Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 676 The sword is walking, and the heart is moving!

The more criticism, the sword is unparalleled, the coorse it.

This is the state that he has worn out in the ancient world.


The two major bodies of the swords have once again integrated, and the Ten Courtesy will immediately gather together to kill.

The sword is unparalleled but not afraid.

At this moment, in his eyes, everything in front of him disappeared, only the sword in his hand.

It seems that all the people are left all over, and the swords in his hands.

"Sword, like people."

"The sword is in love, the sword is with the heart, the sword goes, and moves with the heart ..."

The sword is unparalleled in my mind, I recall the words before I will teach him.

"The sword is walking, and the heart is moving ..." The sword was unmarkarized, and the swordsman in his hands became changing.

In the same sea, the sword soul is originally quite calmly suspended. But at the moment, it began dramatic trembling, and a strange force suddenly swayed from the soul of the sword. The sword was unparalleled and even closed his eyes.

Just in the tenth battle of the Ten Court, he closed his eyes directly.

Even if the eyes closed him, he can still be swayed, and the speed is getting faster and faster, and the offensive of those war is blocked.


Just at the second seventeen of the nine days, he was able to attack the madness of the Ten Court.

He is the sword soul in the sea, starting a transformation.

In order to bother the sword soul of the sword, the sword spirit will begin to slowly condense!

It seems that it seems to be a spectral, it is difficult to understand, but it is actually a chapter.

After all, he accumulated in the swordway, it was too deep.

As early as the ancient world, his sword has improved to reach the ultimate, reaching the strongest sword soul, and his swordsmanship has been raising, especially in the past two years in the ancient gates, and listening to class in the sword house, there is Xuan One Palace is personally taught, and his sword is repaired in an incredible improvement and has raised to a top.

This top is a bottleneck.

Even the mysterious palace said, he has already qualified to condense the sword, just take an opportunity, don't worry, let it go naturally.

Now, in this nine-year road, he has been accumulated in two years, which makes him feel good, then facing the siege of the twenty-seventh flour, it feels great pressure, this is a tight .

One of the tights, his bottleneck, broke through.

Let it be natural, it is also a chapter, the water is broken.

On the road, the sword is still in the sword, and the Ten Court has already been released, and all kinds of ways to siege is unparalleled, but it is still being brought to the sword unparalleled very 'appropriate ".

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled in the sea, and it has been condensed.

Sword heart, sword threshold!

Like a sword, it is the first day, the higher the sword talent, the stronger the sword of the awakening, the strength of the sword soul is about powerful.

But the soul of the sword is just the innate advantage of the sword, but does not represent the level on the sword, the sword is really the threshold of the sword.

Only the road to the swords of the swords will be truly appeared in front of the sword.

And now, this step, the sword is unparalleled.

On the road, the sword is unparalleled, and the moment of open, a horrible sword is like formed in an instant sweep.


The tenious battle of the siege of the sword is all affected by this sword, and it has fallen out.


The sword is unparalleled with hands, feels the changes in the sea, where the golden sword soul that has not been needed, has disappeared, and the replacement is a complete formation of substance, and the sword of swords.

This sword is also gold, exhausted, as if you can tear everything.

"Is this a sword heart?" The sword is unparalleled to induce the strength of this sword, far from the sword soul.

The sword heart, can also give swordsman power, and far more powerful than his sword soul.

And the most important, a condensed sword heart, representing his Keyway repair has fully reached a new level.

Before it is aware of the sword, but now, it is the heart of the sword, there is very different between the two.

"Just let me see, then the change in the sword, my strength has changed." The sword has a slight expectation, followed by his body, like transient, directly appearing in a battle Next to the side, there is no shortage of flowers, and it is a sword.

A very casual sword, can drive on the sword unparalleled sword, this sword has been far more than ten times higher than before, and the battle in front of the court has taken the past.

In the first time, this trip found the existence of swords and unparalleled swords. Just wanted to shoot, a sword of swords lit up, directly from its body.

This war is not as good as the beginning to the end, and it is directly defeated by the sword.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled again, and the sword is waving, and the one of those war is brushing.

The speed is too fast, these warlords will not keep the sword without double swords, only for a moment, ten warfare, all defeat.

The twenty-seventh floor, hurt!


In the temple, many strong people in the ancient doctors gathered there, there is only one picture left in front of it. After all, there is only a few swords, there is already a unparalleled person, others are It has reached the limit and is sent to nine days.

Everyone stared at the screen where the sword is unparalleled, and in that picture, the sword is unparalleled. It has already fallen into a near desperate situation.

His two major books have been, but they are still comparable to wolf, and they have gone, no one has no longer wants to have a double report to the sword.

"This little child, this should I have lost it?" The Ming Dynasty palace was dark.

Even if the Xuan Yi Palace is also secretly shaking his head, he thinks that the sword is unparalleled.

At this time, they have noticed that the swords are unparalleled and two major respects, and then they have closed their eyes under the siege of the Ten Courtesy.

And clearly closed his eyes, but he still brought the top ten battle's offensive to the next.

These scenarios, these strong people can naturally do not understand.


"This little child, is it a melted?"

"It's all right, can you fade?"

These strong people feel the head of the head, but when they are still guessing the sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled, and then, then, the simple sword waves, directly One of them defeated.

And when the sword was unparalleled, the strong person in the scene was, even the mysterious palace owner, she was stunned.

"Sword, sword!"


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