Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 677 Sword Heart!

"Sword Heart!"

In the big temple, many strong people are in the moment.

These strong people are the top height, and they are natural and natural. They can see the swords of swords that are not bought, and the tremendous changes occurred before.

The reason why this change is caused, they are clear.

It is because I know that they are incredible.

"How can it be?"

"Sword, this is the sword!"

"Even if you are good at the eternal bodies of the swords, there are many people who have hierarchical heart, as for the hero level, a natural god condensed the sword, it is very great, but this kid ... he talented! "

"Ling Wei, condense the sword heart?"

Even if it is the heart of the sword who is unbroken, it is also in an unprecedented shock at this moment.

In the sky, even the whole ancient world, the hero level is condensed out of the sword, and it is already super genius. Such a super genius, how much is the whole of the big people, and the sky is in the field, it is more rare.

And Ling Wei is condensed out of the sword?

Just smashing.

The sword is unparalleled but did it.

He is really just a Lingmi, but also very young, but now from his swordsman can be seen, his independence has already condensed the sword.

These strong people present were shocked.

Like the trick of the entertainment, I have wanted to collect the sword without double the Lord of the Mo Tao Palace, but also said: "Fortunately, the original refused me! With my energy, it is indeed uncharged as him. Master. "

Mo Tao Palace, "After all, although I feel high, I have a low level, but my eyes, I will only make every effort to ensure that he can reach the eternal level, but can only be eternal, at all, In a bad talent. "

"In the whole ancient gate, it is estimated that only the Xuan Yi Palace is qualified to teach him €"

Many strong people in the hall have looked at the Lord of Xuan Yi.

"Xuan Yi Palace Lord, congratulations, have received a good disciple."

"The Lord of Xuan Yi, this little guy is unparalleled, and you can teach yourself, the future achievements will inevitably be the same."

"Ling Xiaoyu condenses the sword, this kid is in the talent of the sword, than him in the world, the talents of the killing of the killing are much higher, and if they are in the door of Xuan Yi Palace, it is indeed his best. select."

When I heard this road, the Muan Yi Palace was just a faint smile, did not open, and it was a shock.

"This little child, I have given me two big surprises."

It is indeed two surprises.

The first is that the sword is unparalleled out of the power.

The second is that it is condensed the sword.

"All the disciples, although the disciple is still just Lingxiao, but its combat is not better than the general height, so the secrets of our ancient doctors, he should be qualified to practice." Xuan Yi Palace Main flat.

I heard this, and these strong people in the scene looked at each other.

With many secrets, there are many secrets. Those secrets are related to the ancient house roots, and the powerful powerful, and the disciples of the ancient doors. Only those disciples reached the level of the gods are qualified to cultivate these secrets, but Everything has exceptions.

The sword is really just in Lingxiao, but the power will never be weak than those normal temperatures.

Plus the amazing talent that the sword is unparalleled, but also thoroughly conquered these strong people present.


Many strong people nodded, even if it was the heart of the Ming Palace who watched the sword, the palace, only helpless.

"In addition, since he has already condensed the sword, the third sword mark left, he can't use it for a long time, when he will become the pro-disciple of this seat, this seat will bring He, before going to Jianfeng cultivation. "Xuan Yi Palace is also said.

"Jian Feng?" The hearts of these strong people were always moving, but they were still nod.

See this, the Lord of the Mystercy is satisfied with a smile, and then the eyes continue to look at the front of the front.

In the picture, the sword is unparalleled to continue to be higher at higher levels.

One condensed out of the sword, the sword is unparalleled, and his swordsmanship is also more subtle, and it is entirely two concepts before it.

After the second seventeen layers were easy to pass, he appeared in the twenty-eighth floor.

The twenty-eighth flour, more stronger than the twenty-seventh floor, but strong is not too screaming, but the sword is unparalleled with his swords, still is awkward, easy to over.

The mid 19th floor, the battle of this layer is barely enough to give the sword unparalleled pressure, but just some stress, as the sword is unparalleled, it is relatively easy to over.

The thirty-tenth floor, the thirtieth floor of the battle is stronger than a grade, in this layer, the sword is unparalleled, the two major books, the sword heart is unparalleled. The bursts have reached the extreme, and the final party is quite reluctant.

The thirty-first level.

It is also the last layer of nine days.

At this layer, the sword is unparalleled to come to the top of this mountain, and the top is only one step away.

However, this step is to get rid of the sky.

Jiu Tian Road, five layers are a row, every 15th floor is a big.

The thirty layers to the thirty-first level, or the last level of this nine days, this is a huge.

The Ten Federation of the Thirty-first level is much stronger than the thirtieth floor, the sword is unparalleled, even the scruple, this thirty-first layer is a paradise of the 10th floor. Killing, that is, this ten war, casually, can fight with the sword.

Ten Ten Dynamic, cooperated and tacit understanding, just two rounds of rushing, the two major respects of the swords are directly defeated.

In the end, the sword is unparalleled to the thirty-first level.

For this result, the ancient gates on the hall, it is not strange.

"The thirty-first level of Nine Road, every war's war has reached the top of the second day, the ten war, cooperate with tacit understanding, even the general higher God, it is not necessarily the past, this small Although the guy is against the sky, it is just a Lingxiao, and it is too young. It is better than the high height of the war. "

"It is already very counter-sky!"

"If you give him another time, wait for him to the world, the sense of killing, and then cultivate a two secrets, with his sword, maybe it may The thirty-first floors have also passed, but now, it is still too early. "

These strong people have been embarrassed.

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