Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 693 fights

Enthusiastic swords, the young swords, the two, the power of the two, the strength of the sword has reached a new height.

At the same time, the swordsmanship of the swords also broke out completely.

The sky-covered swords, completely covered with Hu Yu, and Hu Yu only feels that he seems to fall into the sword. He is swords and shadows.

The red brunette on Hu Yu has surged a piece of red cloud, and the vast power will condense his hands, then he also waves the double-edged giant ax in his hand, and the giant ax is swinging, and there is no pair of swords. Together.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

A low impact sounded in this temple, and every road is hit, so that the whole hall tremble.

The sword is unparalleled, and his sword is simple, pure, clean and neat, almost no slight flaws, and the sword is too fast, and a sword follows a sword. Make the Hu Yu for a while.


Hu Yu's explosive, the giant ax is rooted, and the time has a huge foot and more than ten feet, the ax appears above this temple.

The power of this ax is suffocating, when the wa is, the air is thrown.

There is no double eyeliner in the sword.

"Ziku"! "

A low drink, the strongest strongest of swords and self-created is directly out.

With the previous difference, he also made this trick before, but at that time his strength was reserved, the swordsman's power only had a pro-70%.

But now, this sword sword is unparalleled.

Hard hard!

There is a beautiful purple light, and the next moment is hit by the front of the squad.

With a great ring, the whole hall is crazy and crazy. It is caught in the sword in the energy storm. He can notice that a good power is coming along his arm. The arbitrary arbitration of his body is not self-contained.

"It's a top rule, I have all going all possible to show the strongest power, but the results are still in the wind." The sword is unreliable, but it is not discouraged.

The top of the world, this is better than the high height, this, he is prepared.

"Hard spell, then skill, rely on sword, kill him!"

The sword is unblocked in the eyes, and the next moment, he figured out his body shape, and it has appeared behind him, and the fierry sword directly stabbed.

The Hu Yu counter handy ax.

The ax is crushed out, and the ground of the whole hall is two and a half, but I didn't touch the sword unparalleled corner. Instead, the sword of the sword was unparalleled to Hu Yan, but the same The beating ghost brushed from the shoulders and left a sword.


Hu Yan's eyes are swaying, and the ax is continuing to wave, and the madness wants to kill the sword.

The sword is unparalleled in the main hall, and his speed has completely broke out, just like the fish in the water, avoiding the front of Hu Yu, but use yourself than Hu Yan. A lot of swordsmanship, use skills, and the extremely wolf.

I saw a sword, or straight, or simple sweep, or suddenly, it seems simple and casual, but every sword is very unparalleled, not only properly suppressed Hui, let Hu Wei There is almost no chance to show the giant ax, and even some unsatisfactory swords, but also to the huge injury.

The sword is too unparalleled.

Compared with the sword, the hunar ax method is extremely dead, and the movement is extremely stiff and far without the flexibility of the sword.

In the face of swords and unparalleled swords, this Hu is empty has a brute mega, although it is extremely endless, but it can't play it out.

"Kid, there is guts to kill my front, hide hide, what can be resistant?" Hu Yu is anxious, not roaring.

"It's really ridiculous, I am in a Lingmi, go with you, one of the top of the world,?" The sword was unparalleled.

He is not a fool, knowing that the frontal hard spell is hard, and of course it is impossible to continue to fight with this Hu.

Moreover, his Jianfeng's six-year hidden, the biggest increase is that his sword is repaired with swords. He is the biggest advantage. He is also his biggest advantage. He naturally wants to completely play this advantage.

In the big temple, the collision of the two is still continuing, but it can be obvious that Hu Yan has been compressed completely by the sword.

"Breast, Mish!"

Hu Yu is anger, he is almost unparalleled swordsmanship.

And the sword is unparalleled is an excitement, smooth!

"Happy, happy!"

Six years, this six years he has been cultivating the participation in his own cultivation, and no one has trapped his hand. His swordsman clearly became unparalleled, but has not played a chance, the ten Ten Gods that were killed before. Although including four high-level gods, he does not have much more challenges at all.

He does not have to explode all the strengths, it is enough to kill the ten heavens.

This ten gods are still unable to go all the best.

Until now, I encountered this god.

In the face of a top hero, he can finally play all its strength, including his swordsman.

He played, sweeping his six years.


It is also a distance of roaring, the shape of the sword is finally retreated, and this is pulled away.

"Mouse generation." Hu Yan stared at the sword and unparalleled. The eyes were full of cold, just the fierce battle, can be said to be his most wronged battle, but there is a power that can't play it out, all of this is Yu Jian's unparalleled sword is too strong, too subtle.

"The area of ​​Ling Wei, the swordsman will be terrible this?" Hu Yu is full of incredible.

At this time, the sword was unparalleled and looked up.

"Hu Yu's God, fight with you, my war is very happy, but I will come here." The sword is unparalleled.

"Well?" Hu Yan faces.

"You just don't blame it, is I can't hit your front? Now, I have collided with you." The sword is unparalleled.

Hu Yu couldn't help but look back.

Just sword unparalleled with him, it is entirely the exquisiteness of the self-procition, and it can occupy some upper wind. If it is a positive collision, it is better than the strength of the sword.

Now, the sword is unparalleled, willing to give up his own advantage, come hard with him hard?

"are you ready."

The sword is unparalleled, and the young sword in his hand is also crazy at this moment.

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