Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 692 Hu Yu's true strength

"What?" The sword was shocked by Hui.

I saw Hu Yu swallowing the Dan medicine, and the right arm that had been abolished, the huge wound was restored at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Just brake, this right arm has been completely recovered.

"How is it possible?" The sword has become a hard time.

And Hu Yan, this moment is slowly waving his right arm, waving for a while, his face is only showing a smile.

"Fortunately, I live for so many years, there is a lot of treasures on my body. It is like this to restore it immediately. Although it is extremely precious, I just have one." Hu Wei smiled and stared at the sword. "Ancient god disciples, and a real genius, just in Lingxiao has the war of high heights, so the genius, if it is dead, even if it is an old door, will it be very distressed?"

I heard the words, swords were unparalleled, "Hu Wei, you have to figure it out, I want to kill you, but you have to kill me."

"Is it? That takes a look, who is it to kill?"

The voice fell, this Hu Yu immediately became a red shadow appeared in front of the sword. At this moment, he has been changed to the right hand ax, and a vast spiritual force has come from him, and immediately angry .

One ax is out, the sky is discolored.

The sword is unparalleled only, and the power of a horrible force is directly oppressed, the power of this force is significantly better than the ten heavens who kill before him.

The sword is unparalleled, and the hands are holding the young sword at the same time, high tall, and a lot of swords are filled in his sword.

"Ziku"! "

The sword has a low drink, high-raised little jersey, and it is directly angry.

The time, a bright violet, appeared in this world, and the first time covered all the shining between the world.

The beautiful sword contains horrible breath.

The purple light is destroyed, and the purple gluten star created by the sword is unparalleled, and the power is stronger, and it is the fourth-order secret technology.

The beautiful sword is smashed, and the ax that waves waved, but it is quite horizontal, and it is rushing.

The two positive contacts are just a moment of winning.


The sword is unparalleled to look at the strongest sword they created. It is actually crushed directly by the very horizontal ax, and the ax is behind the sword, and still remains some power. Size toward him.


The sword is unparalleled, and the figure can't help but fill.

"Kid, go to death."

The anger came from the sword, and the sword was unparalleled. He found that a huge horizontal ax appeared above him. He also brought him a huge pressure, and the sword was unparalleled to wave the long sword.


A big rang, the sword is unparalleled, the whole person is heavy, on the ground below the hall, so that the whole castle is sinking, the center of the temple, there is also a deep pit.

"do you died?"

Hu Yan's indifference stands on the void, overlooking the minus pit.

At this time, the huge pit is splashing, followed by a body shape from the huge pit, and once again appeared in front of Hu.

"Well?" Hu Yan's face is cold, look at your own front, "is a small child, is it strong?"

Hu Yu. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the voice is low. "It's a little bit of you, not only me, including the ancient gates, everyone is a little bit of you, I thought you were just a higher God, the top more is only a higher God. The top of the high-spirited god, but did not expect your combat power to reach the threshold of the top of the god !! "

"Top God?"

Hu Yan is not a smile, "Although Hu Wei is not too high, it is not the kind of unsupported waste. I live for so many years. After the high-level god, I stayed for so many years, and my strength broke through the top of the world. Is it very strange? I just rarely shot in front of people. "

"Kid, you should celebrate you can see my strongest strength."

"Fortunately?" The sword nodded, and he also showed a smile on his face. "You are right, I should have to celebrate you, or this time I received the task, I don't have it."

"Well?" Hu Yan faces.

He has already showed all the strengths, reaching the threshold of the top of the hero, and the truthful sword should be afraid to be frightened, but the sword is unparalleled, it is inexplicable.

He can very clearly see the excitement of the sword.

"Hu Yuzhen."

The sword is unparalleled and exciting. "My mission is to kill the eleven gods, including the six medium-end God, and five higher Gods, I have to kill you, I have already put other ten All the gods killed, however, the ten natural strength is too weak. It doesn't give me a full force. I am glad that my last goal can meet you with the top of the height. "

"I have been in six years. Now, use you to check how big it is in this six years."

The sword is unparalleled, and a stunning war has been spread from him, and the sky is straight.

"Take me to test your six years of progress? It is a arrogant!" Hu Wei is anger.

"Tone less, do it." The sword was unparalleled, and the lips were ignored, and the eyes were flashed, but the body shape was instantaneous.


A strange figure appeared next to Hu Yu.

"So fast!"

Hu Yan is shocked, and the speed of swords have been burst into this moment, which makes him surprised.

At this time, the sword has no double sword, and you! call out! call out! call out!

A sword, every sword is very amazing, out of direct explosion.

In the sword unparalleled sea, then the essence of swordsman, crazy trembling, the sword heart is already in the extreme!

Previously, the sword is unparalleled with the ice and other spirits. It is still to make a hand with this Hu Wei. This sword is only urged to have 70%, but now it has been remarkably reached.

The sword is full, the representative sword is unparalleled is true. At the same time, with the sword where the sword is unparalleled, the young sword in his hands, the horrible suffocation, and also smashed.

"Eternal Soldier!"

Hu Yan was shocked.

Previously, the sword didn't make a double with him. It didn't have the power of the young emperor. But now the sword is unparalleled, but it is exhausted to promote the young sword.

The Shandi Sword, as an eternal god soldier, the power is much stronger than the day, with the help of the Eternal Soldier, the overall strength of the sword has once again entered a big cut.


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