Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 653, big metamorphosis

As Qiu Lao will finish, the original lively campus is suddenly quiet.

Everyone rushed to Qiu Lao.

Decorating the years, no more than forty years!

This level of stay in Lingxiao is a year, less than one year?

"Qiu, Qiu Lao."

The middle-aged man who presided over the meeting came back, he looked at Qiu Lao, smiled: "Are you wrong? Is it fortied for four thousand years?"

Everyone's eyes are solidified in this Qiu's old body, they also think that Qiu said wrong.

You can be stared by everyone, deeply sucking tone, : "All, although this result is indeed incredible, but I have been carefully tested twice, the result is the same, so I am very determined, even Dare to use his own life guarantee, this test result is true, this sword is unparalleled in the years, it is indeed more than forty years, and his time in the level of Lingxiao is absolutely less than one year. "

Qiu Lao once again sure, even use his own life to guarantee.

This is no longer doubting this result.


"The cultivation of the years is no more than 40 years.

There are many strong mouths from all parties to Tiange, and a bit is a little empty at this moment.

Task, just, they just guess how long the Sword Wushuang's cultivation years, most people think that the sword is unparalleled, the years have more than two thousand years, only a very small number thinks that the sword is unparalleled, and the cultivation is not peak. They are long, but they also identified the sword unparalleled at least for thousands of years.

Because in their view, in the harsh world of cultivation conditions, the sword is unparalleled to reach this step in the millennium.

Like Nafeng, the strength is also very strong, and the talent is also very amazing, but his cultivation is also a thousand or nine hundred years.

But now, when they know, they know that the sword is unparalleled real cultivation years, these strong people from all parties are all over!

It's just a stupid!

Completely dumb.

The geniuses on the campus are also quite quite quite, and everyone has some hair.

"Forty years, no more than forty years?"

That fire is so low, a old face is in this moment, it is incomparable, and his eyes are in a complicated emotion, there is shock, there is stunned, but more is ashamed.

"It is also in the elderly, I cultivated the foot and three for three hundred years, and I only reached this step today, and he only cultivated for forty years, but the strength is so much better than me?"


"My TM is really living in the dog, I am going to the dog!"

At this moment, the fire and baby really can't wait to find a place to drill in, he is really a faceless.

No way, after all, these geniuses in the scene, they were the longest year of him, and he was in the elderly with the sword.

Also from the Avenue, the sword is unparalleled for less than forty years, but he has used it for 3,700 years.

What is more exciting is that the strength of the sword is unparalleled, it is more stronger than him?

These for 3,700 years, can he be equivalent to living to the dog?

"How, how is it possible?"

"No more than forty years? Just kidding, this must be a joke!"

"Old days, I am really not dreaming now? A genius from the ancient world, the cultivation is not enough for 40 years, but the strength is better than our talents from the ancient circles,"

"It's hard to be my lonely, the cultivation conditions of the ages are better than the ancient world?"

On the campus, it also exclaimed, a scream!


These geniuses in the field feel that this world is completely crazy.

"His cultivation years, there is no more than forty years!" Although it is a full face of the palace.

He, belonging to the real super genius, in the last day of the Tianzhimei, a number of two, is a real big moon.

However, even if the talents are strong as him, under the cultural practice of the ancient circles, it has been used for one hundred and twenty years. At the level of Lingxiao, it also stayed for 50 years.

The sword is unparalleled ... in the area of ​​the ancient world, the cultivation of the cultivation is much shorter than him, but the strength is extremely close to him.

He is a monster, is a super genius, then what is the sword at this moment?

"Abnormal! Big metamorphosis!"

"It is also necessary to metamorphology than the Palace, and it is also terrible to have no big metamorphosis!"

"In the area of ​​the ancient world, I only used this point in just forty years, and the most important thing is that he is still less than a year in the level of Lingxiao, huh, I estimate that he is just Breakthrough to the Lingxiao, come to participate in the Tianzhu event, such a monster, there is no doubt that he will be more terrible, more warming! "

In the campus, there is no horror, countless eyes, it seems to look at the monsters, solidified in the sword.

In their heart, the sword is indeed beyond the category of human genius, with genius, enchanting or even monsters, can't describe him.

Ability to describe his only two words, against the sky!

The real anti-sky level genius, big metamorphosis!

Not only the campus is crazy, and the strong people from all parties, most of them have a wide range of people, but now they are all thoroughly stupid.

Even the mystery, it is incredible. He knows that the sword is unparalleled. Because until now, he can't show the sword. It can never expect that the sword is unparalleled, and it will be like this. short!

However, Xuan Yi is a super existence. It is very soon to calm down, and it is released to release the strange light, "good guys, it seems that I am really white."

In the top three rooms in Chaotiange, he represents the three strong people of the three giants. I haven't worried about the sword. Even if the sword is unparalleled, they have not moved, after all, the sword is unparalleled from Ages in the country.

Even from the beginning, they agreed to Xuan Yi, and gave these genius from the Augustu world to each other.

But now ... these three people regret it.

Where to regret, it is simply to regret the intestines.

They are very clear, this sword is unparalleled in front of you, it is a super genius that is more than the sky.

A palace, letting them fight for three giants, but a genius that is more contravened than the palace, but let them get a hand, gave it to Xuanyi?

"I am still stupid, how strength is Xuan Yi, and the eyes will be bad. If the little guy in the ages of the ancient world really has no ability to make the ability, the MSG is also seen?" In the middle of the Dynasty At this moment, I can't wait to slap myself.

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