Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 696, Xuan Yi's

Taoine, a table with a table.

The sword is unparalleled, the peak, the fire and baby, the iceberg, Xuan Ying, Wuhuang six people gathered together.

They are six, which are from the day of the day. The monk is selected from the Muan Yi Palace. In addition, it is from the ancient world. It will often get together on weekdays, occasionally drink, talk each other.

From time to time, there is an old-mate disciple from them, and most of the eyes are brushing from the sword.

There are also many old-fashioned disciples who are quietly discussing.

"This sword is unparalleled, a Lingxiao, I can go to the end of life and death, it is really possible."

"Of course, which Lingxiao you have seen it can complete the mission of the Tiantong Palace?"

"Ground mission? Hey, I broke through the gods for so long, I didn't dare to pick up the landlord."

Occasionally some disciples are embarrassed.

At the beginning, when the ancient gates announced this one of the six disciples who went to life and death, there was a sword where swords were unparalleled. These ancient gods also felt very weird.

It can be later announced immediately, and the sword is unparalleled to complete a ground task, and it is still an extremely difficult prefecture task.

The news spread, naturally no more no one dares to question the sword, or feel strange.

After all, this world has always been a strong, completely talking about strength.

The landlord task is generally taken by higher God, and the higher God is not necessarily completed.

It can be reversed, and at least the high-level god, at least a high-level God, the sword is unparalleled, and the strength is sufficient. As for the talent potential, then don't say more.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are awkward, many people are talking about you." The fire laughed and said.

"We have entered the ancient gates at the same time, so far, now, now you are best with the peak situation." Iceberg has a little envious.

"I follow him, I can't ratio." The peak is unparalleled, but it is secretly shaking his head.

At the end of the passime, when the sword was in the thirtieth floor of Jiu Tian Road, he had no climbing psychology for his sword.

He knew that he was a two-level person with the sword.

"Okay, don't say so much, it is hard to get together, drink a few more cups." The sword is unparalleled but laughs and has a wine glass.

Six people drink, chat, can be at this time, the sword is unparalleled with the peak look.

"You also received a message?" Feng dynasty was unparalphed.

"Well, it should be departed." The sword didn't have a little bit slightly, then he looked at the next few people, "all, you continue to drink, I will go with the peak."

"I heard that life and death, full of dangerous, two of you can be careful." The fire and baby said.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled with peaks, and then leaves them directly.

Ancient gates, front of the huge space.


The sword is unparalleled, the body shape of the peak occurs, and there is no long long Liu Chong, Situ, Luo Yong, and East Four people also arrive.

"You are swords and no pairs?"

A strong robe has a heavy robe, and the sword is unparallled. I saw it. "

The sword is unparalleled, and he can see that this Situ is a more enthusiastic person.

As for the bloody monster youth, the blood, the monster, who stands next to Situ, more indifferent.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, this Liu Chong looks to his eyes, quite quite weird.

"This little child ..." Liu Chong is dark, "the people in the ancient doctors only knew that he completed the landlift task, with higher temperament, but did not know that he was in front of the level mission, but the top kills a top God. "

Liu Chong, it was the one who sent the sword unparalleled by the main palace before, he was clearly clear and clear, and naturally, the true strength of the sword was also known.

"The sword is unparalleled." I have been very curious, with your own feelings, I have already had the qualifications of the temptation of God, shouldn't you stay in Lingxiao? "

Situi, Luo Yong, several people next to him also looked at the sword unparalleled.

Indeed, the sword is so strong, and the sense of confidence is so high, I have already reached various requirements of breakthrough, under normal circumstances, he should break through, but he has only just Ling Wei.


The sword is not a double one time, I don't know how to answer.

Just then ... !!!!!

The shape of the revenue is connected, and there is no two people in the sword.

There are eight people who come, some of which are the palace palace owner, and the Mo Tao Palace, who is unparalleled with swords. The Master of the White Emperor, including the peak of the palace, and one person is the Sword of the sword. Palace Lingyu.

Life and death, the eternal circles, and the eternal circles of life and death are also divided into the inner layer. The outer layer is unparalleled by the sword. As for the inner layer, these strong people have reached the power of eternal.

"People have already arrived, set off."

Destroy the main opening of the palace, and the huge space insect cave in front of the front is now driven.

The sword is unparalleled, waiting for the people to enter this spatial insect hole with everyone, and the message from the main palace will come to pass.

"Anters, should you now have to go to life and death?" Xuan Yi Palace mainly: "I have waited for the life and death, remember to be careful."

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

Xuan Yi Palace is smiling: "Annual, you listen, I want you to be careful, not only those who are life and death, at the same time, you have to be careful of the three giants, and even other eight big The genius disciples of the top band. "

"Well?" The sword has no double-finish.

Be careful with three huge people, and those who are the talented disciples of other eight top paradise?

Don't you say that the sword is unparalleled immediately.

There is a battle between the parties in the day of the day, and he is known as a monster in ancient gates, and the three giants and other top sects will definitely know.

"Stay in advance?"

The sword is unparalleled in the ancient world. There is a lot of things, and the bottom is naturally understood.

"Master, I will be careful." The sword said unparalleled.

"I pay more attention to myself, the life and death of the eternal circles are completely isolated from the outside world, and it is not possible to pass it. It is really an accident. Even if it is a teacher, I can't save you in time, everything can only rely on yourself. Xuan Yi Road.

"Well." The sword was unparalleled.

"Depart." Destroy the palace master.

When the sword is unparalleled and other people directly enter the space within the space.

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