Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 658 Old Gate Three Palace (on)

When I heard the words, the sword was unparalleled, and the peaks and other six people were bright.

They are a month, which is very clear about the role of Wufeng's role.

Especially the sword is unparalleled, he has been in the world of Wufeng for a month, and it has achieved a huge progress, and the ancient gates' Wu Dao Feng, which is better than the Great Hall of the Tianshi, and the speed of understanding the road, and Double!

"Don't be happy too early."

Seeing the sword is unparalleled with six ambitions, Xuan is a little smile: "This is better, but it can't let too many people will be enlightened in Wufeng, so in ancient ghermen, Only inner-door disciples are eligible to stay in Wufeng. "

"Only inner-door disciples are qualified?" Iceberg, Xuan Ying, Wuhuang three people can't help but suffer.

They are three people, they are just the quota of the peripheral disciples, that is, this is the same as the peak, and there is no three copies.

Only swords are unparalleled, peaks and fire and baby, you can go to Wu's way to practice.

"The sword is unparalleled, the peak, the fire and baby." Xuan Yingsang Dynasty unparalleled three people saw it, "You can do three people disciples, you can go to Wufeng's cultivation, this is a total of thirty-six Dongfu, Thirty-three have already owned the master, just three Dongfu, you will go carefully to find it. "

"Yes." Peak nodded immediately with the fire.

"Only 36 Dongfu in Wu Daofeng?" The sword didn't have a pair of frowning, and asked: "Xuan is a big man, you just said that the internal door disciple can go to Wu Kao, and can know the peaks in a total of 36 Dongfu , Is it ... Is the ancient door disciple, only 36? "

"You are already an old-garde disciple. I don't have to call me a big man in the future. I call my Xuan Yi Palace Lord. The disciples of the ancient doctors are called me like this." Xuan Yi said, then continue to say: "You guess Yes, there is only 36 internal door disciples in the ancient ghermen, which is the most, no matter when, the interior disciples of my ancient doors will not exceed 36 people. "

"Is this why?" The sword was unpaired.

You know, even if the strengths of the ancient borders are slightly stronger, and the disciples are not moving, and there are hundreds of thousands of people.

And the ancient gates, in the sky, only the three giants, such a top, the disciples are certainly a lot, only 36 internal door disciples, obviously less.

"The reason why the old man disciples is not more than 36, and it is because Wu Dao Feng can only accommodate 36 people to refine cultivation. On the other hand, it is also to strengthen the competition between the disciples in the door." Xuanyi patient Explain.

"In the ancient gates, whether it is an inner-door disciple or a peripheral disciple, all the cultivation resources have to go to work."

"And every ten years, the ancient gates will hold a struggle between disciples, and several internal gates, which are more powerful, and the strength of the strength will be replaced by a few periphery."

"After all, the domestic door disciples in the ancient doctors have been maintained for thirty-six, but the peripheral disciples have a lot, these peripheral disciples have some real geniuses, even some, once they have been inner-door disciples, The strength is not small. "

"Every time you are bigger, the weaker interior disciples of the strength will be challenged by these peripheral disciples, and it will eventually keep the inner disciples."

"Is this?" The sword has no double six people.

Ten years will make a big ratio, with a powerful victory to determine the identity of the peripheral disciple, the interior disciple, this is indeed strengthening the competition between these peripheral disciples with the interpretation of the interior.

As long as the progress is fast, the strength is strong, the peripheral disciples can also become an inner-door disciple.

Similarly, if the interior disciples are caught up, they have to become a periphery.

"The last one has occurred in eight years ago, that is, in two years, will carry out the next round of the door, the sword is unparalleled, the peak, the fire and baby, you have just added ancient gates, Strength, among the many domestic disciples, it is the weakest, even if there are in the peripheral disciples, there are still a lot than you, there are many, so these two years can work hard, strive to two disciples after two years. In the big comparison, the position of this disciple is held. "Xuan Yi is like laughing.

I heard this, the sword is unparalleled, the peak, and the fire and baby feel a variety of pressure.

Two years later, the Zongmen will start, they have just joined the ancient gates, the strength is at the bottom, the location of this interpretation, is indeed precarious.

"But you don't worry too. First of all, you just join ancient gates. In these two years, under the various resources of our ancient gates, your progress is definitely very huge, and then you will become a periphery. You can also wait for the next parade to come back again, the Zongmen will hold once, ten years, soon, I have passed. "Xuan Yi smiled.

This is a relaxed, but the sword is unparalleled, but it is still not dare.

"Well, I will talk to you again." Xuanyi continued to say.

"These three palaces, are the Tao Palace, the sword and the hero!"

"Taoizhi, is a place where the road is drilled, there are 13 palace owners, this thirteen palace owners reached a high-level eternal, in addition to this, there are also quantities Many Palace owners, these departures are served by the top of the hero, and they are the same as the same as a road. "

"These palace owners, departments, all year round, gathered in the Taoine, they all have their own feelings, as well as many opportunities, these firms, but all the old-fashioned disciples have the opportunity, and you can still I often go to the Taoist Palace to listen to these palace owners, and the departure of the palace, and you can also choose to pay in some palace owners, and become their disciples under the door of the palace. "

"Under normal circumstances, as long as it is an ancient god disciples, it will be in a palace owner or a deputy palace main door, and some will pay off the two or three strong people. These palace owners or deputy palace will give you Guide, and some genius treasures that you need in the way of cultivation, are also from these palace owners, deputy palace owners, to help you apply. "

The sword is unparalleled.

The old man disciples, almost all the palace owners, or under the door of the palace owner?

"You have just entered the ancient gates, it is best to choose a suitable palace master or a deputy palace master in the Taoist Palace, and become a disciple under their door, which is also a name disciple, that is more than yourself. People are blindly cultivating more. "Xuan said.

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