Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 809 Eternal War

Said slow, but it can actually smash the shop from the sword, and then to the suppression of the sister, it is only done in the electric light.

Such a short time, the strong people in the surrounding Tianyunge did not respond in time, but the sister has been suppressed.

After all, the sword is unparalleled, and then the giant peak is once again reduced, and the sword is unhappy, and immediately turns into a scarlet long sword model.

"The purpose has been reached, I am not staying."

The sword is unparalleled, and then immediately turned and rushed.

The strong people of Tianyun Pavili did not want to put the sword and unparalleled, and then chased it. He turned into the sword of the ancient gods. It was extremely strong, even if it was not bad compared to that thunder. In the Tianyunge Square, the eternal bodies in the fourth step in the third step, even if you join hands, you can't stop the sword.

The final sword is unparalleled killing this nature is naturally calm.

On the other side, that thunder, Mr. Wu is chasing the world of world.

The sword has no double one road to escape, and finally escape from Zihinia, escaped to the endless sea area outside the island.

"Hey, this kid, it's really looking for death!" Thunder is cold.

"If he stayed in Zihinia, there is a Bauhini army exists. I will still have some scruples when I start, but now he fled to the Zihinao outside, there is no cover, there is no constraint, I want to kill him, just How to kill him! "

"Don't care."

Mr. Wu, who is next to the thunder, "From this child, he is not weak, and he should know that there is no asylum that left Zihinia, but he is still in the island, maybe It is a strange intent, and even you may have already prepared a trap, waiting for us. "

"Trap?" Thunder is disdainful. "This kid just came here from Tianwan. I didn't know anyone. I could have any traps, unless ..."

Thunder is abrupt, he thought of a possibility.

Tiger is close to the mountain!


Thunder is low, even taking out the message, I want to ask about the situation in the store, but at this time, the sword that has been rapidly escaping in front, but the body is awkward, and turns directly, the eyes are directly I have seen it in my thunder.

"The two chased me for so long, they all chased it from Zihinia. Isn't it too tired?" The sword is unparalleled, a slap in fear.

This scene, made Thunder heart and the face of Mr. Wu.

At this time, I also asked about the situation in the store, knowing that his disciples sister have been taken away by people.


"Kid, you actually cultivate the secret skills?"

Thunder is cold, he knows that there is no double in the shop, and now there is a sword in front of them.

There are two swords and unparalleled, naturally, the sword is unparalleled.

"Oh, you only know now, don't you have to be too late?" The sword was unparalleled. "Your disciple has fallen into my hand, he can't live."

"Hey, if my disciple is dead, then you have to give him a burial!" Thunder is angry.

"Funeral? Is it?"

The sword is unparalleled and cold, but the young sword in the hand is directly to the thunder, "Thunder, I know you want to kill me, so I will give you the opportunity."

"Before the battle, because there is a Bauhjance, you have not wars, now, you will come again!"

"Haha, it's really ridiculous, there is Mr. Wu to make a helper, the old man needs to fight again with you?" Thunder is laughing.

"Mr. Wu?"

The sword is unparalleled, the old man, who is shrouded under the black robe, "Fortunately, it is only a eternal, but I don't know how to enter the first step?"

If you don't show up, if you don't show up, you can't see the first step, and the sword is not seen.

"The oldness is not ordinary, like thunder, in the fifth step." Mr. Wu also smiled.

"Two fifth step peaks?" The sword was unbeded.

He thought that his opponent was only thunder, this mirror is outside his expectation, but although it is in his unexpected power, it is still in his cash.

"Mr. Wu, I wanted to follow this thunderstone today, as for you, still stayed on the side." The sword is unparalleled, but the thunder is a waving, and the immediate three meters high. Among the side of the empty.

This is a bureaucratic color and indifferent, and the eyes are equally ice-cold.


Thunder, Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, is a change, and it is a preliminary battle with their eyes, and it is still a preliminary war.

This battle, Her Kong is a martial art, the second division of the husband, purple peak, sent to him.

When Purple Peak said, this battle, if you don't hesitate to give all the combat power, it is enough to show six steps.

This war is in the hands of the sword. It is called the sword unparalleled in a big brand. The prior to the sword is unparalleled, and it is still the first time.

"Second Director said, although the battle is strong, but it is also very huge to the god crystal, but although some gods, I can't be too wasteful." The sword didn't have a sinking for a while, and the sword refers to Mr. Wu , Open the mouth, "Take this person, don't let him have the opportunity to bother to me."


This nodded in the three-meter-high battle, then the body was hit.

It's like a Thunder to cross the void. In front of Mr. Napu, then the right hand became a punch, a horrible force gathered, and a very horizontal punch bombardment.

This battle, the right hand, with a Qiankun ring, there is a lot of god crystals in Qiankun, tens of millions, is a sword unparalleled before collection.

With the battle of the battle, there were ten thousand gods in this Qiankun to consumption for the powder.

This is still the sword, there is no double deliberate, if he is full of efforts, a punch is enough to take millions of gods, of course, the power generated is also stronger.


A boxing, the void is immediately dried with a plurality of space cracks.

The terrible gentle, so that Mr. Wu can't help the face, and immediately took a black sickle.

The sickle waves, carrys a strong knife, hit the front of the war.


A loud noise, the entire body of this Wu has been directly flying, but the war is the storm, and it will continue to fierce.

Soon the battle with Mr. Wu standing together, and very clearly the war is absolutely superior, and the Mr. Wu is suppressed, and the Mr. Wu has no chance to shoot.

See this, the sword is unparalleled and cold, and the scorpion is once again looked at the thunder.

"Now, there are only two of us!"


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