Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 655 Xuan Yi's Sword!

Xuan was a meal, then continued: "After the third round of genius war, this seat has been invited to send you an interior disciple, and now, this seat is only given to your interior disciples. The quota, as for other accompanying conditions, still not. "

"In ancient gates, what kind of resource conditions do you want to get, you have to see if you enter the Zongmen, you will fight."

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

"Shi Qian Han." Xuan Yi looked at the stone and one-eyed, but you just had so many conditions with this little guy, but if this little guy is in this cloud in this cloud Haixian Palace, there are some differences. These conditions are probably not fully realized? "

"This ..." Shi Millennia was slightly coagged.

In the Yunhai Xianchaic Palace, the genius disciples are numerous, and the competition is naturally, and those cultivation resources are definitely seeing their respective performance.

He now gives the sword without a lot of promises, but if the sword is unparalleled to the Yunhai Xianchaicong, it is very ordinary, then in order to not waste resources, the Yunhai Xiancha is very likely to directly interrupt these conditions.


Xuan Yi snorted, and immediately fought in the sword. He said: "Little guy, my Xuan Yi is a person, the strong people in the Tianwan domain should know, since you are my own back to the old door In the future, you will make everything in the ancient ghon, I will do my best to cultivate you, even if your potential is completely pressed, only a chance, I will still want to make your strength to improve High level, even if it is a big price, I don't hesitate. "

"This is my commitment, and it is also the promise of ancient gates."

"But all my ancient disciples, regardless of strength, my ancient gates will never give up!"

The words of Xuan resounded throughout the battlefield, so that the genius in the scene was listening, and the eyes were very fanatics.

Obviously, this promise of Xuan Yi is more than the countless benefits of the stone, the Nuo Nuo, is more difficult.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also a boring.

"This stone has promised me so many conditions on the surface. It can be said that these conditions need the corresponding progress to strive, it is white, and it is similar to the ancient gates."

"The same treatment, this stone thousands of colds said that the flowers came, but in contrast, the mysterious people had to be more than."

"But all disciples, old men will not leave!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the bottom has decided, it is closely followed, and the sword is not lifted.

"Mystery is a big man, I have decided to join the ancient gates!" The sword was unparalleled, and then the stone was so cold: "Sorry Sorry Shi Chang is old, the conditions you promised are indeed very attractive, but Xuanjie adult from the second When the Wheel is over, I have already sent me an invitation, I can't refuse. "

I heard the words, the Xuan is a little smile, and the decision of the sword is not unfair.

And the stone is very urgent, his eyes have become cold.

"Kid, you can think of it clearly, I Yunhai Xianyou, the first door of the day, the resources, but any part of the day, there is no way, and you just came to Wanjie, I am afraid I still don't know. The danger of this ancient world, you have a small guy in Ling Xiaoyu, if there is no such ash, in this ancient world, but it is dead! "

"The whole day, only my Yunhai Xian Palace can be asylum!"

"So, you are still careful, solemnly choose."

The last sentence of this stone is almost biting a word.

There are many days in the campus, including the strong people from all parties from all parties, and they are not frown.

This stone is very clear, and at the same time, it also has a threat to taste.

Yes, although it is very concealed, it is a threat.

It means that if the sword is unparalleled, you will not choose to join the Yunhai Xianyou, the cloud Haixian will regard him as a potential enemy, will find a chance to kill him in the future!

The sword is not double-finished, he is experiencing the big wind and the big waves, how to see the meaning in this stone, and then the sword is unparalleled to see the past.

He is now weak, even if this stone threatens him, he will not have any way, can only see Xuan Yi.

"Stone Qian Han!" Xuan is finally opened, and his voice is still flat, but it is clearly a cold.

"Why, do you think that I am not right?" Shi Qian's cold is a one-in-law, but it is a bit unscrupulous. It is necessary to know that he is standing behind him. The first sect of the nine elders, he is very energetic, and it is natural to be imperial.

"No, you are right." Xuan Yi faintly, "the ancient circles, it is indeed very dangerous."

"It seems that you will agree with me." Shi Qian is cold and cold, but his face has not been completely blooming, and it is suddenly solid.

Because he saw the empty space, I didn't know when there was a bright sword.

This sword is light, cold, dazzling!

When I appeared, I immediately attracted the sight of someone in the field.

Everyone looked at this sword light, and the hearts of the heart seem to be completely attracted by this sword.

After this sword is there, it is rapidly plundering.


Fast seems to be out of time, beyond space limitations.

Quick unbelievable!

Suddenly, it is shocked by everyone.

"Xuan Yi!"

The stone is ambiguous. He didn't think of the mysterious and one that just worked flat and very good. He would suddenly shot, and a killing of horribleness is it.

This sword is really too fast.

Like the talents on the campus, including the swords and unparalleled, the palace is here, and it is impossible to see this sword.

Even if the top of the pavilion is the top of the gods, they can't see it.

At the same time, a few eternal existence is that it can be reluctant to see this sword, but just just reluctantly see clearly, does not mean that they follow this sword.

At least, the stone will not keep up.

A sword brushed, the stone thousands of cold came only and sent a burst of bursting, but they did not have any debts.


The bright sword is brushing directly from the stone, and the body of the stone is in this bright sword, just as the paper is blocked.

Many talents on the campus still have not seen the swords and shadows, but they will see that the body of the Yunhai Xianchai's nine elders of the old stone is already one minute!


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