Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 802 assassin!

After winning ten consecutive victories, the sword walked down from the ring.

"Mr. Sword, this is your Bauhinia, this token you can use it yourself, you can also send it to others and even direct trafficking, but a person can only get an ambulance." Powerful.

"Thank you." The sword has no double picking the token. After the blood is recognized, it is ready to leave directly.

"Swordsman." The voice suddenly sounded.

The sword is unparalleled, and the green clothes that I have encountered before, I have gone around, and the girl is still with a smile, "Congratulations."

"Is there something?" The sword is unparalleled.

"My name is Lin Yi, I will deliberately thank you for your stay." Green clothes is a soft girl.

"You have no hatred with me, I only have to get the Bauhinia Letter, there is no need to kill the hand." The sword didn't say a little, and then I didn't plan to be entangled with this Lin.

"This guy is very interesting." Seeing the sword is unparalleled, Lin Yu is not angry, but it is more curious to the sword.

"Originally, I got a Bauhinia token on this bloody battle platform, I didn't expect it to defeat me, it seems that my father said that it is true, Such as the cloud, and this Zihinia is even less than a tiger-Tang Dragon. "Lin Yu is dark and dark.

At this moment, the two white robe stunned came over, "Miss, can find you, hurry back," If the adult, if you know the blood battle, you will definitely be angry. "

"I just arrived here, I am anxious, wait for me to make a Bauhinia to go back to say." Lin Yu took the mouth.

"Zijing Brand?"

These two white robe shadowed up, one of them said: "Miss, you can don't make anything, this bloody battle station is abnormal, if you go to kill, if you have some unexpected or some permissions, Then we have a bad dead, you have to be a Bauhinia, you have to find a big man, it is not necessary to kill this. "

"Okay, go back, go back, have more nonsense." Lin Yu died, followed by these two white robe left the bloody platform.


After leaving the bloody platform, the sword was unparalleled in Zihinia. It was free to rent a house and stayed. Then I started looking for a chance to kill the sister.

Wink, three days.

At the second floor of a restaurant close to the window, the sword is not born, and the eyes are looking down.

He could clearly see the handsome man who guarded by the two eternal bodies in the distance.

"Three days, this sister has been staying within the city of Tianyunge, and the two eternal guards around him have never left him. I want to wait for him to leave Tianyunge Square. Outside the hand, I am afraid that it is impossible. "The sword was unreliable.

Tianyunge Square, all over the Tianyun Pavilion, the thunderstorm is also, the sword is unparalleled, the strong people of Tianyunge can react immediately, and even prevent the strong from killing him, this is unparalleled For some adventures.

However, look at the current situation, the sword is unparalleled can only take risks.

"This sister, although there is his relationship of his teacher, this time the strength improvement is very fast, and it has also reached the level of the top, but if I want to kill him, he is absolutely not to make any reaction."

"As for his two eternal guards, it is just a step in eternal, I suddenly shot, he is also difficult to react!"

"Find opportunities, shoot directly, one hit, then leave it directly."

The sword has no double eyes, spreading faintly.

These three days he had the strength of the sister, or the bottom of the two guards next to him.

With his strength, he suddenly shocked, the chance to do, very big, and he also sucked.

After the decision, the sword is unparalleled, and the wine is left, slowly relying on the location of the sister.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not born in the street, just a moment, he has already come to the place where it is less than 50 meters, but the sister still does not respond.

"I only have a chance. If this time I can't kill him, then this sister will definitely be more careful, even staying around his teacher, will not let me find any chance of assassination."

"So, this time, he will die!"

There is no strong light in the sword.

"That's this time!"

The sword has no double shape suddenly moved.

The shape is slippery, and the speed suddenly broke out, and the sword was unbearable, and the young sword was immediately scabble.

In less than 50 meters, the sword is unparalleled, and then the long sword is flipped, and the fastest sword is the fastest, the evening.

I saw a beautiful sword shadow quietly, and the swords were slightly trembled before the smell of the smell, and the sword was slightly treated with the sword. The power has remained the ultimate.

Although the sword is unparalleled, he does not know how to assassinate, but he also understands how to find the assassination time.

A best time, the most unresolved, the fastest sword!

This sword is the sword of killing!

That sister, there is absolutely no possible possible.

On the street, the two eternal bodies beside the side were in the center, and the mind was thinking about the chance of his master, at all, did not detect this deadly sword.

The two eternal storms next to him did not respond until the Sword Ying has already responded when he is in the sultise.

"not good!"

These two eternal guards, although the crisis is noticeable, they can be unable to do so.


A low voice sounded, and the sword was not changed.

The swords and Yings he waved clearly, it was necessary to pierce Sugi throat, who once thought of this critical time, the sister suddenly rose a layer of energy barrier, this energy barrier is still very Hard, hard studies blocked his sword.

However, after blocking this sword, this energy barrier is also immediately slapping. At the same time, a finger in this sister is directly burst.

This is a ring, which is the thunder hand to the life of the life.

The ring contains a heavy energy barrier. This energy barrier as long as he encounters the life crisis, but only once.

"What?" Subal finally responded.

He looked up and stared at the top of the top of the top.

"Sword, sword is unparalleled!"

Sudan sent a whisper, and the figure was in the arms, and immediately took out to his teacher.

"Master, fast, come to save me!"

"It's a sword where you have to kill me."


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