Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 686 Dan Central City

Dan Central City is an old door to control the vast space, a very common, very small city.

Such a city, the martial arts, but the strong is in number, according to the information of the sword, there are many families in this Dan Central City, these families, the strongest people are just the hero level. And almost all of the first-class God, moderate God, as for higher God, there is no.

Not long ago, this Dan Central City suddenly had a big devil named ice, and quickly gathered a batch of a batch of strong people with super strength, and killed in this Dan Central City. The few families, there are many people, including numerous warners, they are dead in this ice, helpless, these families will save to the ancient gates.

Where is Dan Central City, this is the first family of Dan Central before, and there is a third day, there are more than ten kinds of first day, and the overall strength is better than other families. Now, this home is only one of the people, and the first day of the god died, and the strength is not as good as before.

Where is the giant house, the sword is unparalleled directly to He Jia gate.

"Who?" He's two guards immediately stopped the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is just a dozen to come out, this enumeration is the disciples of ancient gates.

"Ancient god disciples?" The two guards saw that they were shocked, and they were shocked. I was one of them: "Adults please wait, I will immediately tell my house."

After finishing, this guard turned to go to the government.

In the huge talker hall, the doors and windows are closed, and dozens of shadows are here, which is the old man, which is the old man, this old man is the contemporary household, He Yun, where is it only A medium height.

As for others, one of whom has some strong people from other families from other families in Dan Central.

Since the appearance of ice, the families of Dan Central City are all together.

"He Yun, the ice has been released, and several families in Dan Central City, in a day, the fifty thousand gods are given to him, otherwise, he personally, will personally, will we have the family. One of the roots, what should we do? "A woman wearing a white robe frowned, her voice rang in this chance, so that the atmosphere of the whole hall became stunned.

"Five thousand god crystal, it is really a lion!"

"Five thousand god crystal, huh, we have added all the accumulation of many families for many years, and it is estimated that he will not exceed one million, and he is open, it will be 500,000, hehe!"

"It's going to be alcoholic, big, fight with him to death."

A thrive sound from the mouth of these people in the hall.

Five thousand gods, for these families of Dan Central, is indeed a huge number.

After all, a whole family of Eternal, only one million gods, and most top of the world, the family, the family, the family, the family, because of years of accumulation, can take out Some God is coming, but it is very difficult for these families.

"Okay, shut up."

A road with a bit of majestic sound, and the top of the top, "that ice is a genuine high-level", you are also very clear that the gap between the high height and the mid-term God, I am welcome, he is a person, it is enough to sweep all people we present, fight with him? Do you want to die? "

When I heard this, these gods in the hall were silent.

Go with ice?

In the past, several families have tried it. As a result, there were a lot of death, like He family died, but the ice is a hair, but there is no hurt.

This is a huge gap between the high height, with the mid-term god.

"He wants to give him crystal, we can give him a moment." He Yun continued: "I have already sent it to the ancient gates, how long does it take? Ice is arrogant, as for the gods we handed out, you can also ask back, and you will give it more advantageous benefits to the ancient door. "

"Well, say."

"Although this ice is a higher God, it can be in front of the ancient ghermen, but it is just a disturbance."

"When the ancient gathered power can arrive."

These days in the hall have recognized He Yun's words, they also look forward to the arrival of ancient gardens.

After all, with their ability, it is far from fighting with ice, only an old door can easily kill this ice.

"Now that we are most afraid of we will make God, this ice immediately escaping or leaving, let the ancient gates strongly rush, when you lose money or us, so we must try to drag him a few day……"

He Yun is talking, it can be suddenly, the closed door is opened, and a person is coming in, it is the guard who came to the message.

"What is the body?" He Yun sinks.

"The master, everyone, the door came to a person, with the disciple of ancient gates, but also the domestic disciples." This guarded.

"What?" The gods of the hall are first surprised, but they are ecstasy.

"The strong people in the ancient doors have arrived?" He Yun is also excited to stand up, and then you will tell: "I have a hurry."

"Yes." This defense immediately went to ask the sword.

"Walk, we also hurry to welcome." He Yun said.

Ten people in a row, they all came out from the hall, went to welcome the sword, and very fast, the sword was unparalleled, and the shape of the gods appeared in the sight of this group.

But I really see the sword is unparalleled ...

"Play people." He family, the middle of the world, "Ling, Ling Xiaoyu ?!!"

As a sense of God, what kind of breath in the breath, the young man in which the long sword appeared in front of them, even if there is a strong attitude, it will not change the fact that the young man with the long sword is just one Famous Lingzhong.

"How can it be Lingxiao?" These amenities are almost all rushing. I thought that the savior came, I didn't expect it to come to Ling Yu ...

"Which one is He Yun, why?" The sword is unparalleled in front of this group of heroes, and it is indifferent.

He Yun has a little bit of white, and it is even a desperate, and after hearing the sword is unparalleled, it is an qi and weak answer. "The old man is."

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