Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 674 broke out, the war is full!


A bright light shines throughout the sky, this light is purple, and it is very beautiful, and it is beautiful.

It is such a beautiful sword, but it contains a horrible killing, as if it can destroy the earth.

As the sword is unhappy, this beautiful sword is straight to the two warfare waves.

The two warlings also took a tattoo for a long gun and broke the air, and the time was hit by the front of this sword.

Hey! Hey!

The two hit the sound sounded, the paint black gun in the hands of the two battles, instantly broke into two trips, and this beautiful sword is still not paused, and it is in the two war. This two war is immediately defeated and retreats to the edge of the battlefield.

Ten war, being defeated by the sword, the sword, the sword, only eight respect, the threat to the sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is connected, and the exquisite sword is displayed. Only the eight-star battle couldn't stand, so soon, he was unparalleled by the sword.

The second fifteen floors, hurt!

On the hall, the high-level strong people in many old doctors saw the twenty-fifth layer of swords, and when the sword defeated the two warfare, one of them revealed the color.

"That sword, power is good!"

"Third-order secrets, and should be a third-order top secret technology."

"Hey, three-order top secret skills, even those who have learned the four-time metastal genius, generally can't create it, like Roong with the east, now just only three-step higher secret skills, And the sword is unparalleled, the sense of the road is obviously less than these two people, but his swords have been repaired too high. "

Secret skills, is the sentiment, plus the combination of weapons, and it is created.

The feelings of swords are not as good as Luo Yong will follow the east, but he understands his own weapons, that is, the sword is repaired, but far exceeds the two people, so he can create a third-order top secret skill.

That is known as the violet sword, and the sword has the strongest trick to attack the power so far.

Jiu Tian Road, the twenty-sixth floor!

A five-story, this twenty-sixth guard against the battle, compared with the 25th floor, has a quality transformation.

One of the ten war, the sword is unparalleled. This teacher has a tacit understanding, and the long gun is attacked, and the sword is not double pressure.

"This kid, I can't hold it!"

"Very normal, the twenty-sixth floor is more difficult than the twenty-fifth floor, the second sixth guards, every respect, it is enough to match the first day of the world, and there is no medium in the 10th battle, there is no medium The battle of the gods can't live, this small child is a lot of things, it is very striking. "

"The twenty-sixth floor, the limit."

The strong people on the hall have been embarrassed.

They have recognized that the sword is unparalleled, but the twenty-sixth floor, everyone knows that the sword is unparalleled.

However, the mysterious palace on the hall is still a kind of mysterious appearance. He quietly looked at the sword in the picture, but he was murmured. "Little guy, let me see you. The limit, where is it? "

On the road, the sword is unparalleled to the tenth battle, which is abnormally wolf.

"There is no way." The sword was unparalleled, and the next horrible force suddenly broke out from his hands.


The sword is unparalleled, and the fire is directly smashed. The horrible power broke out, so that this battle is smashed down, and finally fell to the stairs directly below. on.

The sword is unparalleled, the long sword is swing, and the lightning is connected to the sword.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

After several hits, the war of swords with swords, they were shocked by the sword unparalleled swordsman.

"Zioguang star is hovering."

The sword is unblocked, the Shu Mang is flashing. The beautiful purple light will be lit again, and will follow the three battle of his killing.

Just this moment, the original murdered ten war is all in the sword.

"From my ancient borders, I have been suppressing my strength, I have been suppressed from Tian Daoshui. I have reached ancient gates. In these two years, I also never show me my strength, even if it is nine days Road, I have always bredish! "

"I have been suppressed for so long, and now I am going out, this feeling, it is really happy."

The sword is unparalleled with hands and feels your strength.

He has perfect roots.

His spiritual force broke out, power is far from the same level, his flesh, too far more than that of the same order.

The two are added together, giving the sword unparallert, his strength is much stronger than other Lingxiao, even if it is more than those normal God, it is estimated that it is not too much, and this horror The power, he has been suppressing, and it has never been displayed in front of anyone.

Tian Tiansheng will compete for countless disciples, when he is fighting with the palace, he has never exposed his strength.

Until now ... In this nine-day road, he truly showed it.

"Before the Tianzhime event, all parties to the door, people have more eyes, I am a little guy from the ancient world, if it is too embarrassing, it will definitely be suspicious of those who are strong, so I Always carefully hidden. "

"But now it is different!"

"In the ancient ghermen, the stronger the talents of the show, the more resources will be."

"More more, just expose the power of the same order, there should be no one will think of my foundation, and I will not think I have perfect roots."

Before participating in this parade, there was no double embrace early as early as possible.

This time, he will go all out!

Only when you go all out, he can get the cultivation resources will be more!

"come on."

Within the twenty-sixth space of Jiu Tian Road, the sword is unparalleled, and the battle is in the sky, staring at the foot of the foot and ten war, and is also excited.


A low drink, the sword has no double shape immediately.

The Ten Courtesy also burst together, and it was unparalleled with the sword and the sword, but this time it was obvious, it has been replaced by a sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and each sword is not only exquisite, but also the power of terror, those who have collided with swords and swords, will be exported by the shock, and the sword is unparalleled to put their own strength, Feelings, as well as our exquisite swords, all played.

Common war!

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