Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 668 killing the true nine world map element!

"Let all the swordsman are embarrassed?" The sword is unparalleled, but the spin is nod.

The sword soul determines the strength of a sword talent.

The sword is unparalleled with the strongest sword, representing him with the strongest sword talent, such talent, it is indeed enough to envy the many swordsmanship.

"You will be in my door, although just name the disciple, but I still do my best to guide you." Xuanyi looked at the sword and asked: "For half a year, you have experienced me three On the sword mark, you should also improve a lot of confidence in the road? "

"It is some upgraded." The sword is not a hyper point, "I will refer to the way of the world with the murder. The world has now fully realized the second heavy metha. On the third grade, I also peeked the threshold. As for the way of killing, it will comprehend the second heavy time in a few days ago. "

Half year.

In this year, the sword is unparalleled during the day, but he is in the sword building, but he returns to Wu Kao Feng feelings.

Wu Dao Feng, understanding the road, is three times the outside world, with the talent of the sword unparalleled in this stage, the two major respects simultaneously, in just half a year, progress is still very amazing.

Like that peak, he went to the main entrance of the Palace. In these half a year, he had destroyed the palace master personally taught, and the destruction of the palace master applied for many cultivation resources, but the peak is now just the second weight of the destruction. Xuan'ao understands that this progress is afraid to be some.

"No one teaches, there is no cultivation of resource assistance, light against Wu Daofeng, can have such progress in half a year, it is very unrestrained." Xuan Yi secretly nodded, and immediately seriously said: "The world of the world, killing, I am not good at, in these two ways, I am not as good as Bai Yu, Mo Tao, but I can be my eyes, but it is not two of them. "

"There are many resources in the ancient gates, there is a lot of help you cultivate you, you can truly fit your treasures, but it will never be too much!"

"I will apply for a group of cultivation resources according to your actual situation. You will go back to Daofeng waiting, and I will make people send those resources for you."

"Thank you, Master." The sword was unparalleled.

"Go, there is still a year and a half, go back to practice, wait for the first time, don't give it to the teacher." Xuan Yi.

"Yes." The sword did not have a double Zheng head, then left.

In the sword building, there is only a one-in-one person.

And Xuan Yi is sinking. "This little guy is good at the world of the world, killing, and drilling the swords, the talents are very high, and there are many treasures in the ancient gates. There are many treasures. How to choose?"

Xuan Yixian started with the sword.

As he said, maybe for the world, the sense of killing, he is not as good as Bai Yu, Mo Tao's two palace owners, but his eyes are extremely high, he is very clear, which treasures are used for swords. And have a huge effect on him, which things are used in swords and have no doubles, which is wasteful.

Only for a moment, Xuanyi has already decided.

"In response to the world, the nine border maps, the ninexard of the world's way to anatomy into many world essence, but it is best for this little guy to see."

"Killing the way, there is a killing of the killing, and it is enough."

"As for the sword ... He now the sword has been extremely high, you want to further, can only condense the sword, this step is too difficult, it is impossible in a short time, he does not need resource assistance in his sword, old and old Listen to the class, or to the third sword mark I left, it is enough. "

"Give him a way, enough to make him cultivate a period of time."


After the sword is unparalleled to Wu Dao Feng, there is no waiting for how long, some people send the cultivation resource for him to apply for him.

"Jiujie map, killing the character, Dao Element?"

When the sword is unparalleled, he can't help but shock.

These three treasures are for the feelings of the road.

Among them, the nine bilies follow the killing of the killing, which is the treasure of helping the world, the treasures of killing, as for the way.

For this election, the sword is not unfamiliar. At the beginning, in the Tianzhu event, the third road is fighting, according to the strength, the top first, in addition to getting a million God crystal, the most important thing is You can get a way.

This elevation is the treasure of the real demon, it is very good, it is extremely precious.

Even with the top of the ancient gates, the number of the Daozuo is very much, and each one is not worth mentioning.

The sword is unparalleled, it can get a way, because of the relationship between Xuan Yi, but also because he talent is indeed, especially if he has a three swords in half a year, so that the whole ancient doors They are shaking, and those high-level negotiations of the ancient doctors decided to give the sword unparalleled.

As for other disciples, even the trainees of the palace palace master, if there is no very amazing talent, it can't get the way.

And the nine border map with killing transitions ...

Among them, the killing of the world, is a strong man named Zhuo Wei, this is a sense of killing, and it has been fully realized that the Kill of Killing is completely comprehend, he will have a lot of killings. The experience of the perception is recorded in this killing of true.

Killing the expertise, a total of one hundred and one word, each word contains many laws of killing the way.

The sword is unparalleled to kill the killing of the tricks, and you can feel the way to kill from this killing of each word of the killing of true.

"This kills the truth, the nature is similar to the sixth building of the Emperor, although the six heavy buildings are cumbersome, but it involves a wider, but this kills the true, it is simple, but each word is very wonderful ... "The sword has no doubles surprise."

In the sense of killing, he has a treasure of six heavy buildings, and now you get the killing of the truth, relying on these two treasures to help, he feels more easily.

And the nine years, ...

The 9th Diagram is more wonderful than the killing of the killing, and it is a nine parallel pictures. This nine parallel pictures are painted, which is a flower, a grass, a stone, a wooden, a lake, a mountain, a cloud, One water droplets and the last one!

Nine parallel pictures, the paintings are simple, it looks very ordinary, but the sword is unparalleled, but found, this flower, a grass, a stone, a wooden, a lake, a mountain, a cloud, one person, A water drip is like a complete world.

The nine parallelism is equivalent to nine complete worlds, full of mystery.


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