Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 684 proofs themselves

These ancient disciples are talking freely, and they have heard the sword unparalleled, and these old-fashioned disciples can't help.

Since the sword is unparalleled in the world, he has become a synonym of the monster in the ancient gates.

It is still the unopened Jianfeng.


The void appeared next to Jianfeng, is it.

Xuan Yi looked at the Dongfu on the top of Jianfeng, smiled, and immediately stepped into the cave.

In the Dongfu, the sword was unparalleled, and the sword was drifted. It was a sword. It can actually be very simple.

Very simple, pure, clean and neat, can enter the scene after the passage after the cave, but the smile on the face is more

"From the development, this step has truly achieved great achievements. It seems that this kid has completely stabilized the first layer of the sword heart." Xuanyu smiled.

At this time, the sword that waved the sword was unparalleled, and finally stopped the movements in his hand, and his eyes saw it.

"Master." The sword was unparalleled.

He hung in Jianfeng for six years, hardly left, and Xuan Yi will come to Jianfeng almost a few days, give him some guidance, this six years, Xuan Yi pair of car loves him Looking in the eyes, in just six years, they have established a very deep mentoring.

"Annual, you have carefully enlighten it in this Jianfeng for six years, and it should be left.

The sword is unparalleled, and the smile is also revealed.

The seventy-two Tao in this Jianfeng did not compare, just a few years, the sword is unparalleled, and the improvement of the sword is like sitting like a rocket, but it will gradually slow down. In the recent year, it has already reached a sharp point, although it is still a lot more than I have alone, but I have been starting with the beginning, but it is two levels.

The sword is unparalleled, and this seventy-two road words are slow to grow slowly.

"After another two months, the life and death will be opened." Xuan said.

"Life and death eternal world?" The sword didn't have a double look, and immediately saw the past.

"Life and death, the place where the sky is rich in the sky, and will open once every hundred years." Xuan Yi said.

"Every time I open, the three giants of the Tianwan domain and the nine top polemen will send a lot of disciples to go in. These disciples are generally breakthrough to achieving God, and more young disciples, in addition, three giants, nine top sharp The door has been negotiated, and these people's disciples, each person is only allowed to enter once, and the number of entered every sect is limited. "

"So, each time you can enter it, all three giants, nine top pointers, in this era, the best disciples."

"These genius disciples can enter the outer exterior of life and death, in addition to this, the three giants, the strong people of the nine top pointers, will also dispatched, go to the inner layer of life and death, After a month, the eternal circles will be closed again, and these strong people will come out one by one. "

The sword is unparalleled, nodded secretly.

He heard, this is very common in life and death, otherwise not to let the three giants will pay attention to the nine top pole.

"One era, for a hundred years, and my ancient gates in this era of the best disciples, you are also one of them, so I will arrange for you, let you have the opportunity to go to the life and death Xuan Yi Road.

"I?" The sword has no double.

According to Juan Yi, the disciple of life and death, the disciple of the eternal circles, that is, it has been broken through the gods, and he is now just Lingxiao.

Despite his current understanding and the energy resistance, it has already imposed the qualifications of the gods, and the sword is not a double.

After all, Ling Wei, corresponding to the big days of the sky, this is a stage of his talented, he still wants to stay in this stage for a while.

"Don't worry, although you are still just the level of Lingxiao, but your ability to fight, the ordinary God can be your opponent." Xuan Yi smiled, "six years ago, you can pass nine days ago The thirteen floor of the road, when your war is already the top in the middle of the world, close to the higher God, for six years, you have been in this six years, "

"Amount." The sword is unparalleled.

In this six years, although he has been in Jian Feng to improve the swordsman, he didn't pay attention to the way to the world. The sense of killing, but he is too high at this stage, even if it is only a small one. Going to the refreshment, he has a significant improvement in the murder of the world.

Today, these two ways have already enlighten the fourth redo, even, the fifth-stricken mystery has already enlisted.

The most important thing is to repair the swords, and six years ago, it is all two different levels.

Six years ago, he made his best in the thirty-first level of Jiu Tian Road, still crushed by the ten war.

But this thirty-first layer, he had a grasp of the past five years ago, and now the strength is naturally more.

"My ancient gates arranged those genius disciples who entered the eternal circles of life and death, and they were generally higher. You only need to prove that you have a higher God's fighting power. I will take a task for you in Tianshen. This task, It is your opportunity to prove your own. "

When Xuan Yi finished, a task scroll is thrown to the sword.


The sword is unparalleled to open the reel, simply browse, and the complex is immediately quirky.

"Minor level task?"

In the Tianshan Palace, released to those tasks into people level, grades, flyers, the simplest task, generally only the first or secondary God is enough to complete, and the preferential task is difficult Big, to complete the ground-level mission, is generally higher.

As for the task of the sky, it is done by the top height.

This task is given to him. In the prefecture-level mission, the difficult coefficient is also great.

Task content: Killing eleven activities in ancient gangshen's criminality in the territory of the country.

During all the eleven gods, it is done.

On this spool, there is also the information introduction of the eleven God, and the location they are now.

It is worth mentioning that this eleven is in the world, even the weakest, in the middle of the world, in addition, there is a five high height, one of which is the strongest higher The name is Huizhen, but it is extremely unhorse.

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