"I really rely on my ability, I will kill Hu Yu, this sword is unparalleled ..."

Blood hair is a young man to stay in this castle, everything happens in the castle, he all looks clear, because of seeing clearly, he can't help but praise, if it is not a close, who can think of A Lingxiao is alone, one person kills a top hero?

Although the prior to the sword is unparalleled, it can be attacked to Hu Yan to take the injury, and Hui recovered immediately.

"A many disciples of ancient doors, including those palace owners, the departure of the palace said that he monsters, it is true, the mysterious palace belongs to this, look like this." This bloody monster is secretly shaking.

Ancient gates can be one of the top of the day, how is the intelligence ability?

Especially in the territory of yourself, the ancient doors' intelligence is even more, like this, it is in the dark, that is so concealed, but the ancient doors are still found, and the ancient gates will not know Hu Wei. True strength?

The ancient gangshen guess, the Hu Yan may already have the top height battle, so after the task is directed to Hu Yu's introduction, there is to mention Hu Yan suspected top day, but unfortunately, this task is received by Xuan Yi Palace. But it is to give these words, or deliberately remove it.

"The Lord of Xuan Yi Palace, the sword is unparalleled, I have killed the Hu Yu, I didn't take it." This blood made a young man soon sent the Xuan Yi Palace.

"Know, no matter, come back." The reply of the Muan Yi Palace seems to be quite flat.

This blood, a young youth, also helplessly shrug, "This mysterious one palace is deliberate to arrange a top heaven who is opponent, not to rest assured, let me secretly protect, don't let his disciples know, it is really painful."

I have a few words, this bloody is also gone directly.


After killing Hu, the sword is unparalleled to find a clean place to restore spiritual power, but also browse some treasures of Hu Yu Qiankun.

Have to say, this is a long time, the treasure of the treasure, the treasure of the Qiankun is indeed, the big small treasure is added, and the value is afraid of the value of thirty-four thousand crystals, compared to a lot of top-pointed people. Wealthy.

More unfortunately, this huge treasure is much more, but there is no one for the sword.

After tidying up, the sword is unparalleled to go directly to the ancient gates.

There is no delay on the road. After three days, the sword has returned to the ancient doors.

Going back to the ancient gates, the sword is unparalleled to see your master.

"Master, the disciple is back." The sword was unparalleled to stand in front of the main palace.

"The mission is completed?" Xuan Yi Palace is like laughing and laughing at the sword.

"Well." The sword nodded, and then waved, and immediately appeared on the ground, "eleven in the target, the six middle top of God, five high-level gods, all kill, they The body is here. "

Xuan Yi Palace mainly glanced at these bodies, and he recovered his eyes.

"Is it smooth on the way?" Xuan Yi Palace mainly asked casually.

"Fortunately, that is the last Hu Yu Tianshen, it is more difficult to get wrap, but finally being killed by me." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh?" Xuan Yi Palace Lord looked at the sword unparalleled, slightly, "Okay, you have completed this level of mission, I have fully proved my strength, I will apply for you, this time I will go to life and death There will be one in the disciple of the world. "

"Thank you, Master." The sword was unparalleled.

"Go it." Xuan Yi Palace waved his hand.

The sword is unparalleled to turn around.

The Miyi Palace is the back of the sword, but also smiles. "That is a thing of the top height, this kid does not mention it? It didn't take the Hu Yu , Or say ... he doesn't want people to know his true strength? "

The sword is unparalleled to Wu Dao Feng, continue to cultivate, time is passed, and the life and death is open, getting closer.

Just three days left in the eternal circles of life and death, the ancient ghon finally announced the list of disciples to life and death.

Every time I live and die, the three giants in the Tianzi domain will send a batch of young, and almost all have broken through the disciples of God to go to the outside, and any disciples can only go. once.

Every time you go, there are also regulations.

Like three giants, you can send ten disciples every time.

As for the nine top pointers, it is a six disciples every time.

Ancient gampers, although there are many giants in many places, but after all, it is just a top sect, so I can only send six disciples.

This time, the eternal circles opened, the six disciples sent by the ancient guns, which were Liu Chong, Situ, Luo Yong, East, Peak and the sword.

Some of these people, the peak naturally don't say more, he has a thinner, this year in the ancient gherriens in the ancient ghermen, it is the procedural disciple of the palace master, and a breakthrough is a high-level god. It has a good potential, and it has become a good potential. The top of the top is the nail, even breaks through the eternal, and there is not small hope.

He can get a quota to live and die, no one feels unexpected.

Luo Yong and East, in the sword unparalleled, the peak didn't come to the ancient gates, they were the most excellent people in the young generations, like the last sect, and the two have exposed a good job. Strength, and the two have long broken through the gods, with some secrets, the war is also the level of high height, the potential is not weak.

As for the Liu Chong and Situ ...

These two ancient doors have been more than a hundred years, they are inner-door disciples. I really said that two of them are not a young generation disciple in the ancient guns, but because the two talents are very good, plus last life and death The eternal circles open the two people without entering, so this time will give them a quota for each person.

Among these two people, Situi, now is still just higher God, but in the top of the gods, it is in the top, be more than the peak, Luo Yong, and East must have a lot.

Liu Chong, this Liu Chong is already a genuine top height.

These five people have great potential, plus the strength of the present now, they get the quota to live and die, no one will question.

The sword has also appeared on these six people, but many old-fashioned disciples feel weird.

After all, what is said, the sword is still just a Lingxiao.

Lingxiao entered the example of life and death, and it has never been there.


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