Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 694, big destruction sword

"I am trying to hard to hard with me?" Hu Yu flashed in a very embarrassment.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is more confident if it is a top and god, and he is naturally full of self-satisfaction.

"Kid, since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

Hu Yu also didn't have extra nonsense. I saw him on the red clouds, and the vast power of the madness flooded her own hands. He had played his secrets of the secret, and then he was holding the giant. Ax, taller.

The sword is also raised at the same time, and the sword in his hand is suddenly projected on his body.

"The last sword!"

"This sword, I have a long time for a long time, but I have never displayed people, you are the first."

The sword is unparalleled and dead, and the pounds of Wei Neng, the mad, the young swords, the swords are more and more intense.

When this sword is accumulated, the sword is unblocked in a bismuth.

"The first style of the big sword, the big destruction of the sword!"

A bursting from the sword is issued in the sword, and then the power has accumulated the ultimate of the young sword.


The air was blocked, and the entire castle was also fierce this moment. Sword is just out. The land of the hall has been split directly, and there is a generous gully, this gully is blind.

A sword who destroys the earth!

From the first style of the secret Chinese sword.

This sword, the sword is unparalleled three years ago, it has been exported as his own base card.

Until now, this sword is really displayed.

While the sword is unparalleled, the Hu Yu also swings the giant ax in his hand.

Unparalleled, like an ax that can be broken.

The huge ax is covered with the sky, and the carrier is destroyed, sweeping all the power.

When Hu Yan waved this ax, his face was also incomparably, it was full of madness. Obviously this ax is also the strongest ax that he can display so far.

Two horrible offensives, both of them have a strongest trick, and the time is bombarded.


A loud sound, the sound spread out, the voids collided in the two, immediately have a huge and ripple crazy, sweeping around, ruining everything around, the many ornaments on the hall, wine Pot, wine glasses, tables and chairs even include stone walls, under this ripple spread, it has crushed into a powder, which is still spreading rapidly.

If you look from the outside world, you will find that the whole huge purple castle, from the most core, a horrible power outbreak, then the whole castle begins to collapse with the amazing speed, directly spread to the whole Castle.

Rumble ~~~~ The whole world is shaking.

This shake, lasted dozens of breathing time, finally, everything sailed.

After the complete calmness, the purple castle that stands here for thousands of years has disappeared, and the remaining ruins are in the world.

In the center of the waste, there is a body shape, this person is a sword.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the face is also a bit of a little. He also has a touch of blood. He quickly coughed, slowly returning the young sword to the sword scabbed, then went forward, came to a corpse that has been broken.

This is the body, it is Hu Yu.

I just collided, the sword of the sword was unparalleled, and the sword of the earth was defeated directly, and then the half of Hu Yu's half-body was smashed, and Hu Yu was completely killed.

"The big sword, the power is extremely terrible, even if I rely on the swords of the current, I can only show this first-style big destruction, although it is just the first style, but the power is not my homemade. Those secrets can be compared to. "The sword didn't have a double dark.

When the sword is unparalleled, when this first style is destroyed, he has always regarded this sword as a bottom card, which is that this sword is too strong.

As he has also created a purple light to destroy the sword, such secrets, Weneng is equally strong, but compared with the big destruction, then it is not only one or two grades.

The sword is unparalleled, and finally will hit the positive collision with this Hui, that is, because there is this card.

He knows that this sword shows, even if this is the top of the world, it is absolutely difficult to block.

The fact is true, under the sword, this Hu Yan is killed directly.

Of course, although this sword is strong, but the conditions are extremely harsh, especially in terms of spiritual power, the sword is unparalleled, and there is not much spiritual power consumed, even less than 20, but one Show big destruction sword, the sword is unparalleled, the spiritual power consumes 30%.

In other words, a killing, his spiritual strength can only support him to show three big destruction swords, and then his spirit will fall into the exhausted.

"Look at it, this big sword, I still show less than in the future." The sword didn't think of a double.

But no matter what to say, this Hu Yu has been killed by him, and the eleven mission goals all die, his mission is also completed.

In addition, with this Hu Yu, the sword has a very clear understanding of his strength.

Now, he is better than those of those high-day gods, and encounter the top of the hero, you can positively fight. If it is a big sword, even if you have the opportunity to change the opponent and even kill.

Of course, there is a strong point in the top height.

This Hu Yu should only be a relatively weak top, but there are some top gods, especially those who are strong, like the palace, although they are just the top of God, but the sword is unparalleled, but the Taoine is casual Take out a deputy palace master, it is enough to easily kill this Hu.

"I am now in a slight lower and low, and I have not qualified to cultivate secret surgery that will attack the power of the attack. Wait for my future feelings, I don't have to have too many, the road of the world, the way of killing Just a way, enlighten the five-dimensional mystery, I can stand in the top of the world. "The sword is unparalleled with hands, murmured.

Hu Yu is dead, the sword is unparalleled, not interested in this ruin to stay in this ruin, and then leave the bodies of Hu Yu with the blade.

However, the sword is unlikely, it is quietly suspended there in this ruined around, there is a young body and quietly suspended there.

This is a beautiful young man who has left blood, and this kind of young people also carry a long sword.

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