Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 673, Purple Snow Sword

"The sword is strong, does not mean that he is high."

That Ming Yin Palace is still talking about the paragraph, and it is obeying that there is still a double burst of the seventeenth floor in the seventeenth floor. It has passed the seventeenth floor with the Thunder, and then in the moment, The 18th floors, the nineteenth floor, appeared on the twentieth floor of the nine road.

Seeing this scene, this Ming Palace owner directly stunned, and many strong people next to them were also horrified.

"This, this is ..."

"So fast."

"I just stayed in the seventeenth floor, I have been in a long time. Now I blink, the 18th floor is over, and only one sword is used?"

The sword is unparalleled through the 18th floor with the 19th floor scene, they all look at the eyes.

Just a sword!

A sword told the 18th floor and the 19th floor of the 19th floor.

"Fast, look at his sword." A deputy Palace Lord suddenly shouted.

These powers gathered on the main hall immediately saw the sword in the picture.

The sword is not in the twentieth floor of the nine road. The same ten war is in that, and at this moment, I saw that the Ten Courtesy has been in the sword. At this time, the sword is unparalleled once again, still It is that simple and clean, it looks simple to a sword, a sword is swept away, but the sword has a strong force, the power of this world is like a peacock.

The numerous stairs of the twentieth floor of Jiutian Road are filled with this vast sword light. Subsequently, the sword is easy to brush from a strong battle.

The second floor, the sword is only used in the same sword.

"This ... how could it be?" The Mingxin Palace was close to his eyes, and his face was shocked.

"The dream is high, the sword is horrible!"

"He just had a sword, the feelings of the world, have already enlighten the third military mystery, and even the fourth redo, I also realized that most, even thoroughly enlightenment, only one step away!"

"The feelings of the world are so high?"

"Don't stay in the world, you will see it."

Everyone is dead and staring at the screen where the sword is unparalleled.

At this moment, the sword has already appeared in the 21st floor of the nine road, but to know that every five layers of Jiutian Road are a threshold, the guard's strength will have a huge change, this twenty-first layer is difficult than the twentieth The layer is much stronger.

In this twenty-one, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword will be defeated, but the battle is still a piece, but it is completely crushed.

I only see the sword in the picture, the sword, swords, swords and light, or to kill all the way, or tolerate everything, the world, the killing of the killing is perfect in his hand, and then with the horrible sword, Ten The respected war is in his hand, there is not much balance of the opportunity.

"The sense of killing is also very high? It is not in the sense of the world of the world?"

"Scorpio! The way of the world, the feelings of killing have enlighten triplexao, and the evils from the evil spirits are only one step away. This sentiment, this is only a slight difference. , But Luo Yong follows East, they are just a way to enlighten, but he is two ways, the most important thing, or his swordsmanship ... too high! "

"So high feelings, then with the swordsmanship, his truly war, with Luo Yong, East compares to no bad, or even more stronger!"

These strong people above the hall are all extraordinary. Seeing the feelings of the sword unparalleled, the swordsman can judge the war of swords and unparalleled, maybe the sword is unparalleled in the trip, Bio Yong, East is slightly less than colorful, but the sword is unparalleled sword road to practice too much, this is Luo Yong, and East includes all disciples on a few days.

With this, the truly war of swords is unparalleled, and Biyong is indeed strongly in the East.

Before they identified Luo Yong and East, they can pass the twenty-fourth floor, but the 25th floor, I am afraid that I can't get it.

The war of swords is unparalleled now, in their view, completely have the opportunity to pass the second fifteen floors!


"This kid, enter the ancient door for only two years, the sentiment of the road has improved to this level?"

"Sure enough, we have thought that he thought he was too conceited, but now it is too self-righteous."

These strong people on the hall are .

The Lord of Xuan Yi, never talking to the end, but it is dull look at all, the sword is unparalleled in the nine-day road, completely in his expectations, did not give him any surprises.

Next, the sword is not double is still moving toward higher levels.

As the main hall is like these strong people, the next twenty-second level, the second 13th floor is not too difficult to say, he is very easy to pass, even the twentieth Four layers, although I brought him some obstacles, he took some time, still in the past.

Jiu Tian Road, the second fifteen floor.

At the twenty-fifth floor, the ten war of guard, every respect became extremely strong, and the sword was unparalleled, even if this teacher was fighting, and any respect, it is estimated that we can definitely fight those weakest.

The power, speed, even a gun method, is far more than those of the swords that have encountered before the sword.

Ten war, all sides of the sword in the center.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

I saw a road, and the sword was covered.

The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the sword has been urged to the extreme. With the unparalleled shape of the sword, the sword has formed countless substantive sword shadows swept around, and the sword is unparalleled. The heart of the heart is also waving rapidly.

A sword follows a sword, every sword is simple and pure, but it is appropriate to resist all the guns.

"In this 25th floor, these stars are not only power, speed, and gun laws have greatly improved, and the cooperation between them is getting more and more tacit, but the swordsmanship is exquisite, but they can only compete with them. If you want to break them completely, you can only use some means. "

"Let's break the way!"

The sword is unblocked in the sword, and the next moment of his hand is returned. After the body shape, he will take a step. In the back, he holds the heart of the sword at the same time, and a sword is in his sword. Condensed, and his body has a vast killing.

Kill the sky, so that the space of the entire nine road is completely solidified.

"Zikuo breaks the star!"


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