Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 799 Zijing Island

In Zijing Island, it is very prosperous, many shops, people in the mountains.

After the sword is unparalleled into the Zihinia, it will soon noticed that this Zihinia is highly high.

Here, the gods are almost uns, and they are also very common.

The sword is unparalleled directly to the shops in a trafficking information in Zihinia Island.

"I want a detailed information about Zihinia, the better, the better the sword, there is no double counter.

"The most detailed information requires 100,000 god crystals." The waiter of the shop smiled.

"Good expensive." The sword is unparalleled.

100,000 God crystal, that is equivalent to a whole family, just a detailed detail of Zihinia Island is so valuable, it is really black.

Although the heart is admired, the sword is unparalleled or immediately takes 100,000 gods.

In the thirty-seven-seventh year of the road, he met and killed a lot of robbers. He did not have some steps in the pirates. The two steps of the eternal bodies, there were a lot of crystals from them, plus the original He is getting in the sky, even if you take a space of the Hall of the Temple, there is still a lot.

100,000 gods, the sword is nothing to do.

"In addition, I also need a detailed information in Zihinia Island." The sword didn't say a double opening.

"Who?" The waiter asked.

"His name is thunder, it is a powerful body, the strength is not weak, and at least the fourth step is also possible, and it is possible to be the fifth step. Everbutive, I heard that he also added a big force, and he There is also a disciple, called Sister. "The sword has no double.

"Shot." The waiter carefully queried for a while, and then raised his head. "Find the person you said, his detailed information, more precious, need to be 20,000 crystals."

The sword is unparalleled, no hesitation, and then delivering twenty thousand gods.

"This is what you want." The waiter will soon organize the information, and hand it to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and after income of these information, the sleeve is straight.


On the bustling street of Zijing Island, there is countless shops with a pub, one of the three-storey pub.

Next to a table close to the window, the sword has no double points, drinking alone, and his hand is looking at the information you just got.

"Hey, the owner of this Zihinia island is really terrible!" The sword is unhealthy.

From the information he got, this Zihinia is an island owner. The island owner has a tonal strength.

Zijing Island, next to Eastern Tang Dynasty, next to Eastern Tang Dynasty, such a special region, the power of the road is naturally very much, and even a large number of strong people often gather on this Zihinia.

It can face so many strong people, this Zihinia is always extremely strong, and a word of Jiu Ding.

He has developed a lot of rules in Zihinia, these rules, and never dare to violate it. Even if it is a high-strength, it is the same.

In this information, it has been mentioned that there is a strong road that is unparalleled, and it violates the rules of Zihinia, provocating the authority of Zijing Island, and provoke Zijing Island owners.

The result ... The strength of the strong, is actually suppressed by the main break of the Zihinju Island, perhaps the four great emperors of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, but he is still in the ancient world. Have a great shock.

And in this information, it also mentioned that the main temper of Zihinia is also very weird, and his rules on Zihinia are also quite quite weird.

The first one of this rule is Zijing Island, which is forbidden to fight, kill!

If you want to kill, you will go to the bloody battle station that is prepared in Zihinia is a bloody platform that is prepared. No matter who is dead, no matter who is dead, you can manage you, and it can be contrary to the rules of Zihinia, in Zihinia Street Strike, after being caught, it is very irresstur.

"The Zihinia Lord did not hesitate to spend the consideration of the quotation, specializing in safeguarding the security in Zihinia." The sword didn't smash, through the window, he can see that it occasionally from the street. A sergeant who is wearing purple waves.

Those sergeants are the Bauhjance.

The Bauhinia is created by Zihinia Island, with a total of 10,000 people.

The Journal of this Baujing army, each is a well-selected, even the weakest sergeant, all have the war of the top, and the captain of the general ten teams is eternal.

In the Bauhjance, the higher the status, the more terrible strength.

"Ten thousand Bauhoji, the weakest is the top of the world, and there are thousands of people, they are all eternal." The sword is unhappy. "

Single, the eternal bodies owned by this Baujourcing Army, it is more than that of all the eternal bodies in the day.

"These purple jams all over the island, no matter where there is a fierce battle on the island, they can immediately rush, and there is no shortage of the fourth step in the Bauhojun, the fifth step, the eternal bodies, it can easily suppress the two sides of the battle, even It is me, if it is in Zihinia, I am afraid that it is only a way to suppress them. "

"But it is okay, this rule, it is not absolute." The sword is unparalleled.

The rules of Zihinia, the first one is forbidden to kill, but the second is that it is mentioned that it can get the Bauhinia, and there is a killing privilege on the Zibia Island.

It is obvious to kill, but give a part of the strong murder privilege, or how can it say that the Zihinia is the main temper, and the rules of the standing are not comparative?

Blood Battery? "

The sword has also seen the information about the bloody platform.

The blood battle is the most crazy killing site of Zihinia Island, which is a life and death battlefield.

A large number of crazy powers have killed on the bloody platform, and the two sides have done their bloody platforms, and most of the results are dead!

Just because the ending is too cruel, dare to go to the bloody platform, which is generally a very confident, real power for his own strength.

As long as you get ten consecutive wins on the bloody platform, you can get a Bauhinia, with the Bauhinia, he will have many permissions in Zihinia, such as shopping in any shop, and also It has privileges living in Zihinia.

On the ten consecutive victories, it is said that there is still a hundred losses, but it is too much to get a hundred-winning power in the bloody stage, but there are no one hundred hundred years may not be able to see one. It can be seen.

The sword is still the information in the hand. It can suddenly be opposite his pub. Two guards have a young man in a face-to-pendulum, slowly entering the opposite store.

Seeing the beautiful young man, the sword is unbolded. There is also a shocking and killing.


The sword is unparalleled in the handball in the hand. Everything is almost burst.

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