Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 808 cracks!

In the store, Lei Yun is sitting in the quiet end, and there is a mysterious old man who enveloped under the black robe.

This mysterious old man's breath is very weird, if there is no, it seems that there is no general.

As for the sister, it is some restrained sitting below.

"The hatred between the sword is unparalleled, Different Dai Tian, ​​although the last murder failed, you can give up this, but will find a chance to assassinate again. During this time, I will stay. Here, as long as the sword is unparalleled, you will be annoying to you. "Lei Yun looked at the mysterious old man who shrouded under the black robes.

"Thunder is relieved, the people are taking, the loyalty, and let me have in the Tian Yunge, should help each other." The mysterious old man smiled slightly.

Suddenly, the mysterious old man under the black robe, lifting the head, "he has come."

"So fast?" Lei Xin showed it, as for the life, it is a tight inner.

Thunderstandings shouted this mysterious old man, not only because the latter strength is extremely strong, but also because the latter's inductance is not general.

The sword is unparalleled, thunder is not a gap with the sister, but Mr. Wu is noticeable.

"Oh, this little child is very cautious, he is not anxious to be close, but in the nearby." Mr. Wu smiled.

Thunder is looking at Mr. Wu.

After a moment, this Mr. Mr. is a slight cluster. "It's just so long? It looks like he didn't work, just want to confirm that your disciple is in this shop."

"Didn't you work?" Thunder is secretly nodded.

I know that he personally sits in this town, and the sword is unparalleled. If you don't have a direct shot, that is the weird.

"Oh?" Mr. Wu suddenly came out.

"What happened?" Thunder was immediately seen.

"It seems that he gave up, it was already allowed." Mr. Wu smiled.

"Walk?" Thunder is a sink, "Hey, it is actively sent to the door, I still want to go?"

"Mr. Wu, shot with me, kill this!"

Thunder sent a low drink, and the next moment, a sharp breath was suddenly litter, his body was immediately turned into a purple Thunder.

While thundering, Mr. Wu, who is shrouded under the black robes, also laughed, and the body shape also passed out.

The two have been doing at the same time, leaving the sister, stay in the store in this shop.

boom! boom!

Two horrible breath suddenly broke out, just like a bright light at this night.

The sword in the shop near the shop is unparalleled. Naturally, the first time is detected.

"Not good, I am discovered!"

The sword is unparalleled with a warehouse, and then I don't say that I will go straight to the dark voids.

"Kid, still want to escape? This time, the old man will not give you any more opportunities."

Thunder is a roar, his sight has been completely locked in the sword unparalleled, with Mr. Wu, who is directly chasing the sword.


Three figure, one fled in front, two were chased behind, and the speed was very fast, so soon disappeared in this world.

And I saw that Thunder's heart disappeared, and she had been hidden in another void, and the sword is unparalleled, but he reveals a cold smile.

Next, a full-body scarlet is like a seven-foot long sword that is incomparably bloody in his killing.

This sword, Herone is the bloody sword of his master!


The sword is unparalleled on the blood, only a moment, his killing this respect for a 15-meter-high gold armor.

The golden monk is hand-held, and the blood peak sword has also risen to 12 meters long, and its cold eyes are erected, staring at the store in front.

"Subal, this time, no one will save you again."

The sword has a low-end whistle, and the body is smashed. The huge body has appeared before that shop, and the long sword in his hand is ruthlessly changing.

A huge sword, like this black night, the moon, is incomparable.


The sword is burst into the sky, and directly smashes the entire shop.

In the store, there is also a strong man of Tianyunge. Under this sudden attack, the face has changed, and the body shape has exploded, and there is a void.

It can just appear, they see a huge goddess of the gods that exudes extremely horrified in front of them.

The volume of the ancient gods, the volume of the ancient gods, is too large, just see the first look of this golden ancient god, these Tian Yunge's strong people are not awkward.

"Sword, sword is unparalleled!"

Sugong is dead and staring at the ancient god of the gods in front of him. The latter is full of stunned eyes.

"No, it's impossible!"

"You are obvious to be chased by Mr. Wu, how can I appear here?"

"How can it be?"

Sudan is completely ignited.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is too lazy to explain with him. I saw him snort, and then the blood peak sword in his hand was in the sister.

The horrible swordscent instantly locked the sister, and this sister district is a top hero. In the sword, there is no resilience to restraining.

"No, don't kill me!"

Sugong is scared, crazy, running, shouting.

At this moment, his entire mind is fear of death.

He doesn't want to die!

"Hey, kill you?"

"Reassured, I will not kill you!"

"I don't just kill you, I will do my best to make you live longer, let you live for 10,000 years and even million years!"

"In my hand, I will let you know, how lucky it is to die!"

The sword is not brought with a slap in the face, and the blood peaks that have been cut in his hand have changed.

Obviously, a huge scarlet is like a sword of the killing of the airborne sea.

The mountains fall from the sky and directly oppress the sister.

"Jian Feng, suppression!"

The sword is unblocked in a variety of light, directly displaying the suppression of the suppression of the blood peak Jian Mountain state.

~~~ Since the bottom of the giant mountain, suddenly there is a black hole, and the secret printed of Xuan'ao is swept in the black hole, covering the sky, and it has formed a plenty of law.

This is a completely packaged in the whole person, and the sister is in a fade in a fault, and it doesn't have a moving.

He didn't even have any voices again, so he watched the law and continually shrinking, and his body was also reduced.

In the end ... The law, including him itself, is completely phagocytical by the black hole.

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