!"

Middle-aged man shouted to the sword unparalleled name, immediately, and countless eyes, brushing, sword, unparalleled.

As this day of the day, the only genius who will force the palace is trying to go all out, the most important thing is to come from the ancient world, the sword is unparalleled, and it is difficult to pay attention.

"I have no doubles to this sword, I guess, this sword is unparalleled in cultivation years, how long?" The middle-aged voice of the emperor is angry, and there is a whole talented.

"According to me, there are more than two thousand years!"

"Two thousand years, you are too high to see him, maybe it is much longer than that of that fire?"

"It is not necessarily, he has a secret surgery, inevitably gets a good champion in the lower bound, has a helpless auxiliary, his cultivation time is not very long."

These strong people have their own opinions and are chatting at will.

"Xuan Yi, this little guy, but the people of your ancient doors, you don't care about the length of him in the years?" The evil spirits of the evil spirits asked.

They have promised to pass the Xuanyi, and the six genius of the August 1 will give an old door, so in their eyes, the sword is unparalleled is an old door.

When I heard this evil girl, Xuan Yi was smiled. "No matter how long he cultivated, I have already handed him to him anyway, even if he cultivated for more than four thousand years, it will enter the limit. Since I have decided, I will not change. In the future, I will try my best to achieve a higher level. "

"It has been cultivated for more than 4,000 years. Your mysterious one is willing to pay so big to cultivate it? Hey, your ancient gang resources are really unfamiliar." Yunhai Xianyong The dark hair, that is, the stone is rushing.

"There are not many ancient gates, that is, there are many resources, as long as I am willing, even if you are forcibly, you can, this, this, your stone is all afraid that you can do it?" Xuan Yi Smile.

Wen Yan, the color of the stone is not from slight.

Leading a lot of hard-born to the eternal bits, the treasures of the required resources are too huge, and the Yunhai Xianche is one of the three giants in the sky, but it is also the collection of the entire cloud. The power of the Fairy Palace, he is just an old man in the Yunhai Xiancai, and there is still no big permissions to mobilize such a huge resource.

Mystery is different.

Xuan Yi, the first person recognized in the day, he is in an old door, second only to the ancient door door, plus his own family is rich, want hard to grow a lingering to Eternal It is definitely easy to do.

"Your mysterious is a wealthy, there is no relationship with me." Shi Qian coldly snorted, "Look."

On the campus, the sword has slowly moved to the old walk. He stared at him in the surrounding eyes. In addition, there is a very unique point of light. The owner of this is actually the palace.

"The sword is unparalleled."

At this moment, the Palace is also tightly staring at the sword and unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled. The only person who is eligible to pay attention to it. Although he defeated the sword, he has a intuitive, that one War, the sword is unparalleled and there is a wire reservation.

The sword is unparalleled to the front of Qiu Lao.

"Give me a blood." Qiu's voice is indifferent.

The sword is unparalleled, and the fingertips will force a blood, and give Qiu Lao.

Qiu Lao will put in the special container in the special container and start testing.

Just starting, this Qiu's old look is still calm, but only after a while, this Qiu's face is very amazed, and this is getting more and more strong.

"This, how is this possible?" Qiu is mysterious, it can't believe in the results you have tested, then he looked up again and watched the sword. He said: "Can I give me a blood?"

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled, and then forced to give a blood to Qiu Lao.

This time, Qiu Lao has become focused, carefully inspected, the result of the final test, and just is exactly the same.

"How could this be?"

"This this……"

Qiu is dead and staring at the sword. The eyes are big, and the appearance is like a ghost.

His mouth is muttered, this is half a day, but he did not say half words.

"Qiu Lao, what happened?" The middle-aged man who hosted the Tianzhu event saw Qiu Lao's abnormal reaction, and even the opening query.

"This ..." Qiu Lao is still a for half a day, he has a deep breath, but it is turned around, and it is said to the Tiandong, which is solemn.

"All, this sword is unparalleled, there is already a result."

Qiu Lao's voice took a shock, and the word was swayed in the entire campus.

"The sword is unparalleled, his cultivation years, less than ... forty years!"

"Well?" On the campus, those strong people in the Parents, are all.

Decorating the years, less than forty years?

"In addition, he stayed at the level of Lingxiao ... less than a year!"


PS: See some readers say that the genius will be the first, some are unhappy, but everyone has to think about it, the sword is unparalleled, after all, it is just from the ancient world. If you really have a lot of exposure, how do you get the first? ? That others guess him have a charming machine, there is a big secret on his body, and he can't cut him. It is divided, so ... see it, it will be closed, the protagonist is already very embarrassed I ran over B, this is smart, stupid to fight, then I have become a white head, I believe this is also everyone.

As for some, I said that I am a water, I don't want to compare, and some things need to be compared. If I need to be white, I can reflect it. I will take this repair years of testing. If there is no comparison, who knows him to cultivate years What is the level of less than forty years? This will not feel cool.

Therefore, everyone can rest assured that they will try to ensure that they don't have water, but some paving are white, it is necessary, everyone is forgiven.

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