Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 685 of the Shandi Sword

"Let me go to God, and also include five higher God, Master, you can really see me." The sword is unparalleled secret.

Task, defeating and killing, it is entirely two concepts.

Can become a God, especially the high-level god, usually have one or two secrets, some will have a secret surgery such as the blood of the dragon blood, facing a higher God, the sword is unparalleled may have Grasp the other party to defeat, but to kill the other party, then there is not much grasp.

It seems to see the idea of ​​the sword is unhealthy, Xuan Yi is said: "Don't worry, this task is that I personally pick it up, the eleven of the task, their common point is extremely powerful, But the life of life is not good at, with your strength, you can kill them. "

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

If the other party's life is general, then it is possible to kill them.

"This is the main map of our ancient gates. The eleven gods are in the territory of our ancient gates. You study the route in our own, in two months, be sure to kill them." Shi said.

"Yes." After the sword did not double the terms, he looked back.

"In addition, there is still something." Xuanyi looked at the sword. "Do you have the sword you use now, or you brought it from the age of the ancient world? Although this Sword War is still good, it is barely reached the day. The gods, but it can only give some first-class God or the medium-sized gods, but it is not very suitable for you. "

The sword is unparalleled.

His sword he use? ?

That is indeed brought back from the age of the ancient world.

" ?" The sword was unparalleled.

On the Taoist soldiers, it is a hero.

In the ancient world, many strong people used the Taoist soldiers. The heavens have almost no, the sword is unparalleled, and the Sword is qualified to get a heil soldier. This heart is also used. Ok, but as he is getting stronger and stronger, now he also found that this sword has not been able to play his strength.

"I have a sword here, you take it." Xuan one hand, and immediately appeared in his hand.

This shot of the purple sword, immediately had a strong and extremely angry swept, and suddenly the sword didn't understand the sword, this purple long sword is the same as his heart sword, the same is the sword of the killing. It's just that there is too much power to be strong than the sword.

"Master, this is?" The sword watched this purple long sword, this long sword sword is fine, Jianfeng is exuding an amazing cold and shells.

"This is the throne of the Shandi Sword, the eternal level." Xuanyi went casually.

"Eternal Silver?" The sword was unparalleled.

Taoist soldiers, God soldiers, eternal soldiers!

Most of them are used in Lingxiao.

The heavens, usually used to hear, like a sword, unparalleled heartless sword, barely reach the level of the heil, so the first day of the gods or the medium height, use it to use it, it is appropriate, as for higher God, top height Nature is the more powerful heil of Weiner.

And the eternal soldier, it is to use the power of the eternal bodily.

"This sword, the power is good, with now you, I can't urge it all the power, but even if it is only a part of the power, it is enough to make your strength slightly improved a step, good It is, in addition, there is an enumeration in this, you also take it, go out in the foreign calendar, it will inevitably encounter the crisis. If it is really forced, it will be crushed, and the most powerful Go to save you. "Xuan said.

"Thank you, Master." The sword was unparalleled.

He is very clear, and his own master is really awaiting him.

"Okay, I will have a little early." Xuan waved.

The sword is unparalleled. After the mysterious, he will turn around.

The sword is unparalleled first, and there is a lot of the ancient gods in the way, and many old-fashioned disciples have encountered him.

"Sword is not double?"

"It's a sword. I have never seen him for a long time."

"I heard that he has been cultivating in Jianfeng, today is it to leave Jianfeng?"

These old-mate disciples are only far away from swords, and their eyes are full of fear.

On the way, the sword has also encountered two palace owners who have just passed, the two palace owners, the Master of Peaks destroy the palace, and the white feather owner who has born with the prince is unparalleled.

The two palace owners are far away from the sword.

"It's a sword. In this six years, he has been in Jianfeng, and he has never revealed the strength. I don't know which step is the strength of his current strength." The White Equate Palace was admired.

"I heard that Xuan Yi Palace Lord has just received a task in Tenqi, or the prefecture-level mission, it seems to be to give this sword unparalleled." Destroy the main road of the Palace.

"Minor level task? Isn't it prepared for higher God?" The Lord of the White Earth is a bit horrified.

"Who is not?" Destroy the palace's master laughing, he also received it for a priest of disciples, but the peak is not double comparable to the sword, it is indeed too much.

"This little child is really a monster." The white feather palace shook his head, and at this time, the white feather palace was suddenly noticed that the sword had no double back, the purple long sword.

"Well?" The expression on the face of the White Feung was suddenly solidified.

"White Feather, what happened?" Destroying the palace owner wondering.

"Destroy, let's take a closer look, look at the sword behind him, isn't it a young soul?" The white feather palace was a horizon.

"Share Sword?" Destroy the Palace Lord is shocked, and immediately immediately look forward to the sword, a pair of back, and I saw the sword where there was no double back, the purple long sword behind him.

At this point, the expression of destroying the main face of the palace has become unusually wonderful.

"Good guy, the first palace master actually handed him to him, this is much trustworthy?" Destroying the palace whispered.

"Shard Sword, not only a handle of eternal people, the most important thing, it is also a swordsman, representing the singer of the sword!"

The Bai Yu Palace is also exposed in the eyes.


The sword is unparalleled back to Wu Wang soon, and she is ready to leave, she is ready to leave the ancient gates and go to the ground-level mission.

Before an old door, a giant space wormhole, the sword is unparalleled to hand over the satellite map of Xuan Yi Palace.

"The territory of the ancient gates is extremely vast, and the eleven gods I want to kill, it is distributed in the corners of these territories. I want to kill them, I have to spend a turning effort, as for The first place is where it is! "

The sword is unparalleled to watch a city on the map, Dan Central City.

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