"Wan Dao Jing?"

The sword is not a double brow.

In this golden reel, record is a secret surgery named Wan Data.

Said to be secret, but this Tao did not record its specific role ability, there is only a simple practice of practice.

"This secret, your life is cultivated, wait after you will understand this secret to you." Xuanyi with a mysterious road.

The sword is unparalleled, although it is a bit confused, but still nod.

Although he does not know the specific ability of this secret, it is seen from this secret practice to see what harm will be brought to him.

Plus this secret is that Xuan Yi is handed over to him, the sword is unparalleled to his own master, there will be no doubts.

"In addition to these three secrets, I know that you have also cultivated a secret of quenching with an end." Xuanyi looked at the sword unparalleled, "General quenched mystery, if it can be able to cooperate with some The genius of genius to improve the strength of the flesh is the best, so I applied for you for you, all in this Qiankun. "

Xuanyi will give a Qiankun to the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, you will see the color of the surprise.

He cultivated the secret surgery, a total of four, respectively, bone, coagulation, imperial articles, and geographical articles.

And I was still in the ancient world, he will refine all the bones, which has been coagulated, and it has never started to get started. It is because it lacks some genius's auxiliary assistance. The sword is unparalleled to get started on the coagulation, even cultivated to a high level.

At that time, his flesh is greatly improved, and the strength can also get rising.

"I have to fight for you, I have tried my best, and I will see yourself." Xuan said.

"Thank you, Master." The sword was unparalleled.

After the mysteria waved, they left directly, and only the swords of Jianfeng were unparalleled, and they were still in this cave.

Looking at the seventy-two Xuan'ao's words on the stone wall of the Dongfu, the sword has a bib of the bismuth.

"The Master has been striving for the final cultivation of resources for me. As for how much I can grow, everything I have to see myself."

"Try Harder!"

The sword is unparalleled, even in this cave house, while the body is shaking, the two major respects appear.

"Keyway, sword ..."

Two big tops of swords have begun to refresh.

Two big respects, and all have their own consciousness, that is, his two major books can concentrate on these words in front of them, this is equal to the speed of the sword, the unparalleled entertainment, and the foot is doubled. And he is in the swords and talents, and these words have an inquiry of the swords. The sword is not double to have a relaxed.

Time passed, the sword is unparalleled, the sword is repaired, and it is also slowly increased at an amazing speed.

At the same time in the enlightenment of the swords, he will also share the world, kill the way, and the three secrets of the mysterious, he also have a careful study.

In the three secrets, the big sword is required to be auxiliary.

The blood of the dragon is relatively simple. It only needs to control the combustion of the spiritual combustion. The blood of the dragon blood is divided into two, the first heavy spirit is slow, and it can make himself out ten times. Speed, and the second weight, the spiritual combustion speed is very fast, even if it is a sense of height, drive the blood of the dragon blood, and the top more of the time can only last dozens of breathing time, the spirit will consume Exhausted.

On the way of spiritual burning, his speed can increase by 100 times, and it is indeed the best means to escape.

As for the last Wan Dao.

This secret is very special.

The sword has no double diamonds for a long time before they will understand this secret, and then cultivate.

After practicing Wan Dao, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no difference from you before.

Perhaps it is true that the sword is unparalleled in Xuanyi, and the sword will find the use of this talent.

The sword is unparalleled in Jianfeng, concentrates on, he has already forgotten the passage of time.

Spring and autumn, the time, the time is fast, and it is already six years.


The ancient gates, the palace, and many disciples of the ancient gods gathered together, three or two two two two two.

"I heard it, I'm going to break through the gods, I broke through the gods before three days, and he was very high, and a breakthrough is a high-level nation. Waiting for a few secrets in the future, in the future I have the opportunity to hit the top of the world. "

"The top of the God, that is, the main level of the palace of our Taoist Palace!"

"Who said no, this peak, the talent is really."

Many disciples know this news, they are secretly amazed.

God, according to the sense of the deal, the weapons are cultivated as, the self-created secrets, secrets, and some other means, divided the first day, the second day, the high height, the top of the world.

Between these four levels, each hierarchical gap is extremely huge, like the first day of God and the middle of the gods, in general, in the face of the first day of the gods, in the face of a medium-scent, only the crushing.

Even, even if it is the first day of God, there may be a huge gap with each other.

Higher God, in the heaven, it is already a strong.

As for the top height ... in the ancient ghermen, there are many people, like the gods, there is a lot of God, but these people are only the first, medium, high spirits, and there are few tops.

Under normal circumstances, a top and god can go to the palace as a deputy palace.

The peak entered the ancient gates for less than ten years, and broke through the gods, and a breakthrough directly became a higher God. This is really very good. After all, most of the oldest disciples, a breakthrough, most of the gods, a small part of the middle God's war, can have a breakthrough with high height, but the number.

"The peak has broken to God, the sword is unparalleled? He has entered the ancient door with the peak, and the talent is better than the peak, it is more scary!" An ancient disciple suddenly opened.

"The sword is unparalleled? I don't know."

"I heard that the sword has been cultivating in Jianfeng in the past few years, and even the peaks of the enlightenment are rarely returned, and he has never been handed over in these years. No one knows that his strength is in the end, but It is definitely stronger, even if it is not broken, his strength will never be weak than the peak. "

"Well, I entered the ancient gates for only two years, I can pass the thirty floor of Jiu Tian Road, such a big moon, and the pro-disciples of the Xuan Yi Palace, his progress is not terrible."

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