Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 800 Blood Battery

The young man, the young man, such as the demon, entered the shop, soon came to the inner layer of the shop, where there was a bald old older who had Lei Yunyu, sitting quietly.

"Master." Sudan respectd.

"Thunder is old." The two guards of Sudan also opened.

"Well." Thunder is slightly nodd, and then he watched his life. "Where have you been?"

"Hunting Master, the disciple is just going to visit the surrounding house." Su Min smiled.

"Hey." Thunder is full, "I don't just war over you, let you try not to leave my sight in this time, but why, why is you in my heart?"

Suyi eyebrows, sorrowful: "Master, isn't a sword is unparalleled? Here is Zijing Island, the sword is unparalleled, you know the consequences of the Zihinia random, there is two protection laws Follow me, the sword is unparalleled, I am afraid that there is no ability to kill me. "

"Not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid that I have said to me when I am, and the sword is unparalleled. Although it is just a sense of God. But the strength is unusual, even a three-step eternal, he is frightened, he is I really want to kill you, you are afraid that you may not hide. "Thunder is low.

"A God, let a three-step eternal border are extremely frightened? Oh, this, even if the disciple believes, do you believe it?" Sugi can't help but laugh.

Thunder is lightweight.

The gap between God and the eternal bodily is very huge.

A God can compare the ordinary eternal, which is very contrary. This day God has been called the strongest God.

And a sense of God is stronger than three steps, which is almost impossible.

At the very least, thunder is never seen, even never heard of it.

"No matter what to say, I am a little better." Thunder is cold, he glanced over the two guards next to the sister, saying: "During this time, you must have a good life around him, inch, Understand?"

"Thunder is old, although I am relieved, I will always follow the sister." One of the two guards replied.

"Well." Thunder is slightly nodd, and he looks to the sister. In case, the thing can save you. "

"Disciples understand." Sudan respectfully.

"Go." Thunder waved, this sister and his two guards, when you left.

The bald older thunder sat there, looked at the satellite, but the bottom is secretly shaking his head.

He loses his loved ones. Later, he lost his loved ones. Later, he grew up in adversity, although joined the domain Lei Zong, it was a gender of Wanwei Ray, but he has always been one person. There is no teacher, as for the disciples, don't mention it.

He was left in the chanting of the ancient world, and he was also quite similar to him. It belongs to the person who is aimed at the purpose of the purpose. Therefore, he will receive the disciple.

It's hard to have a disciple, nature, he is more important.


After seeing the thunder, Sudan and his two guards quickly came out of the shop, and got next to the streets.

The sword in the restaurant is unparalleled. I have been quietly looked at all, but I have no intention to do it.

"The Lei Zong Lord is really valued for his baby disciples. It has sent two eternal bodies to give him a guard, huh, huh ~~~ It is one of Tian Yunge's guests." Sword unparalleled Laughing, drinking a glass of wine from self-study.

He carefully read the information of thunder.

Thunder, since the day of the day, it is only a fourth step to the first eternal bits, but with him in the outside world, his strength is constantly improving. Standing on the top of the fifth step, the strength is unparalleled.

And the most important thing is that this thunder is still the old man of Tianyunge.

Tianyun Pavilion is a great power on Zihinia.

On Zihinia Island, the most prominent nature is the Bauhinia Lord, and the Bauhjance, who led him, Zihuia Island's words a word in Zihinia.

In addition to the Zijing Island owner, there is also six major forces on this Zihinia.

These six majors are also listed on Zijing Island, but they are all in battle on weekdays. These six great power is extremely profound, and the strength is also strong. It is said that behind the six power, there are roads.

Tian Yunge is one of these six majors.

Lei Xin as the old man of Tian Yunge, in Tian Yunge's status, not with the same general, now there are nearly three-thirds of Tian Yunge, there are nearly three-thirds, all this thunder is in charge.

"The Master is the end of the fifth step, or the Tianyunge Guest, the old man, and the guards of the two eternal bodies, and the place is Zijing Island, and I want to kill. This sister is not easy. "The sword didn't look at it slightly, but it was not anxious.

"For the time being, no matter where he is, you will go to the bloody platform first, and I want to get a Bauhinia to say."

"With Bauhinia, I can kill people in this Zihinia."

The sword is unparalleled with the wine in the cup, and after paying the money, he left.

Blood Battery, located in the most central in Zihinia, is a huge underground world.

When the sword is unparalleled to the bloody platform, this crazy scene in front of him, can't help but secretly.

Like a place like a bloody stage, the sword has been there in the ancient world. At the beginning, when he was still young, in order to get more Ting Dan, he has lived to live and die, and there is also a quite in the fight of death. Crazy, just compared with this blood battle with you, it is a little witch.

The huge underground world, the area is filled with thousands of miles.

Within thousands of miles, there is a dense maneous seat, and there are a lot of crazy audiences on those seats. At a glance, the battle is at least $ million, but this millions of people, but even There are no more than one tenth of many of the world's many seats.

The most central, with two huge places, one of these two platforms, is actually playing a fierce battle.

"Hey !!!"

"Oh oh!!!"

Countless excitement, screaming, the sound of screaming, shocking throughout the underground world, completely covered the sound of the two guilds on the ring.

"It's really crazy."

The sword is unparalleled, and I am busy looking for a vacancy, sitting directly, and my eyes are the fierce battle against the ring.

The two sides of the fierce battle is obviously two of the world, all of which are top and gods, and strength is extremely strong.

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