Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 659 Old Gate Three Palace (below)

Xuan Yi's words, swords are unparalleled, peaks, and a few people are recognized.

They have just arrived in the ancient world, just in contact with higher levels, although they know that there is still a sense of God, eternal, "to the existence of Daozun, but how to go step by step, they It is very awkward.

And a person blindly explores cultivation, naturally, it is much more simple and more rapidly than the strong persons.

Xuanyi continued to tell.

"In addition to the Taoist Palace, there is a sword hall with the Tianshen Palace."

"Among them, the sword palace, as the name suggests, is the place where the swordsmanship is."

"The Sword Palace is quite special, but all the warrs who are good at the swords will often go to the Sword Palace, and only a palace owner and the existence of the two Palace owners, the two palace owners It is the eternal bodies of my ancient gates who are good at the swords. As for the palace owner ... "Xuan Yi mysterious smile," I am the palace of the sword. "

I didn't feel unexpected.

Before the Tianzhou event, Xuan was a shot, directly divided the stone thousands of cold into two. At that time, Xuanyi is a sword.

It can be seen that the mysterious is a sword, but he is the first forever, he is the first person, and he is the most suitable of the Sword Palace.

"As for the last Tianshen Palace." Xuan Yi sinks for a while, continuing to say: "Tiantong Palace, gathering a lot of heroes in my ancient guns."

"There is a rule of ancient gates. Only if you join ancient doors don't exceed 500 years, you can just be an old-fashioned disciple. Once more than five hundred years, you will no longer have the treatment of disciples, they can't enter the Taoine, the swordsman practice, You can't stay in Wukong, and the only place where you can go, it is the Tiantong Palace! "

"In the Tianshen Palace, there are many of the many crisis missions, and these Gods of the Tongqi Palace are representative of my ancient gates, in the killing battle!"

"You can understand this way, joining the first five hundred years of the ancient gates, is an old door to pay for you, but 500 years later, you will pay for the ancient gates."

The sword is unparalleled with six people.

There is no white lunch in the world. Since you choose to join this part of the door, enjoy the resources of this party, then the strong strength is strong, it will definitely contribute to the Zongmen.

"Xuan Yi Palace Lord!"

A black old man suddenly appeared next to the void. After the appearance, it was first chartered to the Xuanqi, and then he looked at the sword without double six people.

"Well, give it to me." Xuan Yi.

The black old man is about to give the six to the merits, and Xuan Yi is handed to the sword without double six people.

"This is your identity, of course, the periphery disciples are completely distinguished from the interior disciples." Xuan said.

After the sword is unparalleled, there is no hesitation, and it will be ignored directly.

"Dao Yun, these little guys have just come to ancient gates, I am not familiar with the ancient gates, I have already said Wu Daofeng to the Three House to listen, you have gone around, familiar with the environment." One command.

"Yes." The black old man said to his head.

"The sword is unparalleled, you stay, as for other five, go with him." Xuan Yi.

Immediately, the peak, the fire and baby fell to the clouds, while the sword was unparalleled, still standing in front of Xuan Yi.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are the only one of these six people, and the talent is also the highest. You come with me, I will take you to the sword." Xuan Yi.

"Sword Palace?" The sword didn't have a double heart, and he immediately met the Xuanjun.

Not long after, the sword has no double to come to the Sword Palace.

The sword palace is huge, as if it stands on the huge islands of the ground, the building is connected, and the swords of the sky make the sword unparalleled.

There are many strong people in the outer circumference of the Sword Palace.

These inspections, any breath, the sword is unparalleled, it is obviously the god.

In the ancient world, Lingxiao is on top, even if it is natural, it can be seen everywhere, like the ancient gates, such a large-scale zone, and the heavens are even more than one.

When Xuanyi appeared in the outer circumference of the swordsman, those who were inspected immediately, and immediately went to the mysterious ritual, and called Xuanyi as "Xuan Yi Palace".

"The sword is unparalleled, your sword is extremely high, and there are many experience left by the swords, and you are useful to you. You have time to stay in the ancient ghermen." A way.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

Two people have already embarked on a slate road that has a few embarrassment, this road is directly leading to the front, and the front door of the swordsman. The huge main entrance is two arbitrary big characters - Swordsman!

The two words, swords and horizontal, enveloped the entire Sword Palace, followed by highlight, even if the time and space stacked by layer, it could not hinder it.

The sword is unparalleled, this two words swords are strong, saying that he has seen the most terrible.

The next moment, the sword is unparalleled, the next time, I'm looking at the Xuanyi next to it. I found that the Xuan one is very unspeakable. The sword is unhealthy. I can't help but doubt. These two words, I am afraid it is from this shot.

I walked over the stone road, I came to the main entrance of the sword palace, the pace of Xuanyi suddenly stopped, and the sword was unparalleled. "Little guy, you are good, today is just a slap in the sword, the palace, You can go in, I will take you here. "

"Thank Xie Xuan Yi Palace Lord." The sword was unparalleled as Xuan Xuan, and then she was deeply sucking, alone in the sword hall.

As for the mysterious one, it is time to stay in the Swordless door. When the sword is completely disappeared in the sight of Xuan Yi!

A shape is abrupt to beside Xuan Yi.

Suddenly the owner, there is a similar appearance with the mysterious model, even the mismaturation is exactly the same, it will give people a gentle feeling. Different, one wearing a purple robe, but a white robe.

People who have aware of the understanding of the mysterious one know that Xuanyi is cultivating the secret surgery, and goes to participate in the Tianzhun event, then the sword is unparalleled to come to the ancient door, and it is a distinctive part of Xuan Yi.

As for the principal of Xuan Yi, I took the town of Jung Palace to the end. I didn't go out.

Now that the white robe appeared, it is his book.

"You this, but give me a small guy, the strongest sword soul, haha ​​~~~ I have never seen it for a long time." White Pari is mysterious and smile, but next to him , Purple robe is also a little faint.

Purple Supreme One, just a shackles of Xuan Yi, although I saw the sword without double shot, I didn't see the virtuousness of the sword.

On the white robe, it is the principal of Xuan Yi, just just watching the sword, there is no pair of eyes, even if he doesn't have to sword without a double, he has seen that the sword is unparalleled, with the strongest sword!


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