Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 807 Third level

"This is."

Yang was again nod. "You want to find Wang Yuan's long, wait until the Eastern Tang Dynasty naturally can see it, but now there is a big gentleman teacher in Eastern Tang Dynasty, mixed more than we have two."

"East Tang Dang Chief Alchemist?" The sword was unparalleled.

He knew that Wang Yuan had great talent in alchemy, but it would not be this metamorphosis?

This is long, and it has been mixed from the position of the Chief Alchemist of Eastern Tang Dynasty?

"Give the old three, how did you just talk to Tianyong Pavilion? Look at him, but I want to kill you?" Yang Zhan Xuan asked.

"The disciple of this thunder, that is, I am crazy in the ancient world, I want to kill the enemies. Today, I shot to assassinate his disciples, and the result failed, and this thunder didn't know what method found me. So I have this scene. "The sword has no double.

"The enemy of the ages? You haven't killed it yet?" Yang Wu Xuan frowned.

"He is lucky." The sword was unparalleled.

Today, he could kill the sister, but he did not expect that the sister will have that life life.

"The thunder is not only strong, but also the guest of Tianyunge, there is not a small power in Tianyun Pavilion, extremely difficult, is stared at him, can not be a good thing, old three, you can be careful "Yang Zai Xuan reminded.

"I understand." The sword didn't nod, he didn't hit the thunder.

"Right to the old two, this courtyard is yours?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, I am the Bauhini army, there is an independent court in Zihinia." Yang Changxuan replied.

"Since it is your courtyard, it should be safe, then the thunder is not asking for an unauthorized income?" The sword will continue to ask.

"Of course, I will borrow two courageies, I don't dare to get the courtyard of the Baujun Army." Yang Weixuan is self-confident.

"That's good." The sword nodded, and there was a smile on his face. "The second year, give me a secret room, I need to be closed for a few days."

"Closing the door?" Yang Zi Xuanyi.

"I have a bottleneck. I have been half a feet across it. I am in the edge of breakthrough, and I just have a strong battle with that thunder, quite a little comprehension, just let me close the door to a few days, I can break through, strength It can also achieve great improvements, enough to counter the thunder. "Sword is unparalleled.

"Is this?" Yang Zi Xuan moved in his heart, and immediately nodded, "I will give you it immediately."

I immediately prepared a secret room for Yang and Xuan to give the sword, and the sword was unparalleled immediately to start in the room, and the closed door was slow.

The sword is unlikely, he is with Thunder, although the last time is not long, it is indeed a lot of comprehension.

Earlier, he has reached the top of the second level of the sword in the sword, and the half of the foot is in the third level.

The third level of this sword, he felt that he had possible breakthroughs at any time, and after a war with Thunder, he had found a breakthrough opportunity.

In the secret room, the sword is unparalleled, sitting, in his weekend, surrounded by a heavy-old sword.

These swords are extremely high, and they are more complicated.

Some will be exciting, some are overbearing, and some are the flatness.

When these swords are completely aggregated.

Wan Jian returns!

Regardless of these swords, there is a huge gap, but it will not be separated from its Zong.

The sword is the sword!

The sword is the sword!

"Sword, the third level!"

The sword is unparalleled, and a strong sword is straightforward. In his , then there is no sword with strong and horizontally, it is immediately starting to transform.

Only a moment, this transformation has ended.

Since then, the sword is unparalleled, and the third level of the sword is also truly.

When the first level, the overall strength of the sword is also ushered in a quality leap.

Single swordsman, the third level of swordsman, strong than the second level, no more than ten times.

At the same time, he understands the understanding of swordsmanship, the accomplishment of swordsmanship, will also reach a new concept.

The strength has increased!

"It is just the top of the second level of the sword, I am going to make my thunder, and I can completely press it, I can only take my own swordsman, the strong horizontal body of the ancient god, reluctantly entangled, but now I am a big heart break, strength Sir, if you fight with him, even if you feel hard to face, I don't have to fear him. "The sword was unparalleled with hands, and the heart flashed.

The sword is unparalleled this time, it took three days.

Three days later, he successfully broke out from the room, and Yang Zi Xuan immediately greeted.

"Old three, how is it?" Yang Ren Xuan Xuan Xued to ask.

"The breakthrough is very smooth, there is no hindrance," the sword laughed.

"That seems that you have confidence to deal with the thunder?" Yang Weixuan stared at the sword.

"I went to them tonight." The sword flashed in the buddy.

"Tonight?" Yang again has a good mouth, "Do you need me to help?"

"No, just a thunder, I still don't put it on my heart, wait for you to help, I will not be polite with you." The sword was laughing.

Yang Zengxuan shrugged and did not bare.

His life is indifferent, and in front of the sword, Wang Yuan, Su Fu they have three in front of them, quite enthusiasm, but if they change others, he is too lazy to pay attention.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled.

At night, the moon is empty.

On Zijing Island, the lights are clear, still very busy.

There is still a lot of pedestrians in the streets in the city of Tianyun.

The sword of a piece of black robe is unparalleled, lending the mastery of the moonlight, can see the situation in Tianyunge Square city very clear.

"Oh, I guess it is right. I have been assassination before, this sister has become more cautious. Although I don't leave Tianyunge City, I started to go all over the city. Now he is in the store all day, with his teacher, I don't say hand, even if it is just near the shop, his master is likely to be noted in advance. "

The sword is hidden in the void, holding a letter that has just been got.

"So be careful, I want to kill him, the difficulty has improved a lot."

"It seems that I can only tiger away from the mountain."

The sword is unparalleled, and the bottom has a plan.


As the sword is unparalleled, there is a sudden shape appeared next to him, and it is his killing.

In order to assassinate the sister, the sword is unparalleled to make their own two big respects at the same time.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled.

I saw his world's own hands holding the little sword, quietly drifting out, and his killing is respected, it is still in the place, careful to conceal the shape.

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