Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 664, Sword, Unparalleled

The Thirteen Palace Lords, many palace owners, these palace owners, and the departure of the palace will also gather together. At this moment, there are four palace owners to gather in a loft, drink wine, four Among the people, there is a peak master, destroy the existence of the palace owner.

"Destroy, you recently received the disciples of disciples, how is it?" A palace owner asked casually.

"Not bad, although his talent can only be considered in the past, but his heart is good, it is very persevering, the foundation is also very stable. In the future, it will take step by step to teach him, and the achievements will not be too low. Even if it is eternal, there is also a small hope. "Destroy the palace laughed.

"Congratulations, I received a good disciple."

"Xuan Yi Palace Lord's six people brought back from the Tianzhimeh, now this peak is good, others can only be considered, especially the sword is unparalleled ... too disappointment." The black woman is talking about this, not shaking his head.

"Sword is not double?"

I heard this name, and several palace mastes present were quirky.

Two months ago, they got the information gave them to them. At that time, they saw that the sword was unparalleled for more than forty years, and they were unbelievable, and the swords were unparalleled.

If they are not good at the swords, they will definitely go to the sword without double as the disciples.

However, two months have passed now, and the sword is unparalleled in the hearts of these palace, but it is a big discount.

"It was originally an excellent seedllar, but unfortunately, he was too self-assured, too proud."

The black woman said, "He is high, but it is from the ancient world. It is too low in the eyes. He doesn't know how to go in the future. At this time, the most important thing is to find A good master, go to the door, there is this master guide, plus the many cultivation resources of our ancient gates, his talent can completely show it! "

"Unfortunately ... he is too proud!"

"In these two months, there were a lot of the way in the Taoist Palace. The result is rejected by him! "

"The main way of the White Emperor is in the world, the Taoism of the world, the nine metaphysics, all have been fully understood!"

"Mo Tao Palace is more hotel not to say, his feelings of killing, we have no one in the whole ancient gates."

"They two, anyone who is more than one person, is more than enough, they will come personally, if they want to collect him for the disciple, he actually does not agree?"

"He really thought that he was unparalleled, did you need to guide it?"

I heard this, the other three palace owners around the surroundings nodded.

"He is really too proud!"

"Finally, it is too young, not like peaks, cultivating for a thousand or nine hundred years, the sex is early, it is very unpredictable."

"I heard that the sword is unparalleled in the two months, and the three swords traces left before the swords of the sword. If I have not guess, he is indeed a worship, but he wants to worship. , It is the master of Xuan Yi Palace! "

"Shi Yi Palace Lord?" The black woman smiled: "The strength of Xuan Yi Palace is strong, this is not wrong. Can be worshiped, not the strength, but it is not suitable, Xuan One palace master, he dares to be a sense of the world or killing the way, and he will not go to the white feather palace, can teach him, and there is only a sword. "

"And, if you want to go under the main entrance of Xuan Yi Palace, is it so simple?"

"The three swords left by the Lord of Xuan Yi, who can be deeply enlightened, and all the third swords can be realized, the first two, it is enough to make many swords and genius for a long time. , And wait for him to completely understand the top two swords, he has missed the best stage of growth, and he will not pay! "

"If I am him, I will definitely go to the White Emperor Palace or the Mo Tao Palace, waiting to slowly study the three swords traces in the future, and try to pay under the door of Xuan Yi Palace, after all, I The rules of ancient doors, a disciple as long as the talents are high, you can get two or more strong people at the same time. "

The black woman's words, so that other three palace owners nodded.

"Who knows what he thinks?"

"Genius, who is not arrogant? Wait, two years later, the door is bigger than that, he will not keep the inner-door disciples, and the competition in the peripheral disciple is more fierce, waiting for him more setbacks, Some lessons, he naturally understands how stupid it is, and then you will die again. "

"Hey, unfortunately a peerless genius."


The brothers of the swordsman, and the disciples of the ancient gates, gathered there, when the sword didn't come to the Sword Palace, there was a lot of weird eyes from time to time.

"This is two months, this sword is unparalleled, and there is still no strength to be a strong?"

"Oh, it's really idiot, I really thought that I have a high talent, can you have everything?"

"There is no strong guidance, just cultivate, hey, wait, two years later, there is he is very comfortable."

Many disciples are secretly discussing, and some voices have not hidden, and the sword is unparalleled.

However, for these discussion, the sword is unparalleled, but no matter what is not asking, go directly to the sword building, so soon, there is a stone monument with three swords.

Sit down in the front of the stone monument, slightly spit, sword unparalleled mentality slowly returned to normal.

"Two months, peaks, fire and baby, even the iceberg, Xuan Ying, Wuhuang three people choose to pay under the door of the strong, but I still have a person who is alone, I didn't get any strength. Guide, this is no wonder that these disciples in the ancient doors will talk about me behind it. "

"I am afraid there will be many people in the dark, say that I can yourself?" The sword didn't smile, but the discussion on these back is uncomfortable.

"They are not me, don't understand my encounter, will you know my thoughts?" The sword was in a dark.

He, from entering this ancient door, see the three swords on the stone monument began, he has its own decision.

Thanks to the teacher, he must worship!

Only by apprentice, get the guidance of strong people, his strength can improve faster.

However, from birth to now, he never worshiped the teacher, perhaps the super power of the big days, barely calculated that it is his teacher, but the sword has not really hoe after all.

Now, since I decided to make a teacher, or the first master, I will never hurt, and the person he wants to make a teacher, it is not only able to point to his cultivation, the most important thing is that the other party is a person, its behalf, and strength, it is enough to make him Convince, let him admire.

And such a person, only one of the whole ancient doors, that is the main master ... Xuan Yi!

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