Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 697 Devil

Ten people in ancient doors, on the way to life and death.

When Ling Yu, Deputy Palace, the sword is unparalleled, and the opening said: "You are six, all the first time I went to life and death, the situation of there should not be informed, I will now with you now. Tell, listen. "

Six people who are unparalleled, peaks are all over.

Six people only know that there is a moral chance and a certain degree of dangerous world, but it does not know what the body is in danger.

The Palace of Ling Yu, who started carefully.

"First of all, you have to know that life and death are always extremely strange, completely different from the sky!"

"Life and death, live in life, live a very special ethnic group, this ethnic group is the indigenous in life and death, we generally call them ... Devil!"

"The Devil Group?" The sword is unparalleled and six people.

They still heard this title for the first time.

In the name of the Devil, this can reflect the unusual of this ethnic group.

"The people of the devil, just like our human wealth, when they grow to a certain stage, they will have the devil, become the gods, become the devil, their strength will skyrocket, reach a new level "

"After they become the Devil, their body will also have a huge change."

"In the magic god, the Devil is divided into three levels according to their respective blood, and the copper armor is the magic god, the silver armor, the goddess of the goddess, the top of the bronze armor is the most terrible."

"And after we enter the eternal circles of life and death, many of the dangers that will encounter are these devils. At the same time, we are eager to get the opportunity, which is also on these devil."

Ling Yu, deputy palace, suddenly, continued: "There is a great opportunity in the eternal circles of life, and this body has three kinds!"

"The first kind of opportunity is the sophisticated blood!"

"As the name suggests, the spermous blood is the blood of these devil. After killing the Devil, you can refine their body into a spermous blood, and the number of blood is also rooted by the blood of these demon."

"Under normal circumstances, refining a bronze armor, can only get a drop of blood, but if it is refining a silver bacter, it is possible to get two drops. If it is refining the golden magic, it will be more blood."

"These demonic blood, for our people's martial arts, there is a huge role, as for what is used in the end, I will tell you later."

"The second kind of opportunity is a secret, ancient mystery!"

He heard the 'four words of the ancient mystery', the sword is unparalleled, and the peaks and other six people are not raised.

"The secret surgery of ancient gods, is also derived from the devil, it is a secret that can attack the sharp increase in a short time. In addition to the sword, other people should cultivate this secret. "Ling Yu Palace Main Road.

Peak, Liu Chong, Situ, Luo Yong, five people in East have nodded.

The sword is unparalleled, and the secrets of this Lingyu Palace Lord are the secrets.

Like he received a level of mission, those who kill them, all of which cultivate this to improve the secret of power.

Like the ice, practice the hand, you can make your own attack of five times!

The Hu Yu, he showed secrets, and the attack of the power was more than 7 or eight times.

These secrets are not rare among the gods. Normal God will cultivate, but it is only possible to improve how much power, but also depends on the secret skills, and their cultivation level, generally speaking the feelings of the road. The higher the level of this secret surgery will be higher.

And this kind of impact-attacking secret motley must be qualified to practice, like a sword is unparalleled, it is a big day, and it is very unparalleled, but he is just a Lingxiao, so there is no qualification practice. .

"In my ancient gates, there are many secrets of attacking power, there are many kinds of, there are many kinds, levels, but I am afraid that the level is higher, and the impact of attack will have a limit, this The limit is ten times! "Ling Yu, Deputy Palace, solemnly opened.

"The secrets of the ancient ghosts enhanced attacks, even if they cultivate to the highest level, they can only make their own attacks ten times!"

"The three giants of Tianwan, including many top paradors, this kind of improvement of this type of improvement attack, the same secret, the same maximum can only increase ten times!"

"Ten times seem to have reached the top, but the ancient mystery of the ancient gods, cultivation to high-level, the improvement of the power of attacking power can exceed ten times!"


I heard this, the sword is unparalleled, and the peaks are all horrified.

Especially the peaks, Liu Chong, five already cultivated to improve the secrets of the attack, and their most cultivation is the highest secret surgery in the ancient gates, but they are very clear, they cultivate the secrets, even if they cultivate to the ultimate It can only improve ten times attack power.

"The secret surgery of the ancient mystery does have this ability, others do not say, the light is known to the ancient gates, the top five layers of this ancient mystery can make their own attack power foot and feet!" Ling The palace of Yuyong Palace.

"15 times!" The sword is not a double eye.

Fifteen times, with ten times, that is five times the power gap.

If the ancient mysterious attack, the attack is really fifteen times, then the value of this secret surgery is true.

Imagine that the martial arts of the same level kills, the realm of the two, and even some secret skills, a secret technology, a secret surgery, a sudden attack, and the other. The secret surgery of the ancient god, but the fifteen attacks were fifteen times, which would be the ending?

If the ancient mysterium is reached, it represents him a five-fold attack power than the ordinary warrants in the future, is this a huge advantage?

"This is the secret advantage of this secret, so the strong people of all parties in Tianwu are eager to get this secret practice of practice, eager to cultivate this secret to very high-level, but the magic god family The secret protection is also very strict, countless years, only Yunhai Xiancai is a five-story practice of this secret, as for the other two giants and my ancient gates, only get the first four layers of practice. "

"However, even the first four floors, it is also enough to attack the attack." Ling Yu Palace Main Road.

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled and others couldn't help but sigh.

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