Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 688 Wars Higher God

God, there is a huge gap between every level.

Like a medium god is more than ten times more than the first day, and a gap between a Lingxiao and God is even greater.

The scene is all God, this Yuan Yu is still a medium-s day, and it will put the sword in the eyes.

When he saw the sword without double sword, he still didn't smile, "It's really to die."

When the sword is unparalleled, the sword is really waving ... The fascinating sword, obviously simply simple sword, but the consciousness is not immersed in it, it feels that this sword is that Perfect, no flaws.

"Well?" Yuan Wei also saw the sword with swords, and there was a surprise in the heart. "The swordsmanship of this Lingxiao seem well."

Surprisingly, Yuan Wei is still not putting the sword is unparalleled in the eyes, until the sword is unparalleled, the beautiful sword really appears in front of him ...

"What?" Yuan Wei was completely stunned.

He found that this sword came, but he didn't have the room for dodge. His emperor said with a palm of his hand, and it contained a sharp spiritual power. In an instant, enlarged the swords of this sword, and the result, ! The cold Jian Feng seems to be tofu, cut his palm directly, but the power does not reduce his body, brushing from his whole body.

Subsequently, there were countless shock eyes, and the Yuan Yu's body was unable to fall down.

A sword, the middle of the gods, Yuan Yu, directly killed!

On the empty, the sword is unparalleled, the battle is there, the self-sword in the hands, the cold, the cold, the sword of the faint purple, slowly dripping the scarlet blood, the sword is unparalleled, there is no watch Yuan Yu At a glance, it looked in the front of the front of the front, and the low drink of the earth was suddenly sounded.

"Ice, get out of death!"

"Rolling out of death!" "Rolling out of death!" "Rolling out of death!"

A echo returned to the entire Dan Central City, and the total Dan Central City countless worship was shameful.

The ice that has been staying in the loft is still sitting, and the figure is magical and appears in front of the sword.

This ice is a cold man with a triangular eye. He is wearing a black robes, staring at the sword, and a shocking.

Although he has been staying in the loft, he knows everything in the outside world. He didn't put the sword without double, but the sword was unparalleled.

"It's a good sword, Yuan Yu is also a medium sense of God, but he is killed by him, although there is a light enemy component, there is no strength, and you can't do this."

"His sword road is repaired, very terrible!"

"Although it is just Ling Wei, it is really war, but it is absolutely better than the middle of the god, even in the middle of the world."

This is the strength evaluation of ice and unparalleled swords.

Ancient god disciples. "

The ice is secretly narrowed. Disciples, strength is stronger, there is a limit, but the next time I said that I will directly send out the high height or even the top God to catch me. "

Ice has been decided.

Anyway, he has been a lot of benefits in Dan Central City during this time. He is already satisfied. He is not planning to fight with the sword.

Ancient god disciples, or such a good sword disciple, if he is not necessary, he really does not dare to kill.


It is no longer hesitating, this ice is a magical shape, but it is already straight back to reward.

This scene, what the cloud is waiting, and it is more shocked.

They thought that I would be anger after I hate, I will get together with the sword, and I will even kill the sword. I didn't expect this ice. I didn't hesitate to escape. And the movement of the sword is even more shocked.

"You don't have to escape."

The indifferent sound is issued from the sword, and the sound is sent. The shape of the sword is already in order to a phantom, and the ice is chased, and the speed is so fast, almost in an instant appeared behind the ice.

"This speed!"

Seeing the sword that has appeared behind himself, the ice is surprised.

Obviously it is just a Lingxiao, but the sword is unparalleled. It is even better than him.

Acknowledged that he is not good at speed, but it is not a lot of Ling Wei.

And the sword has no double appeared behind him, the horrible swords have emerged, and as the sword is unparalleled, a sword is as fast as the Thunder, directly toward him.


"The reason why Laozi fled, just don't want to tear his face with the ancient doors, I really thought that I would be afraid that you are in the antity of you?"

Ice roared, glanced at the sword, there was no pair, and then watched the sleeve. I saw a vast land of the earth. I had a three-year-old earth giant in front of the sword. The yellow giant Yangtian sounded, and then waved the fist that gathered a lot of great advantage.

This soil yellow giant is just a kind of use of ice to the earth. It is not much way to do, and the power is just average.


The sword has no double, drink, the young emperor is ruthless, almost devastating the martyrdom of this soil yellow giant is two halves, and then the sword is continuing to go to the ice.

"What?" Ice is over.

He just moved, even if he met the middle of the world, it was enough to be entangled for a while, but the result was opened by the sword.

This makes the ice immediately realize that the strength of the sword is unparalleled, may have reached the level of higher God.


A cold, ice, I didn't dare to pay more, I saw a war knife in his hand, and the sword of the sword of the sword where the knife did not leave, and he watched it. The palm of the war knife was suddenly surprised, and the palm had twice a lot directly, and the power of this knife was twice.

Both contact.


A big sound, the sword has not been retired, but the ice is the direct shock of the wolf, but after standing, this ice is already a slice.

"How can it be?"

"I am talking about a high-level god, and I am in a moment, I have been forced to take out my own heaven, secret skills, and even I also show my strongest secret. As a result, it is still He is far away from? "

"What is this strength?"


PS: Recommended the old book "Wuji Cang" "Rebirth, I am the beast", I'm very good, the brothers of the book can go.

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