Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 675, the limit of the sword!


The sword of the horror of Weilong collided with the long sword of a battle in front of the premium, this war is oppressed, but the sword is unparalleled is turned to turn, and it is like a phantom, lightning The sword directly stabbed the throat of this war.

The speed is too fast, although the battle is in the battle, but it is still a bit too late, and the sword is unparalpted and the throat is immediately defeated.

"Beat a respect, only nine respect." The sword has no smile on the face.

He has faced this twenty-sixth battle, and there is no room for the rest of his hand. As he has a full explosion, he will have a complete effort, he has become more excited. Nowadays it is directly defeating a battle.

It is easy to defeat, and there is too much to deal with it.

As the sword is unparalleled, a stunned war is in its own, just a moment, and the Ten Courtesy collapsed.

The twenty-sixth floor, you have passed!

On the hall, the many strong people in the ancient doctors saw that the sword was unparalleled and suddenly broke out. When I changed the battle, I was shocked by one.

"what happened?"

"Is the power, his strength suddenly improved."

"How can this little child suddenly burst out this strong power?"

These strong people are somewhat inexplicably inexplicably, and they have been the limit of swords, this twenty-sixth floor, it is impossible to go back, who once thought that swords have suddenly burst out this strength Power.

This power can be comparable to the general temperament, but the sword is unparalleled, just a Lingxiao.

"It's a flesh, his flesh power, extremely horrible, if I didn't guess the wrong, he should cultivate the secrets of improving the flesh, his flesh is much stronger than normal Lingxiao, which leads to his flesh power It's far more than a common Lingmi, it is quite with ordinary heights. "Destroy the palace.


These strong people in the field stared at the sword, although there is still a few disciples, but they still don't care.

The most careless people now have one, that is, the sword is unparalleled.

And soon they all secretly nodded, indeed, the power of the sword was unparalleled, which was so strong, which was a large extent was his flesh, extremely strong.

"The Lord of Xuan Yi, this sword is unparalleled to cultivate the secrets of improving the body?" Mo Tao palace asked.

These people immediately looked at the Lord of Xuan Yi.

"I don't know." The first palace master slowly shook his head.

"Don't know?" These strong people were surprised.

According to the truth, Xuanyi is the sword unparalleled master, the sword is unparalleled. The first palace should be the most clear, but now ...

"I don't know."

Xuan Yi Palace will continue to say: "There are some secrets in the ancient gherls. However, the rules of the ancient doors are only qualified to practice these secrets. This is willing to be fair to fair. Disciple, since he didn't become a God, then it would naturally gave him a secret surgery to him. If I was right, this little guy had quenched secret surgery, he had it before he entered ancient guns. And I have been cultivated very early. "

I heard this, the hearts of these strong people are always moving.

They believe that the mysterious palace master is disdainful.

Previously, they got the information on the sword unparalleled in the Tianzhimei event. At that time, there was no strength to mention the strength of the sword.

"This kid, clearly has such a strong flesh, but he has been hiding, before that day, he has never exposed, it's really enough!"

"If we are not related to the cultivation resources you can get in the ancient doors in the future, he will not expose it now."

"This mortar ... is worthy of genius from the ancient world, the mind is very good!"

In the field, the strong people look at the sword unparalleled eyes, they have become enthusiastic.

There is no doubt that the sword is unparalleled is a real genius. One is a terrible super genius in the talented or in mind.

Such a genius, who is not eager to put him under the door?

"This kid, has already passed the twenty-sixth floor, and the next seventeenth floor, it is more difficult than the twenty-sixth floor, I don't know if he is hoped."

These strong people are looking forward to watching.

At first, the sword is unparalleled only to showcase the camper talent. They think the sword is unparalleled. It is not bad, but the sword has no double explosion, but even the twenty-fifth floor has passed, when they It is believed that the twenty-fifth layer is the end of the sword, who once thought that the sword was unparalleled and revealing the terrorist power and broke the twenty-sixth floor.

In the present, these strong people have dared to figure out the sword unparalleled.

Who knows this monster, there is no other base card.

Jiu Tian Road, Sectoral.

Ten war, especially terrible, the road a plunger is connected to the stab, and there is no pressure brought by the sword, and there is still a lot more than the twenty-sixth floor.

The twenty-sixth floor, his war is full, whether it is the sentiment, the swordsmanship is that the power of its own expenditures is all played out, but it is only very boring.

The twenty-seventh floor is more difficult than the twenty-sixth floor, whether the sword is unparalleled, and there is no slightness.

"Battle, battle!"

The sword has no doubles in the sky, the figure is shaking, and there is a model shape in his side.

At first, the sword was unparalleled to reveal two major respects.


After the world's book, after the killing of the Ben Zun, the world is simultaneously, and the battle of the war is together. The two major respects to the top five warfare, and there are two battlefields in this twenty-seventh floor. The two battlefields were unparalleled.

"Divided secret?"

The many strong people in the big temple look at this scene, and the eyes are slightly smashed, but they don't feel unexpected.

The sword is unparalleled to show his secrets, which is not a secret for them.

call out!

A gun shadow appeared in the sword without double, and the time an invisible vortex appeared, the gun shadow is the core of this vortex.

The sword is unparalleled, the sword is swing, the Jian Feng contacts the tip of the gun, a loud noise, the sword has not come to unload all the strength, but there are two black shadows, which is incomparable to his body. Next, he can only connect to the body, quite the two shots of the Huang.

It is pressed, the sword is unparalleled, the world is completely pressed, and the other side of the killing is the same.

However, although the two major books were pressed, he can be particularly calm.

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