In Wancha, there are two, three and even more masters, and it doesn't matter, as long as the other party can bring him help, the more good.

The sword is unparalleled.

He is from the ancient world. In his hometown, the military generally has only one master, and it is a one, and only two is only two.

The teacher's relationship is also very important.

After all, with your own strength, you will slowly become old and die, you can still have your own disciples, or your own master.

So, the teacher can not worship.

"Whether it is a white feather palace or a Mo Tao Palace, they have a strong sense of the feelings, absolutely qualified as my master, but I have no knowledge for their character." The sword is unparalleled secretly.

The entire old door, the only person who has admired his admiration, whether it is strength, or a personality charm, only Xuan Yi.

Therefore, he wants to make a teacher, only one one.

No matter what others say, he is proud, he is not responsible, he only worships Xuanyi.

As for the threshold threshold for Xuanzhi, the three swords, the three swords, and it is almost expected to be aware of others. It can be parallel to the sword.

He has the strongest sword soul, the sword talent is called against the sky, plus this stepping, is a stage of his talents, so that this three swords, he is grasped!

"Three swords, the first sword mark is a nine-style sword, and the second sword mark ... It looks exactly the same as the first sword, but it is actually the sword of the first sword. Recruitment, put the nine-style swords, integrated into three types ... "

Three swords, mystery.

The first sword is the nine-style sword, which is extremely deep.

Like that Zhu Lie, has a certain sword talent, but still stayed in the swords and more than ten years, and the first sword nine sword recruits.

However, no one knows that in this short two months, the first sword of the Journal of the Journal, the sword is unparalleled.

The first sword mark, the sword is unparalleled, it has been completely enlightened!

That Zhu Lie has used it for more than ten years, but the sword is unparalleled, only two months.

Now, he still started to study the second sword mark.


The sword is unparalleled with his belief, with his strongest sword soul, the big tenth day of the day, the super high talent in the level of the sky, continues to start the refinement.

time flies.

No matter how strong the disciples of the ancient doctors talked to him, the sword was unparalleled, no matter whether he did not ask, he is still self-cultivator, and

Wink, the sword is unparalleled to the ancient door for half a year.

In front of the dark stone tablet, the sword is unparalleled, and it is a surprise.

"The final success!"

For more than half a year, he stayed in front of this sword in front of this sword. He has already given the first sword.

According to the truth, the second sword is more difficult than the first sword mark. If you want to understand, it is even more difficult, but this is just against the ordinary people, and the sword of the steering is unparalleled. The stage, so understanding is terrible.

Four months!

After the first sword mark, I have only four months, and the sword is unparalleled. The second sword mark is completely realistic.

"Two days later, Xuan Yi Palace will teach in the sword building. I will now understand the second sword mark, but I just have a good one." The sword is unparalleled, and it is close to him again to see the third sword mark.

Only the last sword mark is only.

"This sword mark ..." The sword was unbrick.

He saw three swords traces half a year ago, it feels exactly the same, but later, as the sword is unparalleled, he looks at the second sword with the third sword.

The second sword mark is to integrate the nine-style swords that have the first sword mark into three strokes.

The third sword mark, but the nine-style sword is completely played into a trick!

On the difficulty, this third sword mark is the hardest.

"I know that the first sword mark and the second sword mark, only half a year, but I don't know how long it is going to make this third sword mark, how long does it take?" The sword is unparalleled, and then starts to continue .

The next day, on the huge play of the Sword Palace, a woman who left a sky blue hair, a beautiful face was sitting on the high platform, and many disciples in the swordsman, listening to this beautiful woman carefully. Teach.

This beautiful woman is the second deputy palace master, named Lingyu.

When half a year ago, when the sword didn't just arrived ancient gates, this Ling Yu also came out, I want to collect swords and unparalleled, and unfortunately rejected by the sword.

Not long, Ling Yu has finished the class, is preparing to leave, at this time, the sword is unparalleled to stand up.

"Ling Yu Palace Lord." The sword was unparalleled to Ling Yu's face, slightly.

"The sword is unparalleled." Ling Yu glanced at the sword and walked, Liu Chao slightly.

The sword is unparalleled, it is very shocking, but the sword is unparalleled in ancient gates for half a year, and now I haven't went into a strong door. He has almost become a proud, conceited synonym, now there are many oldmen. The strong is very disappointed with him, including her.

"This sword is unparalleled, if you pay into me, or if you pay in Bai Yu, Mo Tao's door is under the door of any palace master, this half a year will definitely let his strength reach a new level, but the result of this half year he chooses A person is alone, even if it makes progress, it is probably that I am afraid that I am not going to go. It can be said that he is in the end of the year. "Ling Yu secretly shook his head.

Although it feels unfortunate, she will not bare.

Everyone will have their own choices, have their own way to go, the sword is unparalleled. Since the choice to refuse her, refuses the strong who intends to collect him, even the sword is unparalleled, and those strong people will not Then come out again.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you have anything?" Ling Yu asked.

"This, the disciple has been in the three sword marks left by the Lord of Xuan, a palace, and it is just a lot of confidence yesterday.

"Oh?" Ling Yu looks.

There is no double watching the prince of many swordsman disciples on the play of the military field.

"Do you understand?"

"It's hard to be a short half a year, he has already fully understood the first sword mark?"

"Is it impossible? The three swords left by the Lord of Xuan Yi, even if it is the first sword mark, the nine-style swords, which are all, this sword is unparalleled, although the sword is high, but not Only half a year will give the first sword mark to comprehend. "

"The first sword mark, I have known for nearly two decades, and now I also understand the seven-fashioned sword. He just enlightened half a year, I wanted to make the Journal of the Journal of Jianjun. Just joke."


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