Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 805 Thunder

"When you shoot, use your strength?"

"Oh, this thunder is really enough to see me."

Although the sword is unparalleled, the look is unusual.

The end of the fifth step, but also the top of the fifth step, this thunder strength is strong, exceeding all the eternal bits before the sword is unparalleled.

~~~ The sword is unparalleled on the blood of the blood, and immediately starts to skyrise with the amazing speed, just instantly constantly changing the golden god of 15 meters high.

"This, what is this?"

"So tall body? Who is this person?"

"Good breath!"

A large number of martial arts surrounded the body of the sword, and one of them revealed the color of the horror.

The ancient gods, although it is not rare in the sky, the strong people in the sky are unfair, if someone can become ancient god, and will not feel unexpected.

It is Zijing Island. It doesn't know how far from the sky. There is no life in the eternal circles. These martial arts present are there. I have never heard of the ancient gods. When I saw the sword unparalleled The golden ancient gods, of course shocked.

The huge body is empty, and the strong breath is spread. The sword is unparalleled, and the dark gold is reflected, and the thunder is taken. He is the same as the young and long swords of ten meters. A sound of swords and suddenly came out.

"The first style of the big sword, the big destruction of the sword!"

The sword is unparalleled, and Jianxin Weilong has remained the extreme.

Two terrible offensive, the time is hitting together.


A loud noise, the void of the hit, the slight spatial crack directly appeared.

Although the spatial cracks are very small, but with the space of the ancient borders, there is no fifth step in the war, and the space cracks will occur.

After the confrontation, the huge body of the sword was immediately turned into a stream of flowing out, and the number of builders who took a few buildings were fired.

"It is the end of the end of the fifth step, the strength can be really strong, I have went to the exhibition to the sword, and the result is still rushing by him." The sword is unparalleled with dark golden electricity. There is a shock of a shock.

"Fortunately, I have already cultivated Xinghe secrets to the twelfth floor. The power of power is once again enhanced. The overall strength has also improved a lot, otherwise, this thunder is afraid to be a stick."

From the day of Tianda, it comes to this Zihinia, and the sword has taken a total of 37 years.

Thirty-seven years, it may be very short for others, but it is very long for the sword who is born to two hundred years.

Before leaving the sky, his war is reluctant to be the fourth step.

And in this thirty-seventh year, he continued to kill, hind himself outside the domain industry, and his progress was naturally not small.

The first is the sword, obviously a lot, and on the realm of the sword, now he has reached the peak of the second level of the sword, and the half of the feet have been joined to the third level, the sword is unparalleled, even feels that it is possible. breakthrough.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled in some secrets, and there is no small improvement.

Like a magic god, two secrets of Tianzhu, just getting started before, now mastering a significant higher.

And the secret of the star river, when he was in the sky, only cultivated to the eleventh floor, the power was thirty-three times, but now he has already made a twelfth layer, the power amplitude reached 36 times, more than before Three times, the natural outbreak is stronger.

With the innate advantages of the Golden Antique God, the big sword, the sword is unparalleled, and his own combat power has barely reaches the threshold of the fifth step.

Such a power, it is very strong, but why he is now the thunder, but a genuine trump in the top of the fifth step.

The fifth step threshold, with the fifth step, the gap is of course large.

"On strength, I am not his opponent, but I am very smoked, the sword is extremely high, with these two points, it can be entangled with him, but it is a positive fight." The sword has no bidding in the sky, The kimoni of the next minute of 15 meters high, the ancient gods, I went straight to the thunderness.

"court death!"

Thunder is a burst, and the purple stone stick will immediately welcome it, and the purple stone stick is free to sway, a huge thunderon is surprising.

Time, the two are killing the front.

And one hand, it is clear that the sword is unparalleled in an absolute disadvantage, and even completely pressed.

Although this, the sword is unparalleled, but there is no evil idea.

"I alone in the past 37 years, although I have encountered some powerful power, but I can truly let me go to a battle, but there are few days, boring for so long, it is hard to encounter this If the strength is so strong, if you don't fight with him, how to get to me. "The sword roared.

As an ancient god, there is a good battle in my bones.

It's hard to touch a opponent, he naturally doesn't miss it.

And he is not worried that he will be killed by this thunder.

The golden god, the body is strong, and is it easy to kill this?

What's more, there are many big cards on the sword, and you can not be afraid of this thunder.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A dramatic roar sounds through the whole world, on the battlefield, the vast power of power is all everywhere, and the surrounding a large number of buildings collapsed, on the ground, also pitted, miserable.

However, this fierce battle, but there is still no sign to stop, but he is more intensified and gradually reaches the white heat phase.

Just at this time ...


A low drink is like a thunder, and it sounds in the world.

It's tight, I saw a group of sergeants wearing purple waves rushed over the battlefield with amazing speed. This group of purple wafers have been abnormal, and even thunder is not allowed. Don't pay attention to it.


The sword is unparalleled with the thunder, and the movements in the hands of the two do not stop, and they will return.

After again standing storm, the thunderstorm is naturally the state, the breath, and the sword is unparalleled, obviously some wolves, but the war is extremely strong.

"What are you doing?"

The buseinermager appeared in the center of the battlefield, and the head is a young man, a young man in a face, this young man is carrying a knife behind him. After the appearance, his eyes are ringing, when you are unparalleled from the sword When I swept it, he flashed a different color, but it was soon being covered by him.

And the sword is unparalleled to see this suddenly arrived, and the eyes flashed, but it immediately covered it.

Can be in the bottom, the sword is unparalleled, but it is rushing!

"Is it him?"


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