Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 804 finds him!

"Hey, in Zihinia Island, there is very little strong, this sword is unparalleled from the ancient world, and just came here from Tianwan, on this Zijing Island, life is not familiar, no May go to others to borrow or buy the Bauhinner, only maybe he is going to the blood battle to win ten consecutive victories. "

"Taking his strength, it is also very easy to get ten consecutive wins on the bloody platform."

Thunder, the eyes of the eyes, the eyes of the sky, and one of the Tianyun Pavilion next to it, told: "Go, go see it immediately, this time, who has a ten consecutive victory on the bloody platform. Three feet of excavation, but also to find him. "

"Yes." Tian Yunge's strong will immediately trace it.

Tian Yunge is one of the six majors of Zihinia. The intelligence capacity is extremely good. I haven't found the results.

"Swordsman who taken three days ago?"

"Since the end of the top ten, there is still a strongest sense of God, and he only has a sword when he is in the end?"

"The sword is so good, it is him!"

After checking here, Tianyun Court immediately found the embassy of the sword where the sword was not live.

So, thunder, personally went to this house, trying to kill the sword without double, but I found that the sword was unparalleled in the evening.

"This kid, it is quite smart."

Thunder stationed in the sword, there was no double resident three-day, the house is falling in the house. "However, you think you can't find you, do you find you?"

"In the protection method." Thunder is open.

"Thunder is old." A man with a black robe after thunder is coming forward.

"I deliberately take you this time, your purpose, what do you know?" Thunder is glanced at this black robe.

"Although the old age is relieved, although the owner who leases this house has left, he has left a lot of breath, and the secret of my cultivation, you can use the breath of him to track him. As long as he didn't leave Zihinia, I can find him. "This black robes are self-confident.

Wanjie, the strong is like a cloud, the secret surgery, the secrets, all kinds of five flowers.

And this is proficient in a very special secret. This secret is used to track, as long as the other party leaves a part of the breath, you can find the other side in a certain area.

The prototype was lively engraved in the house, and there was a result.

"Thunder is old, I have found him probably, still in Zihinia, come with me."

After finishing, this protection method leads the thunder, and goes toward the Zihinia.

In the edge area of ​​the Zihinia, the sword has no doubles on a white robe, but also a silver mousse mask, and the long sword behind him will change it, changed to a giant ax. Next to the table, the temperament on his body has also become extraordinarily public, overbearing.

At first glance, the sword at this moment is two people at all.

The sword is unparalpired, and now he, even if it appears in the face of the sister, the latter may not recognize him.

Tian Yunge can be said to be the existence of hegemony, with their energy resistance, want to find my residence, just with drinking water, no accident, now the thunder is already taken to me The house of renting is here? "The sword was unhealthy, and the face under his silver monster mask was quite gloomy.


The sword is unparalleled in the wine glass.

He is indeed a loss.

He didn't expect that the sister did not only specify these guards, but also in his body, but also the kind of life life that he had a life and death crisis.

The things such as the life of life are extremely precious, when critical, it is equivalent to a life.

Such a precious thing, even if it is the thunder, it can get one more, absolutely impossible to get the second piece, but this, it is indeed a life of his disciples.

"One lost, then the sustain must be more careful, I want to kill him, it is more difficult." The sword was unparalleled.

at this time……


A full pressure suddenly came, this is strong, instantly covered the bucket where the sword is unparalleled.

"What's going on?" The sword didn't have a pair of frowning and looked up.

I saw the void, and the two stones were stepped in step. The one headed by the head is shrouded under the purple Thunder. It is that thunder.

At this moment, it covers the pressure of the entire station, which is spread from the thunder.

After the thunder, it is a black robe man. The black robes are looking at themselves. I still laughed in the mouth. "Thunder is old, then, it is the person you are looking for."

The whole body is filled in the thunder of purple thunder, and immediately saw it in the sword.

"Worse!" The sword is not double-colored.

He didn't think that he had been cautious, even specially camouflage, and also changed his temperament, and the thunder can also find the door.

Tian Yunge's energy, so?

"Kid, you think you wear a mask, change the temperament, is you not finding you?"

Thunder, the voice of the anger sounded in the world, like a rolling thunder, this sound also carried a sound wave attack, and the swings were directly in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to know that his identity has been leaked, and the sure is too lazy to hide, and the figure is moving in the upper way. It is standing in front of thunder.

The mask on the sword is also returned. There is a young sword in his hand. At the same time, the temperament on his body also returns to the past sharpness, and it is unstoppable.

"It's a good thing to be the old man, the means can be so good, so you can find me." The sword is unparalleled, but there is no fear.

"Hey, the old man's means, it is your bad boy can be imagined." Thunder is angry, "said nonsense, since you dare to kill the old-son disciples, then today, you have to leave."

When the voice came, he saw a purple stone stick in his hand. This purple stone stick still surrounded by a lot of purple thunder. With the thunderous conference, this purple stone jar is like a sunny day., the moment, the sword is unparalleled.

Booming ~~~

In the void, there is a burst of rumbling, and the whole world seems to be directly cleared by this .

This stick, the power is strong, don't say it is a sense of God, even if it is the eternal situation of the fourth step, it has been frightened.

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