Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 663 refuses!

Many palace owners in the Taoizhi, the departure of the palace, and the sword is unfortunately, because they are not good at the swords unparalleled.

Of course, there is also an exception.

The thirteen palace owners of the Taoist Palace, drilled different ways, of which two palace owners, the White Emperor Palace, who is good at the world of the world, and when I see the sword unparalleled information These two palace owners have some heart.

"This sword is unparalleled, and the talented talent is, if it is good to cultivate, the future will be great!"

"And the disciples who went into my , although there are many, but the eternal achievements will never exceed the three, and the chance is very low. They have no doubles with this sword, they are very far, so a genius, Should not be missed."

The white feather palace is sinking, but then a disciple of the immediate summation, told you: "You, immediately hand it over to the sword, tell him, tell him, saying that I am white feathers, I have to collect him for the disciple, If he is willing, you can come to find me with this. "

"Yes." This disciple immediately went to find swords.

At the same time, a black robes were in the middle-aged man, and there was also on Goham.

"The sword is unparalleled." The touch of sound spread, passed to a cave.

In the Dongfu, the sword who is working hard is unparalleled. It is immediately awakened, and it will appear outside the cave.

"This is ..." I saw the middle-aged man in front of him, the sword was unparalleled as if I saw a peerless killing, the horrible killing is suffocating.

"One of this seat, Mo Tao, Taoizhi Palace, is the way to kill." Middle-aged man opened.

"Taoizhi Palace Lord?" The sword has no double one, and it is a gift, "the disciples have seen the Mo Tao Palace."

"Get up." Mo Tao waved to get the sword unpaid, followed by the theme, "This seat read your information, your talent is very high, the potential is very powerful, as long as you have cultivated, you will inevitably add one. The top pointers, this is intentionally charged you to the disciple, I don't know if you are willing? "

"Dear disciples?" The sword is unparalleled.

Not long ago, someone came to him to give him the governor of the White Emperor Palace, and the Bai Yu Palace also said that he was interested in being a disciple of pro-disciples, and now a Mo Tao Palace, and this Mo Tao Palace The Lord, or it is personally.

"You are good at killing, and in the sense of killing, this seat is in the first place." Mo Tao also said.

The sword was unparalleled, and immediately opened: "Mo Tao Palace, I am sorry, the disciples have not been planning to worship."

"Oh?" Mo Tao brows wrinkled.

Ancient god disciples, generally entering ancient gates, will choose to pay under a strong door, swords are unparalleled, and now there is no more than a teacher's intention, but the euphemism is actually refused to refuse him. .

"Unfortunately." Mo Tao shook his head and not barely.

"You have a good time to think about it."

After saying a sentence, this Mo Tao left directly.

Shortly after Mo Tao leaving, several departments of the palace have arrived, and even the swordsman, in addition to the owner of the owner of Nie Palace, I also found the sword unparalleled, the purpose is the same, I want the sword to wore them under them.

This treatment, let the peak know that two of the fire and the fire, there are some jealousy swords.

Task, two of them want to pay into a palace master, even if it is just a deputy palace owner, there is a chance to have an opportunity to have a final test.

The sword is unparalleled, but the palace owner, the departure of the palace, who took the initiative to find him, and even came to compete for him.

It is surprisingly, but these strong people who want to collect swords are unparalleled, but they have been refused by swords.

Including Bai Yu, Mo Tao, two road palace masters, including the Palace of the Sword Palace, and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled alone, in an old door, quiet cultivation.

During the day, he was in the sword house, staying in front of the swordstone stone table, and the three swords, occasionally going to the Taoist Palace, listening to those who are good at the world, the killing of the killing .

In the evening, he returned to Wu Dao Feng, two major books, quietly enlightenment.

He is cultivating or having a lot of things every day, and every time he is full of fullness, it is very fulfilling.

A sway, a month passed.

Taoine, huge playwarm, many old-fashioned disciples sitting there, and in the forefront, the body is still labeled with a swordbrow, is in front of a palace master, respectfully Three heads.

"Disciple, see Master."

The sound of the peak is also spread throughout the past.

The disciples of many old doctors on the play of the play, the eyes of the peak are envious.

"This peak, perseverance is really strong!"

"It's very strong, one month, restless, after a heavy test, I finally went into the door to destroy the owner, but also pro-disciples!"

"The threshold for the destruction of the palace is always very high, it can become the proceedings of the palace master, this can be more fortunate than us."

Normalia, many disciples, almost all in the door, and most of them are going to the palace main entrance to the top of the top, only have a few luck, and can go under the 13th palace main door, and The disciples under the palace main do also have a disciplinary disciples and pro-disciples.

Named disciples, just hang a name, although you can also listen to this palace master, this palace master will also give him, but compare with pro-disciples, but it is very far.

In ancient gates, those palace masters, deputy palace, named, almost every pile, but pro-disciples, very small.

Every pro-disciple, they will do their best to pay.

The peak can become the proceeds of the palace master. On the one hand, it is true that he is in destruction, the other party is also strong enough, can bear, it will be worn, which will be destroyed.

It is another month.

On this day, I have been brought back from the Tianzhuma Festival with the sword. It is the fire and baby of the inner-door disciple.

He is equally a palace master, but it is more unfortunately that the palace owner is only willing to accept him as a disciple, after all, his cultivation is too long, and the potential has been pressed and there are many.

Although it is just a name disciple, the fire and baby are still very happy.

In addition, the icebergs, Xuan Yingsi, Wuhuang, who came in with them, in this two months, all went into the door of the strong.

However, the three of them can only worship the palace owner of the top of the top, and they are only named discies. In the future, they have to work hard, and they may become a pro-disciple.

Since then, the six people who have been brought back from Tianzhou will have been apprentice, but only sword is unparalleled, still cultivating alone ...

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