Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 656 can't be guilty!


The big campus is still quiet.

The pawa is silent, the needle is available!

There are countless talents on the campus, including the strong people in the Parents of Tiando, look at this scene.

"Did you die?" The sword was unparalleled.

He knows that the stone can become the old man of Yunhai Xiancai. It is inevitably the power of eternal, and this strong is absolutely the top power in the sky. But the Xuan is one by one, just a sword This stone will be half a half.

"That sword."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is recalling the bright sword light.

The horrible sword!

That sword, too fast, it's terrible.

The sword is unparalleled, and there are many geniuses in many geniuses. It can be he, can't see how Xuo, which is the sword, and he only feels that the sword is very strong and high.

It is at this time ...

"Xuan Yi!" A horon sound sounded, this voice is a rocky voice.


The many geniuses on the campus are shocked, and they are scattered with the bodies of the two charters. At this point, many people can't help but feel the creepy.

I saw the two haired body of the stone, and the half-length body of the connecting head was still floating in the void. The stone of the stone was turned down at this moment, and it was full of angry, and they were dead. .

"How is it possible?" Swordless is a bit in the brain.

Obviously, the body was stopped in two halves, but this stone was cold, but didn't die?

"Sure enough, I heard that the eternal life of the eternal life is extremely strong. They have a life core. As long as the nuclear is not broken, it is extremely unsatisfactory, and now it seems, it is true that the genius from the ancient circles is said in the narrative .

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.


Life is not broken, it is extremely dead?

The sword is unlikely, and found that the strong people from all parties from the Parents of Tianda, which did not feel unexpectedly for this scene, and obviously knowing that this stone is cold.

However, these strong people are also very shocking.

After all, there are very few people who really see Xuanyi, and the terrible strength does make them shock.

"Xuan Yi, you, do you dare to hurt me?" The stone was distorted, full of resentment, staring at Xuanyi, can be discontinued ... !

It's a shadow, you can appear in front of him, just less than one meter away from him.

This figure is naturally a mysterious, and the mystery of this moment, the mildness on the face has converged, and the replacement is an absolute cold.

Cold to the bone marrow, cold to people in the heart.

Shi Qianhan. "

Xuan was once again opened, the sound is indifferent, but when he said this, there is a horrible killing directly to lock in the stone thousands of cold, so that the stone will not be widened, and the heart is also full of horror.


The fear of the sky is filled in the heart of the stone, as if his own life has been controlled in his hand, as long as the other party thinks, he is averaged.

"If you just, I agree, the ancient circles are indeed full of dangerous." Xuan Yi faintly opened.

"Well?" Shi Qianhan looked at Xuanyi, did not understand the purpose of this.

"So dangerous, not only like a small guy like swords, like you, like you, you have to be careful, with your strength, don't say the whole dragonfly, even if you are in the sky, you can kill You, there are a lot, a little accident, I am afraid you will say death. "Xuan Yi voice low.

"You, do you dare to kill me?" Stone Qian coldly stared at Xuanyi.

Xuan Yugui smiled, smile, like a blade, the next moment is a step again, letting the stone thousand cold ear, whispered: "Stone, this problem, still leave you to ask yourself. Ask your palace master, you ask him, see if I can't kill you, after you kill you, how can he take me? "

"Ask you clearly, ask you!"

"By the way, you tell him again, say that if you see your Yunhai Xiancai people threaten my ancient disciples, I see a killing, no matter who he is!"

"This sentence, you can tell him if you want to leak, do you see if he can nate?"

The stone thousands of throat moved, and the inner frightening has reached the extreme, and the cold sweat on his forehead is all flowing out.

Next to you, the middle-aged monk of unlimited Dynasties is full of mercy, as if watching this stone is cold.

"This is stupid, watching Xuanyi, talking, just as a soft persimmon, I want to pinch, I am in the face of Xuan Yi, the public threatens the sword is unparalleled?" .

"Yunhai Xiancai, the first door of the day,, the outside world, the real thing is the first in the sky, there is this stone, it is really stupid, you don't look at yourself a few pounds Two, Lian Xuan Yi has just been guilty, Mystercy is a sorcerer, not arrested, the next day is really very good, it is very peaceful, but it is also normal time! "

"Once Xuan Yi moves anger, the big scene of killing, I have never seen it, but I have heard that this Xuanyi, when the sky is in the field, the Palace of Yunhai Xiancai has not yet Born! "The evil spirits of the unligated devil were also smiling.

They have two more than the stone.

I know who is in the sky is not able to get sin.

For a long time, the main owners of their two majormen have explained them, and there are two people who have to be sinned.

These two people, one ancient door door.

In addition, this is the mysterious one.

According to the two major people of the world, the most special sects in the sky are ancient gates! The most special person in the ancient giant is Xuanyi!

In short, he two people can't kill mysterious, and this stone is a cold today, in their opinion, it is stupid to extreme.

On the campus, a silence.

Everyone looked at all.

That stone did not say more about half a sentence at this moment, he was afraid that he was angry with Xuanyi. He really gave him directly.

With the strength of Xuan Yi, it is too easy to kill him.

"Sword is unparalleled." Xuanyi converges his own breath, and the eyes are in the sword. The sound has become gentle. Unless the ancient door smoked, no one can hurt you one minute! "


PS: Recommended your own old book "Wuji Cang" "Rebirth of my beast", very good, very hot, the brothers of the written shortage can go.

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