Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 687 Savior

"My name is a sword, my task, I will come out for you, kill the ice." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh." He Yun is just slightly nodded, and there is a bit of a few points.

See this, the sword is not double-faced.

He also noticed that the dislocation of the face around this group of people in front of him.

"These people, see me just a Lingmi, how can I put me in my heart?"

"Yes, I am going to kill, but after all, I am a higher God. A Lingxiao must kill higher God. It seems that there is a little incredible, I don't believe me is also normal." The sword is unparalleled.

At this time, a first-class God in the crowd watched the sword and unparalleled, ignited, "I murmured," a Lingxiao, but it will kill the ice, the disciple of the ancient doctors It is this kind of color color. I still have a huge hope to the ancient gates before, but now it seems that old doctors, but so. "

Although this first-class voice is extremely low, the sword is unparalleled or heard.

The sword is unparalleled, and a unusually fierce sword is blooming.

Booming ~~~ Instantly, the whole world seems to be completely enveloped under this fierce horror, the surrounding time and space is completely solidified.

"this is?"

"Good terrible swords!"

"This sword is too strong!"

"I have seen a top ruler who specializes in the swords, the sword is not so strong!"

In front of these, these people who have been nearly desperate, and they suddenly raised their heads, and they have revealed the color of shock.

They can feel the strong horror of this sword.

Like the first day of the first day, at this moment, it is very horrible. He is full of round, and the death is staring at the sword. It is not a moving, but he is afraid that he is once, in front of him It seems just a young man who is just the level of Lingxiao, and it is directly killing him.

He did not doubt, people in front of me, have the ability to kill him instantly.

But this person, is it just a Lingmi?

He didn't know that the sword is really just a Lingxiao, but he condenses the sword heart, and in Jianfeng's six years, he has completely stabilized the first level of the sword, and the sword is repaired, he is better than a lot The eternal boulder in the sword must be strong. Single sword is screaming, it is indeed easy to kill the first day and even the middle of the gods.

"I only come to the task, if you don't cooperate, the consequences will be borne." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Misunderstanding, adult, this is misunderstanding." That He Yun immediately changed, and louder the voice became humble.

From the sword where the sword has just bursted, he can see that the enthusiasm of the sword is far from usually, and the at least one is stronger than him. It is even better, so that the other people, I also re-ignited hope.

"Adults don't know how to deal with the ice?" He Yun asked.

"This doesn't have to manage it, I have a self-cleaning to kill him." The sword is too lazy to keep up with He Yun.

"That's good." He Yun also nodded, "The ice gave us the time for us to prepare the god crystal for a day, no accident, tomorrow, he will kill the door to the door, when you come, please adult you , Kill him. "

"Don't wait until tomorrow, today, take me to see him." The sword has no double cold channel.

On the way, he has carefully read the information of the eleven gods you have to kill. This eleven is the strongest Hu Yu is eligible for him to pay attention to it. Those God, he has full of grasping it.

What's more, he has only two months, but it has to spend a lot of time to hurry to find these heavens. Timebook is not sufficient, which is more delay.

"Today?" He Yun was shocked, after a while, we will focus on it, "That's good, adults, please come with me."

Said, this cloud leads to the sword and unparalleled, and going toward the ice.

As for those strong people in other families, they followed it, followed by it.

Not long after, He Yun took a sword and walked to a stunning attic, this attic was originally a largest shop in Dan Central, but it was later occupied by ice, ice and some of his heroes. If you gathered within this loft on weekdays.

"Adult, the ice is in this attic." He Yun clearly has a nervousness.

"Well." The sword is unparall. He has noticed that there is a breath in the loft, no accident, the owner of the breath, is a higher God.

"He master, you will come today, I will want to know clearly, so come to my family, send God Crystal?"

A voice with a little laughing, then I saw it from the loft, there was a number of people and shadow, the first is a middle-aged man with a bit of evil, this middle-aged man's mouth also has Holding a smile, watching the breath, is a medium height.

"This person is a strong person who is brought to ice. It is called Yuan Wei. Before many years, I have had evil with me, and I have been chasing it to other cities. Now it is Ice. The strongest one among the gods. "He Yun said in the sword.

"Oh." The sword should have a touch of faint, just a mid-ancestor, he still not in the heart.

"The old-mate disciple sword is unparalleled, and it is ordered to kill the ice." The sword is unparalleled directly, the sound is echoed throughout the Dan Central City.


Yuan Wei, there is also the heroes of the ice heard this, and the complexes are changed.

"Director disciple?"

Yuan Wei immediately looked at the sword, but he could notice that the breath of the sword is not just a Lingxiai level, his face is becoming an old.

"Haha ~~~" Yuan Wei seems to hear the world's largest laughter, his eyes also taunt, staring at the sword, "Kid, what did you just say? What do you seem to say? Demonstration to kill my family? Is it wrong? "

"Kid, let you just, then say it!"

The gods under the ice, the same, as if watching the sword is unparalleled.

The old man disciples, this name is indeed very big, this identity is really enough to make them hagge.

In front of you, this ancient disciple is just a Lingxiao, a Lingxiao, threatening to kill their adults, reach the ice of the high-level god?

Is this not a joke?

However, the sword is unparalleled, but it is clear that it doesn't say anything again.

He has a young sword behind him, has appeared in his hand, tight, he directly sword.


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