
A dramatic roaring suddenly sounded from the center of the ring.

I saw the two of the fierce battles, one of them was under the thigh, and the blood was burst directly, and the blood flew.

And the other is a big laughter, and the right hand is holding into a fist, and the head of the other side is directly.

The sound of a murderous beast has sounded, and the legs below the legs, the brain is directly hitting the powder, and the death cannot be dead.

One of the two people in the fierce battle did not die, but the opposite was a bigger.

"Winners, Skow!"

"Skn, do you still have to challenge?" Asked a monopolith in the battle in this blood battle.

"Haha ~~~ Of course, continue to challenge." This man smiled a few times, and the sound echoed.

After this choice continues to challenge, there is another top height to come and fight against it.

The sword is quietly looking quietly.

He saw ten fierce battles in the ten countless fierce battles, only three people who were defeated, only three people were live, and the rest were died on the bloody platform.

This is the cruelty and crazy of the bloody platform.

This blood battle is divided into two kinds, one is a bloody platform at the hero level, and the other is a bloody platform at the end of the eternal.

However, the bloody platform of Yongheng will be held once every one month, and each time a lot of more than ten games are decided, although fierce, it is not crazy.

The most crazy or the bloody platform of this day, every day, and there will be a lot of height death every day.

Even so, no one can stop this crazy.

After all, on the Zihinia, the number of people is more scary, far more than Yongfeng.

"Ming knows that the death chance is so high, and also know that dare to go to the bloody platform is very strong, but these God is still as always, this is really ..." The sword is unparalleled and secretly marched.

For those God, if you can get a Bauhinia Brand, they can get great benefits in Zihinia.

Don't say anything, the permissions that are permanent in Zihinia, there is an attractive thing to them, let alone the permissions of murder.

What's more, get a Bauhinia Brand, then sell it, it can definitely sell a high price.

Just because the interests are so huge, these God will be willing to take risks.

"The life and death of the heroes, there is no point to me, there is no need to waste time." The sword shook his head, then went to the front of the ring, gave himself a name.

On the ring, the crazy fierce battle is still going, the top of the big killing is changed, and the sword is unparalleled. Some people have never seen five games in this blood battle, until a green woman appears On the ring.

This green dress is a shot of a man, showing extraordinary strength, defeating the six top heroes, and defeating the process seems not too much.

"This woman, the strength is good, it should be close to the strongest height." The sword is unparalleled.

at this time……

"Next moment, swordsman!" The eternal bodies of the bloody platform were magnificent.


The sword is unpaired, and the corner of the mouth also reveals a smile that is interested, followed by his shape, like a phantom, directly appearing above the platform.

There is no double one in the sword. On the ring, the surrounding passers-by, the million viewers have seen him immediately.

"Hey !!!!" The sword is unparalleled to hear that crazy scream.

He regards it regardless of this, but the eyes of the green clothes in front of the face have seen the past.

"Swordsman? Today?" Green clothes, glory, also looked at the sword.

"Yes." The sword is not deny.

"Look at your look, it seems confident?" Green clothes smiled.

"Fortunately." The sword is unparalleled.

"Then you are careful, this can be a life and death war, I don't want to kill you, but I can't accept my hand, I can't blame me." Green clothes said, then I took it directly.

call out!

Long guns are like dragons, tapping directly.

In an instant, the void appeared in an instant, and it was very weird.

The speed is even more amazing.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

This green dress has a sword without double. The former has already condensed the gun, and it has stabilized in the first level, the overall power, it is indeed comparable to the strongest hero.

Under normal circumstances, with the strength of this green dress, I got ten consecutive wins on the bloody platform. I got a Bauhinia alone, but unfortunately she was lucky, and I met the sword.

The sword has no double sword.

A very casual sword, then the first sword of ordinary.

On the moment, the moment of the green clothes is in the heart, she can't see the trajectory of this sword.


A dangerous buddy sounded, and the green gun in the green girl didn't fly out. At the same time, her wrist, and more swords, blood spurred.

The sword is unparalleled.

"More, thank you!"

Green clothes is grateful to read the sword unparalleled, and then immediately picked up the long guns that fly out, and hurriedly walked down.

She is very clear, the sword has no double, just that the sword is hand.

"The terrible person, I am also the strongest God. Even if I encounter a first step, I will fight, I can fight, I can defeat my sword, if he is your hand, he Just that sword, it is enough to kill me! "

"So terrible God, I still see it."

After the green girl walked under the ring, the heart was still very shocking.

And there were countless audiences, and there were millions of viewers who watched the battle. I saw that the sword was unparalleled, and the green girl was defeated and immediately cheered.



Countless viewers are crazy shouting the name of the sword.

The eternal bib of the bloody platform is directly inquiry, "Swordsman, do you still continue to challenge?"

"Of course, challenge." The sword was unparalleled.

Next, someone has come to step to challenge the sword.

These people, if the light is very good, it is true that it is very good, every one is the top God, and it is even close to the strongest God, but it is not enough to see it in the sword.

A sword!

The sword was unparalleled with a sword, defeated the green girl, and the next nine people, he equally defeated.

Directly gain ten consecutive victories.

Of course, when the sword is unparalleled, they are deliberately kill, and they have not killed the other side. After one person is swords, there is no double one sword, but it still does not know the return, and the sword is unparalleled. The sword is not killed. .


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