Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 669 for two years

"Nine borders, nine paintings, each painting is equivalent to a heavy mystery of the world, has a total of nine mystery."

"In this nine paintings, the painting of the painting, I have already enlisted, I have to understand, I have to understand the seven paintings."

The sword is unparalleled, and a seven paintings you want to have to participate in the stone wall of the cave.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled, and the third painting is directly to the third painting. The third painting is a normal stone, but with the sword where there is no double entertainment, it finds that this stone is equivalent to a complete The world seems to have life, and the stone contains many laws, and it refers to the essence of the world.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is to explain these essentially one by one, and understand it.

"It's so wonderful."

The sword is unhealthy in the eyes, he found that there is this nine border map as a reference, he realized the world of the world, and more than yourself go alone.

"The world of the world, there is a nine border map as a reference!"

"Killing the way, there are six heavy buildings with killing truth assistant."

"There is also Wu Dao Feng, Dao Element ... so many cultivation resources."

The sword has no double objects flashing.

"Master has been trying to strive for resources for me, there is still a big ratio for more than a year and a half, this year and a half, I can't let it be!"

"Let me see, a year and a half, my strength can improve!"

On the same day, the sword was swallowed directly, and then the supper was started with the aid of many cultivation resources.

In the next time, he left in Guifu Road, you will be able to go to the sword or the Taoist listening. If you are a teaching, he will definitely go to listen, if you don't understand, you will go Ask Xuan Yi, Xuan Yi will also answer one by one.

Spring is coming to winter, a sword, the sword is unparalleled to ancient gates, has been two years.

In the ancient ghermen, there is countless , in one of the peaks of the giant peak, close to the cloud, white mystery is sitting, next to him, swords are unparalleled, the eyes are sitting, but the eyes are already open.

"Master, I feel that my sword has reached the limit, I don't know why you have never condensed the sword." The sword has no frown.

"That's because your heart is still not quiet." Xuan is a light smile, "the sword, the sword is the master, the heart is supplemented, the two are missing, you don't worry, let it go."

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

"Tomorrow is an old door, you are ready?" Xuanyi is unparalphed over the sword.

"It's ready." The sword is unparalleled, and he does not have to prepare for it, it is a big bigger to start directly.

"Look at your look, it seems confident? Well, this is to wait and see." Xuan Xiao smiled, but he stood: "Good performance, as much as possible, you only have better performance." This seat can apply for more resources for you. "

"The disciple understands." The sword nodded.

"Go." Xuan waved, and the sword didn't have a double, they left directly.

Xuanyi looked at the back of the sword, but showed a mysterious smile, "My disciple, light vocabulary, even if the many days I have seen, I am afraid that no one can be with him. Comparison, it is really not simple. "


Swords and swords are unparalleled to Wu Wang soon, the fire is looking for the door.

"The sword is unparalleled, have you heard? Today, he went to the tower, and he had a sixth level!" The fire is sitting next to the table, solemn.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

Tao Tower is a special place for Taoishan used to test disciples to the sense of trip.

Tao Tower is said to have a total of thirteen, the higher the sense of the road, the higher the mark.

The sword has been listening to many lessons in the Taoist Palace, and also goes to the Tao Tower. It only passed the third level, but at that time, he just entered the ancient ghermen soon, the sense of the road is still very low, even the second redo Never give up.

The sixth level of the Tao Tower is extremely difficult, even if you know the disciples of triplexion, it is difficult to give the sixth level.

The peak can pass the sixth level of the Tao Tower, which means that he is in the sense of the road, the at least solvement has passed the triple mystery, and even the fourth redo, all have realized some.

In just two years, even in the ancient ghermen, there is such a progress, it is already very good.

"The talent of the peak is really good." The sword is unparalleled.

"It's good." The fire and baby immediately said: "His master destroys the palace owner, and the peak is the kind of thickness, and he has no cultivation in the Augustu countries. The progress is limited, but he has been After the accumulation, after coming to the ancient got, the beginning of his progress is good, you can slowly make his progress, but it is getting more and more amazing, just two years, his strength It has already happened the earth-shaking change. "

"Now the whole ancient gates know that his energy is resistant, there is no surprise to the world, he is definitely able to continue to stay in Wu."

"Well." The sword never nodded.

Big than, participating in the fight, is those who are more young and old-fashioned, and these young disciples are the highest, the highest feelings are only aware of the third mysterious, as for the fourth mystery, Perhaps there is, but it belongs to the phenomenon.

And the peak exposed can pass the strength of the sixth level of the Tao Tower, keep the position of the interior disciples, should be difficult.

"Hey, I really envy him, I am a bad, I have made progress in these two years, but the progress is very general, and now I am just just here, I have just enlighten the second heavy time, in many peripheral disciples, I can only be row Mid-resemble, tomorrow's Zongmen, I will definitely fall as a periphery, I can't want to go back to Daofeng in a short time. "

There is a bitter in the fire and baby, you can follow him, you will be in the sword, and ask: "The sword is unparalleled, you are very good, but also in the door of Xuan Yi Palace, these two years, your progress is definite Not small, I am afraid it will be lower than that peak? Tomorrow's Zongmen is bigger, have you sure? "

"Grasping?" The sword is unparalleled, "there is a little."

"Just a little bit?" The fire and baby watched the sword unparalleled, then shook his head, "I have a little bit of grasp, not as I, but there is no hierarchy, there is no suspense, will definitely be eliminated." "

Wen said, swords are unparalleled, can't help but dumb.

And in the bottom of my heart, the sword is unparalleled but secretly emotion.

From this day of the Tianzhime, the talents of the fire and baby were actually only the bottom. Although these two years, some cultivation resources of the ancient doctors are helped, but the progress is not small, but the peak is compared, but It is too far away.

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